10 Best Arabic Music Blogs and Websites in 2025
Arabic Music Blogs
Here are 10 Best Arabic Music Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Arabsounds Blog
Blog https://www.arabsounds.net/blog/ + Follow Blog
Check out the newest Arabic songs, de hottest playlist with the best Arabic music, and the latest news about your favorite Arabic singers and tv shows! This blog is all about Arabic music. It's all about Arabic music. Arabsounds keeps you up to date about the latest Arabic music releases. Every Sunday we bring you the Arab Top 20 with the most popular Arabic songs of the week.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 14.9KTwitter Followers 2.4KInstagram Followers 186K Frequency 22 posts/quarter Domain Authority 25 Read Now Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Arabic Music Retreat
Blog https://arabicmusicretreat.org/ + Follow Blog
Founded in 1997, the Arabic Music Retreat features instruction in all facets of Arabic music including technique, theory, and repertoire. It is considered the premier Arabic music program in the United States. Led by internationally renowned musician Simon Shaheen, the Retreat brings world-class instruction of Arabic music to the campus of Mount Holyoke College in the town of South Hadley, in western Massachusetts. The event takes place each summer when the campus is quiet and in its full summer glory.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 1.1K Frequency 1 post/quarter Domain Authority 9 Read Now Get Email Contact
Blog http://lazyproduction-arabtunes.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
Music & Arts from North Africa, Middle and Near East: the past and the future, blog about arab music.
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 3.5K Frequency 1 post/quarter Domain Authority 29 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Arabic Music Library Blog
Blog https://www.arabicmusiclibrary.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Arabic music library is a platform that provides Music sheets in all forms such as a PDF, Midi, and Source File for musicians, music producers, and even beginner students that is simple to use and maintain; we offer dynamic music sheets that correspond the instrument with its suitable clef. Arabic Music Library enables clients to find different pitches on a PDF file for the required song that suits the singer's pitch and facilitates the adjustment of the pitch when purchasing the source file by using Sibelius Music Software.MORE Email ****@arabicmusiclibrary.com
Facebook Followers 17.7KInstagram Followers 1.6K Frequency 1 post/quarter Domain Authority 15 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Brooklyn Maqam
Blog https://brooklynmaqam.com/blogs/735b7c10-bbaa.. + Follow Blog
Brooklyn Maqam is an organization dedicated to fostering community engagement with maqam-based music, presenting and promoting music from the Middle Eastern (especially Arabic) musical traditions, with the goals of connecting musicians and audiences, preserving the art form through education and mentorship, and providing performance opportunities for both established masters and emerging talents. We work to bring together people who love Arabic music and strive to build a community welcoming to people of all backgrounds, musicians and listeners alike.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 1.5KInstagram Followers 4K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 20 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. World Music Central » Arabic music
Blog https://worldmusiccentral.org/tag/arabic-music/ + Follow Blog
This category is about Arabic music, Iraqi music, Yemenite music, Palestinian Female Artists, and more. We feature the latest international news, CD, and concert reviews, articles, and many resources (in the form of a wiki) for music fans, industry professionals, and researchers. Our definition of World Music includes traditional and contemporary folk and roots music from the entire globe, as well as cross-cultural fusions and hybrids.MORE Email ****@worldmusiccentral.org
Twitter Followers 1.1K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 53 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Arabic Musical Scores Blog
Blog https://www.arabicmusicalscores.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Arabic Musical Scores is an online Sheet music store where you can purchase and/or download free sheet music for Arabic popular traditional and modern songs. Arabic Musical Scores Website was founded in the year 2000 offering Arabic sheet music and musical scores to thousands of people around the world.MORE Email ****@wassim.net
Facebook Followers 1.9K Domain Authority 11 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Oud for Guitarists » Arabic Music
Blog https://www.oudforguitarists.com/tag/arabic-m.. + Follow Blog
This category is about Arabic repertoire, the difference between Arabic and Turkish microtones, sawt al-Khaleej, the difference between Persian, Arabic, and Turkish quartertones, and more. We are Navid Goldrick, a professional Middle Eastern Oud player, Navid's sidekick, and a Middle Eastern dancer, Mao Murakami. Watch regular live Oud lessons, and Oud music covers, learn Oud techniques and find out where to get private Oud lessons.MORE Email ****@oudforguitarists.com
Domain Authority 22 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Arabic Jazz Blog
Blog https://arabicjazz.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
Arabic Jazz blog, with reviews of Oriental Jazz and Sheet Music. NASHAZ is the end result of leader Brian Prunka's decades of experience playing both jazz and Arabic music the band brings together a coterie of top-drawer New York musicians selected for their abilities to meld jazz and world music, playing his original compositions featuring oud, trumpet saxophone, and percussion.MORE Facebook Followers 1.3K Domain Authority 10 Read Now Get Email Contact