15 Best Anabaptist Blogs and Websites in 2025
Anabaptist Blogs
Here are 15 Best Anabaptist Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Canadian Mennonite Magazine
Blog https://canadianmennonite.org/ + Follow Blog
Canadian Mennonite educates, inspires, informs, and fosters dialogue on issues facing Mennonites in Canada as it shares the good news of Jesus Christ from an Anabaptist perspective. It offers a regular round-up of viewpoints and stories about Mennonites in Canada and beyond.MORE Email ****@canadianmennonite.org
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2. Anabaptist Witness Blog
Blog https://www.anabaptistwitness.org/blog/ + Follow Blog
Anabaptist Witness is a global Anabaptist and Mennonite dialogue on key issues facing the church in mission. Our blog, is a forum to foster discussion and share ideas from different corners of the Anabaptist world. It is regularly updated with short reflection pieces, reactions to articles, comments on current events relating to the mission, and more.MORE Email ****@ambs.edu
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3. Anabaptist World
Blog https://anabaptistworld.org/ + Follow Blog
Anabaptist World is an independent Journalistic ministry. We seek to inform, inspire and provide a forum for anyone interested in Anabaptism can explore faith and culture.
Email ****@anabaptistworld.org
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4. Biblical Brethren Fellowship
Blog https://biblicalbrethrenfellowship.wordpress... + Follow Blog
Welcome to the Biblical Brethren Fellowship. The aim of this ministry is to present the truth of the Bible as understood by the Brethren. The Anabaptist/Brethren community has produced many writings. From the familiar Schleitheim and Dordrectht confessions to Christopher Sauer and Harold Bender, our community has attempted to stay in touch with the needs and challenges of thinking and living Biblically in a changing world.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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5. Life In The Shoe Blog
Blog http://dorcassmucker.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
I'm Dorcas! Remember the old woman who lived in a shoe? I'm a lot like her, with a husband and varying numbers of children in our 100-year-old farmhouse. This blog is about our lives.
Email ****@gmail.com
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6. Anabaptist Perspectives
Blog https://anabaptistperspectives.org/ + Follow Blog
Anabaptist Perspectives was formed to address the perceived void of accurate descriptions of conservative Anabaptist life and thought inaccessible online media. The mission of Anabaptist Perspectives is to publish a rich stream of digital media promoting biblical, historical, and theological discussions about current social and cultural issues.MORE Email ****@anabaptistperspectives.org
Facebook Followers 2.9KInstagram Followers 708 Domain Authority 16 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Young Anabaptist Radicals
Blog https://young.anabaptistradicals.org/ + Follow Blog
YAR is a loose affiliation of self-identified young Anabaptist radicals. We'll break down each element of the title to try to shed some light on what exactly we identify with. Rather than offering a definitive answer, this page is an ongoing compilation of the way different YAR contributors have answered the questions in their posts and their comments.MORE Domain Authority 26 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. AWN s Blog
Blog https://www.anabaptistworship.net/blog + Follow Blog
The AWN blog features writing on topics related to Anabaptist worship by a variety of contributors. The goal of the Anabaptist Worship Network (AWN) is to support worship and song leaders in making intentional, theologically grounded, and spiritually inspired choices about worship practices that respond to their local contexts and dismantle oppression in their communities.MORE Email ****@ambs.edu
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9. Anabaptist Orchestra Blog
Blog https://www.orchestracamp.info/anabaptist-orc.. + Follow Blog
Anabaptist Orchestra Camp exists to offer praise to the Lord by giving Anabaptist instrumental musicians the opportunity to play their instruments with other believers, develop their skills, and enjoy fellowship with other musicians.MORE Email ****@orchestracamp.info
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10. Patheos Blog » Anabaptist Revisions
Blog https://www.patheos.com/blogs/anabaptistrevis.. + Follow Blog
Patheos.com is the premier online destination to engage in the global dialogue about religion and spirituality and to explore and experience the world's beliefs. Read the Anabaptist Revisions Blog from a Mennonite pastor, publisher, professor, and provocateur in the following section.MORE Email ****@getadmiral.com
Facebook Followers 96.1KTwitter Followers 995 Domain Authority 84 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. The Drunken Mennonite » Anabaptist And Mennonite History
Blog https://www.slklassen.com/tag/anabaptist-and-.. + Follow Blog
I am a Klassen author of Menno-Nightcaps (Touchwood, 2021) Always irreverent; often irrelevant. Mennonite life and cocktail recommendations. Follow and read blog posts on Anabaptist And Mennonite History.MORE Facebook Followers 673Twitter Followers 4.1K Domain Authority 19 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. AAANZ Blog
Blog https://anabaptist.asn.au/blog/ + Follow Blog
The Anabaptist Association links people in Australia and New Zealand who share a passion for Jesus, community, and reconciliation. The network finds inspiration from the life of Jesus, the earliest church, and the convictions of the first Anabaptist communities to be peacemakers and people who dream about and work for a more compassionate world.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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13. Anabaptist Historians
Blog https://anabaptisthistorians.org/ + Follow Blog
Anabaptist Historians: Bringing the Anabaptist Past into a Digital Century is a collaborative blog by Anabaptist scholars, both those working from an Anabaptist identity and those studying Mennonites, Amish, Brethren, and other branches of the Anabaptist tradition. Its mission is to share cutting-edge scholarship with a broad readership, to foster relationships between scholars of Anabaptism, and to encourage debates on critical issues in contemporary Anabaptist faith and life.MORE Domain Authority 34 Read Now Get Email Contact
14. The Mennonite Game » Church
Blog https://themennonitegame.com/church/ + Follow Blog
We recognize that many Mennonites do not support the 1963 Mennonite Confession of Faith. However, this directory serves a specific niche and notes that there are other Mennonite online groups available for those looking for something different. Read about Chruch, and go through articles and posts to learn more. We also share various articles on culture, daily life, family, and more.MORE Domain Authority 6 Read Now Get Email Contact
15. Anabaptist Faith
Blog https://anabaptistfaith.org/ + Follow Blog
Welcome! This website is a search for the historic Christian faith in an Anabaptist fashion. I'm offering a biblically and historically sound framework that Anabaptists can use to better understand their faith. This website is for the sake of God's church, which consists of all believers worldwide who place their allegiance to Jesus Christ.MORE Domain Authority 5 Read Now Get Email Contact
Anabaptist Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Canadian Mennonite | Submissions | canadianmennonite.org | |
Jamie Pitts | Editor | anabaptistwitness.org/blog | |
Isaac S. Villegas | Editor | anabaptistwitness.org/blog | |
Luis Tapia | Editor | anabaptistwitness.org/blog | |
Anabaptist World | Editorial Inquiries | anabaptistworld.org | |
David C. Cramer | Author & Founder | patheos.com/blogs/anabaptistrevisions | |
Jenny Gehman | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Jerrell Williams | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Hendy Matahelemual | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Brad Roth | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Aaron Epp | Contributor | canadianmennonite.org | |
Joanne Gallardo | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Juan Moya | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Tim Huber | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Paul Schrag | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Jennie Wintermote | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
David | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Leann Augsburger | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Isaac Villegas | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
John D. Roth | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Lucinda Kinsinger | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Sarah Augustine | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Eileen Kinch | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Danielle Klotz | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Micah Brickner | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Astrid Von Schlachta | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Andrew Suderman | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Melanie Howard | Contributor | anabaptistworld.org | |
Will Braun | Contributor | canadianmennonite.org | |
Matthew Clarke | Contributor | anabaptist.asn.au | |
Matt Stone | Contributor | anabaptist.asn.au | |
Anneli Loepp Thiessen | Contributor | anabaptistworship.net | |
Deana Swanson | Contributor | orchestracamp.info | |
Lynn Martin | Contributor | anabaptistfaith.org | |
Paul Garber | Contributor | anabaptistfaith.org | |
Greg Weaver | Contributor | anabaptistfaith.org | |
Rbw426 | Contributor | anabaptisthistorians.org |