15 Best Arizona Book Blogs and Websites in 2025
Arizona Book Blogs
Here are 15 Best Arizona Book Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Wishful Endings
Blog https://www.wishfulendings.com/ + Follow Blog
Tressa has been an avid reader her whole life. In 2013, she began her blog, Wishful Endings, to share her love of reading with others. She reads mainly in the Young Adult and Sweet Romance genres but also enjoys Christian Romance, LDS Romance, and other hobby titles. She is also a tour co-host at Prism Book Tours. Outside of blogging and reading, she is active in her church and spends most of her time with her husband, four children, and a spoiled puppy.MORE Email ****@outlook.com
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2. The Poisoned Pen Bookstore Blog
Blog https://poisonedpen.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
The Poisoned Pen Bookstore, founded in 1989 by Barbara G. Peters, is an independent bookstore specializing in fiction. Discover with them current and classic works of mystery, thrillers, historical and literary fiction, and literature of the American Southwest, much of it offered in Autographed First Editions and imports. Their Book Clubs bring exciting new work right to your door.MORE Email ****@poisonedpen.com
Facebook Followers 31.8KTwitter Followers 12.4KInstagram Followers 19.8K Domain Authority 48 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Steve Laube Blog
Blog https://stevelaube.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Steve Laube, president and founder of The Steve Laube Agency, is a veteran of the bookselling industry with 40 years of experience. The Agency is committed to providing top-quality guidance to authors and speakers. They focus primarily on the Christian marketplace and have an outstanding gallery of authors and speakers.MORE Email ****@stevelaube.com
Facebook Followers 5.8KTwitter Followers 8.9K Since Jun 2009 Domain Authority 47 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Chandler Public Library Blog
Blog https://chandlerlibrary.org/blogs/ + Follow Blog
In August of 1954, the five-year dream of the Chandler Junior Woman's Club became a reality when the doors of the Chandler Public Library were opened. The group conducted a door-to-door campaign to raise the necessary funds to construct the building and provide for a small collection of books. As evident in the abundance of support received, the entire community felt that it was important to have a library of its own.MORE Email ****@chandlerlibrary.org
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5. Worlds of Words Blog
Blog https://wowlit.org/blog/ + Follow Blog
Worlds of Words is committed to providing a range of resources to encourage educators at all levels to integrate global literature into the lives of children. Additionally, it provides materials on loan to schools, libraries, and literacy groups, such as language and culture book kits, global story boxes, and family story backpacks. The collection in WOW is organized by regions of the world and focuses on global literature in English that is published or distributed in the United States.MORE Email ****@arizona.edu
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6. Brad Graber Blog
Blog https://www.bradgraber.com/there-i-said-it/ + Follow Blog
Brad Graber writes novels because he grew up in a family where no one listened to him. So he made up stories about them. Born and raised in New York City, he obtained a B.A. in Biology from the State University of New York at Buffalo and an M.H.A. from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Though he no longer works in healthcare, he continues to volunteer with local nonprofits. Read blog posts by award-winning novelist and blogger on subjects such as growing older, being a writer, and whimsical observations on life here.MORE Email ****@bradgraber.com
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7. Emily The Book Nerd
Blog https://www.emilythebooknerd.com/ + Follow Blog
Emily lives in the hot Arizona desert in Phoenix, AZ. She also has a Tiktok where she talks about all things bookish @lifeofemilyxo She has been reading and writing her whole life. She is a Shih Tzu and Maine Coon Cat Mom. She is convinced in another life she was on The Titanic. She loves to read stories where she can escape reality. Visit the Emily The Book Nerd blog that features book reviews, lifestyle, tips, blogging, and more.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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8. Phoenix Book Company Blog
Blog http://www.phoenixbookcompany.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Phoenix Book Company started this blog because they're readers. They love every genre and gobble up books like candy; so telling you about what they're reading, their current faves, and general book recommendations seemed like the natural next step. They hope you find something new to love. They believe a love of reading starts early and they think whether you are 5 or 75, finding a good book to read should be at the top of everyone's list.MORE Email ****@phoenixbookcompany.com
Facebook Followers 1.1KInstagram Followers 368 Domain Authority 19 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Nnedi's Wahala Zone Blog
Blog https://nnedi.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
The adventures of writer Nnedi Okorafor and her daughter Anyaugo Okorafor. Companion to the nnedi.com website. Check out the Nnedi's Wahala Zone Blog and learn more about books, articles, updates, and more.MORE Domain Authority 48 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. The AZSF Blog
Blog http://azsf.net/azsfblog/ + Follow Blog
The AZSF blog is to promote science fiction and fantasy-related events, groups, and activities happening in Arizona.
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11. 'Page Petal Blog
Blog https://pagepetal.com/blogs/blog + Follow Blog
Gloria White is the founder of the Page Petal blog. Each Page Petal Bookmark is crafted and delivered as an invitation to friendship and a memento to remind you of the beauty in life. Page Petal is the original flower-pressed bookmark store. See their handcrafted bookmarks for every occasion.MORE Email ****@pagepetal.com
Facebook Followers 396Instagram Followers 10.4K Domain Authority 21 Read Now Get Email Contact
Arizona Book Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Steve Laube | Author | stevelaube.com/blog | |
Tamela Hancock Murray | Author | stevelaube.com/blog | |
Brad Graber | Author | bradgraber.com/there-i-said-it | |
Emily Nicholas | Emily The Book Nerd | Contributor | emilythebooknerd.com | |
Blog - | Contributor | stevelaube.com | |
Tressa @ Wishful Endings | Contributor | wishfulendings.com | |
Robert Rosenwald | Contributor | poisonedpen.com | |
Poisonedblogger | Contributor | poisonedpen.com | |
Poisonedpeeps | Contributor | poisonedpen.com | |
Cplblogger | Contributor | chandlerlibrary.org | |
Chandlerazted | Contributor | chandlerlibrary.org | |
Wowstudent | Contributor | wowlit.org | |
Rebecca Ballenger | Contributor | wowlit.org | |
Azsf | Contributor | azsf.net |