10 Best Alaska Homestead Blogs and Websites in 2025
Alaska Homestead Blogs
Here are 10 Best Alaska Homestead Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Rosehips & Honey
Blog https://rosehipsandhoney.com/category/farming/ + Follow Blog
I'm Lisa, a stay-at-home, homeschooling mother of four. We live a simpler life in our little log home in the woods. We keep honeybees, milk our Jersey dairy cows, and raise poultry for meat and eggs. Here I share farm-fresh recipes inspired by Alaskan ingredients, rustic, handmade projects, and homesteading tips.MORE Email ****@rosehipsandhoney.com
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2. Wild North Design Blog
Blog https://www.wildnorthdesignco.com/alaskan-jou.. + Follow Blog
Hello, I am Melissa, owner of Wild North Design. Recently, my husband and I decided to pick up and move to Alaska. This dream has been a couple of years in the making and we are enjoying the journey so far. We love to learn and do all kinds of things. From woodcraft to painting, to vehicles, landscaping, building, exploring...we love it all! We are finding out that Alaska is a great fit for our restless minds and bodies!MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 223Instagram Followers 398 Domain Authority 11 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. MisadventuresofanAlaskanHousewife
Blog https://misadventuresofanalaskanhousewife.com/ + Follow Blog
Hi! I'm Tabitha. With my husband and two kids, we moved to Alaska in May 2017 and are working on getting our off-grid homestead up and running. Here I will be sharing daily life stories as well as recipes and homesteading tips.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 7KInstagram Followers 39.7K Domain Authority 7 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. High Tide Homestead
Blog https://hightidehomestead.com/ + Follow Blog
Hi, I'm Katie, I started this page as a sort of journal for my family and friends to follow along on our off-grid and off-road adventures. It has allowed me to talk to people from all walks of life, to get and give advice, and to exchange homemade gifts, seeds, and mineral concretions.MORE Email ****@hightidehomestead.com
Facebook Followers 179.3KInstagram Followers 2.2K Domain Authority 3 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Alaska Homestead Adventures Blog
Blog https://alaskahomesteadadventures.com/blog + Follow Blog
Alaska Homestead Adventures LLC. for Home-cooked food, lodging, guided activities, gear, warm winter clothing, and transportation are all included. All trips are custom-designed to fit your interests. Since 2012, we have been building a homestead on 22 acres of off-grid, off-road wilderness in Alaska's Interior. We love sharing the place and our journey with people on our blog.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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6. The Contemporary Homestead Blog
Blog https://www.thecontemporaryhomestead.com/blog + Follow Blog
I'm Ashley, a retired Airforce officer, and a military spouse. An engineer by brain and business women at heart, I engage myself in DIY, building, gardening, food, and all things Alaskan homesteading resources. My penchant for life-long learning has provided me with the knowledge to be almost completely self sufficient - a skill set I want to pass on to others.MORE Email ****@pearlsncotton.com
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