25 Best Art Business and Marketing Blogs and Websites in 2025
Art Business and Marketing Blogs
Here are 25 Best Art Business and Marketing Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
Blog https://makingamark.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
Artist and writer Katherine Tyrrell writes about art for artists and art lovers on her top art blog. On Making A Mark you can read about: art, drawing, painting, art news, artists and painters, exhibitions, art competitions, art blogs, the art business, art economy, marketing art, art history; art techniques and tips & making a mark with pastels, colored pencils, and pen & ink.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 9.8KTwitter Followers 3KInstagram Followers 7K Frequency 4 posts/week Domain Authority 46 Read Now Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Artwork Archive Blog
Blog https://www.artworkarchive.com/blog + Follow Blog
Artwork Archive Blog is the place for art resources, news, and advice for artists, collectors, and art lovers alike. We built the Artwork Archive to give artists, collectors, and organizations a better way to manage their art. Our mission is to empower artists to take control of their inventory and career. We utilize elegant design and the latest technology to give artists unprecedented insight into their artwork, showings, and sales.MORE Email ****@artworkarchive.com
Facebook Followers 31.4KTwitter Followers 3KInstagram Followers 190.4K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 50 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Artsy Shark
Blog https://www.artsyshark.com/ + Follow Blog
Artsy Shark provides marketing and sales strategies to artists looking to build their small businesses and features amazing artist portfolios. I'm Carolyn Edlund, the founder of Artsy Shark. My mission is to inspire every artist to build a better art business. You'll find plenty of resources and assistance here. Our focus is on publishing information that is useful and actionable for readers, whether you are just getting started or have years of experience.MORE Email ****@artsyshark.com
Frequency 1 post/day Domain Authority 48 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Very Private Gallery Blog
Blog https://veryprivategallery.com/art-business-b.. + Follow Blog
Very Private Gallery is an art business blog offering a list of long in-depth articles about quotes, tips, and artists with constantly updated research. Very Private Gallery was founded in 2014 to curate and communicate emerging visual art. We create content that helps artists grow. You can find articles on our blog, and videos on YouTube. We also have art and business-related coaching. Through this, our only aim is to help artists make a living from art.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 599Twitter Followers 17.2KInstagram Followers 46.2K Frequency 8 posts/year Domain Authority 39 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Art Marketing News Blog
Blog https://artmarketingnews.com/blog-post-archives/ + Follow Blog
Barney Davey published the free weekly Art Marketing News blog in 2005 and has helped thousands of artists who have sought advice for new ways to boost their careers. It provides art marketing advice and art career training to help artists and photographers find collectors, sell more art, and operate profitably. Wade through his blog and learn more about services, informational videos, articles, latest news related to art, and more.MORE Email ****@artmarketingnews.com
Facebook Followers 12KTwitter Followers 7.9KInstagram Followers 2.6K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 34 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. Artists Network » Art Business
Blog https://www.artistsnetwork.com/art-business/ + Follow Blog
The art business section is all about exploring art, art forms, how pandemic impacted artists, how to make money as an artist, a guide to selling artwork during holidays, and more! Wherever you are on your art journey, Artists Network is here to help. Imagine us as your mentor in the studio, inspiring you to create and empowering you to take the next step. Our mission is to empower artists with the techniques, knowledge, ideas, and inspirations that help ignite their visions and bring them to life.MORE Email ****@artistsnetwork.com
Facebook Followers 402.3KTwitter Followers 22.8KInstagram Followers 37.9K Frequency 3 posts/month Domain Authority 60 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Agora Gallery
Blog https://agifineart.com/advice/ + Follow Blog
Agora Gallery is a contemporary fine art gallery in the heart of New York City's art district. Established by the late Miki Stiles, MFA, to provide opportunities to artists entering the global art market. Our dedicated team works to ensure that all the details of an artist's representation are handled efficiently, from shipping artwork to the many kinds of artist promotion in which the gallery is involved. Our blog is where you can find tips and guides from our staff as well as fellow artists.MORE Email ****@agora-gallery.com
Twitter Followers 6.9KInstagram Followers 63.2K Frequency 2 posts/week Domain Authority 21 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Mobius Industries Blog
Blog https://www.mobiusindustries.com/news/ + Follow Blog
At Mobius, we build audiences for exciting and inventive cultural projects, with a specialism in the performing arts and entertainment. Our blog includes regular articles from guest editors on the future of theatre and performance from journalists, including Eleanor Turney, Dawn King, Natasha Tripney, Catherine Love, Theo Bosanquet, Terri Paddock, and Hannah Nicklin. It also includes the latest news from our clients.MORE Email ****@mobiusindustries.com
Twitter Followers 4.2KInstagram Followers 1.8K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 26 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Art Storefronts Blog
Blog https://blog.artstorefronts.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
On the Art Storefronts Blog, you'll find articles, videos, in-depth tutorials, and more. It's the best place anywhere to learn how to sell your art online. We're a team of artists, software developers, marketing experts, and business executives from Austin, Texas. Together, we've made it our mission and passion to help artists, photographers, art galleries, museums, fine art print studios, and photo labs capitalize on the booming online art opportunity.MORE Email ****@artstorefronts.com
Facebook Followers 126.1KTwitter Followers 897 Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 45 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. Art Marketing.com
Blog https://artmarketing.com/ + Follow Blog
Art Marketing.com contains popular posts for more great art marketing strategies and ideas, check out Eric's marketing videos & DVDs and art marketing videos. Learn how to sell more paintings with art marketer Eric Rhoads! The blog posts are about tips to get more money for your paintings without hurting sales, ideas for galleries to increase summer art sales, and more!MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 781 Frequency 3 posts/quarter Domain Authority 33 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. The Abundant Artist Blog
Blog https://theabundantartist.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
The Abundant Artist exists to dispel this notion and teach artists like you about all of the other ways that you can make a living from your art. Over 30,000 artists have created free accounts on The Abundant Artist to take advantage of our free content library, and over 5,000 artists have enrolled in our courses. Learn in-depth about art, artificial intelligence art, and images, artwork archive review, and more!MORE Email ****@ArtistGu3.com
Facebook Followers 24.7KInstagram Followers 11.5K Frequency 1 post/quarter Domain Authority 46 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. Art Biz Success Blog
Blog https://artbizsuccess.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
The Art Biz Success blog features both articles and podcast episodes. To reach podcast episodes only, visit The Art Biz page. I'm Alyson Stanfield, I teach artists skills that lead to rewarding art careers. My mission is to help artists make more money, sell more art, and take care of themselves in the process.MORE Email ****@artbizsuccess.com
Facebook Followers 25.8KInstagram Followers 7.9K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 46 Read Now Get Email Contact
13. Artrepreneur
Blog https://journal.atp.art/ + Follow Blog
Artrepreneur is a Certified B Corporation to support a global economy that benefits all. We are Artrepreneur, an online platform for artists, designers, collectors, and anyone who has a love for art and design. As a purpose-driven business, we have an ongoing mission to help artists succeed and elevate everyone's life with art.MORE Email ****@artrepreneur.com
Facebook Followers 13.4KTwitter Followers 890Instagram Followers 44.9K Frequency 3 posts/year Domain Authority 21 Read Now Get Email Contact
14. UrbanGypZ Blog
Blog https://urbangypz.com/blog-art-business/ + Follow Blog
Find out guides and information on studio organization techniques, finding time to make art, things to consider when buying used fiber equipment, youtube live casts on weaving and planning, healthy hands for fiber artists, and many more! Fiber artist Stacey Budge-Kamison AKA UrbanGypZ can be found knitting in public, hammering out her latest e-course at local cafés, and spinning yarns in her booth at her favorite art festivals.MORE Email ****@urbangypz.com
Facebook Followers 4.5KInstagram Followers 2.3K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 19 Read Now Get Email Contact
15. ArtBusiness.com
Blog https://www.artbusiness.com/artists.html + Follow Blog
ArtBusiness.com provides complete art advising and consulting services, art appraisals and art price data, numerous articles for artists and collectors, and market research and information for anyone involved with art. We access a variety of archives, reference resources, and databases containing millions of art price sales records and biographical information for well over half a million artists.MORE Email ****@me.com
Twitter Followers 3.6KInstagram Followers 11.9K Domain Authority 52 Read Now Get Email Contact
16. Art Business Info. for Artists
Blog https://www.artbusinessinfo.com/news + Follow Blog
Art Business Info. for Artists is a website that provides a compendium of resources, guides, tips, and information about the business side of art for artists. It helps artists learn how to do better at being business-like, marketing and selling their art, and looking after their financial security.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 2.6KTwitter Followers 3K Frequency 1 post/year Domain Authority 22 Read Now Get Email Contact
17. NAMP Arts Marketing Blog
Blog https://blog.americansforthearts.org/categori.. + Follow Blog
The National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP), a program of Americans for the Arts, is dedicated to serving arts professionals and artists who seek to market the arts, engage audiences, and serve their communities. Our mission is to serve, advance, and lead the network of organizations and individuals who cultivate, promote, sustain, and support the arts in America.MORE Email ****@artsusa.org
Facebook Followers 12.4KTwitter Followers 1.8KInstagram Followers 159.1K Domain Authority 63 Read Now Get Email Contact
18. Superfine Art Fair Blog
Blog https://www.superfine.world/blog-content + Follow Blog
The Superfine blog provides tips for artists on a variety of subjects. Learn about art creation, marketing, and more. As the sun shines, artists want to make art. And we make that easier, by giving artists and curators the economic power to build client lists and generate sales results through our art fairs. We provide pre-qualified buyers, an outsized and targeted marketing budget, and the best infrastructure in the industry.MORE Email ****@thorn-pr.com
Instagram Followers 43.5K Domain Authority 40 Read Now Get Email Contact
19. RedDotBlog » Art Marketing For Artists
Blog https://reddotblog.com/category/art-marketing.. + Follow Blog
The Art Marketing For Artists gives information on how to follow up and close more art sales, critical steps to sell more art, how to ship paintings, what kind of paintings sells best, and many more! The RedDotBlog provides all the latest updates from Jason Horejs, owner of Xanadu Gallery, publisher.MORE Email ****@xanadugallery.com
Frequency 1 post/year Domain Authority 45 Read Now Get Email Contact
20. FineArtViews Blog
Blog https://fineartviews.com/blog + Follow Blog
FineArtViews is the leading provider of Visual Artist's websites. More than 15,000 artists use our art marketing platform to grow their art sales every day. Our blog posts provide articles on topics like systematic wandering, embracing change in order to make a difference, the focus is a force multiplier, and many more!MORE Domain Authority 30 Read Now Get Email Contact
21. Simple Art Marketing
Blog https://simpleartmarketing.co.uk/free-art-mar.. + Follow Blog
Free art marketing advice for your art, craft, or photography business. Free art marketing advice blog full of free tips and tricks to help your get your art, craft, or photography business online and get your work seen and sold. Launched in May 2021 the course teaches an artist marketing formula to start marketing online and create a strong online presence.MORE Email ****@simpleartmarketing.co.uk
Facebook Followers 131Twitter Followers 13Instagram Followers 483 Domain Authority 16 Read Now Get Email Contact
Art Business and Marketing Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Katherine Tyrrell | Editor | makingamark.blogspot.com | |
Sarah C.B. Guthrie | Writer | theabundantartist.com/blog | |
Alyson Stanfield | Editor | artbizsuccess.com/blog | |
Stacey Budge-Kamison | Editor | urbangypz.com/blog-art-business | |
Alan Bamberger | Editor | artbusiness.com/artists.html | |
Katherine tyrre | Editor | artbusinessinfo.com/news | |
Barney Davey | Contributor | artmarketingnews.com | |
Christine O'donnell | Contributor | veryprivategallery.com | |
Mo Li | Contributor | veryprivategallery.com | |
Greg Bot | Contributor | veryprivategallery.com | |
Cory Huff | Contributor | theabundantartist.com | |
Sarani Mukherjee | Contributor | theabundantartist.com | |
Kathleen Candelario | Contributor | agora-gallery.com | |
Ericrhoads | Contributor | artmarketing.com | |
Kendall Shepard | Contributor | artrepreneur.com | |
Vanessa Childers | Contributor | artistsnetwork.com | |
Andra | Contributor | agora-gallery.com | |
Rose | Contributor | agora-gallery.com | |
Agi Fine Art Expert | Contributor | agora-gallery.com | |
Gabriella | Contributor | agora-gallery.com | |
Allison Stice | Contributor | artrepreneur.com | |
Patrick Shanahan | Contributor | artstorefronts.com | |
Paul Herschell | Contributor | simpleartmarketing.co.uk | |
Rhanna Almerol | Contributor | agora-gallery.com |