15 Best Australian Addiction Blogs and Websites in 2025
Australian Addiction Blogs
Here are 15 Best Australian Addiction Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. FARE Blog
Blog https://fare.org.au/news/blog/ + Follow Blog
Our blog aims to generate meaningful commentary about alcohol policy, and to provide a platform for all members of the Australian community to share their views and concerns. The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) is the leading not-for-profit organization working towards an Australia free from alcohol harm. We develop evidence-informed policy that puts people's health first, enable people-powered advocacy to help create long-term change, and deliver health promotion programs designed to reduce the risk of alcohol harm in our communities.MORE Email ****@fare.org.au
Facebook Followers 3.7KTwitter Followers 6.9KInstagram Followers 1.7K Frequency 1 post/day Domain Authority 51 Read Now Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Turningpoint.org.au News
Blog https://www.turningpoint.org.au/about-us/news + Follow Blog
Turning Point is an Australian national addiction treatment centre, dedicated to providing high quality, evidence-based treatment to people adversely affected by alcohol, drugs and gambling, integrated with world-leading research and education. Know more about addiction, how to recognize someone having addiction, our events and more!MORE Email ****@turningpoint.org.au
Facebook Followers 1.9KTwitter Followers 3.1K Frequency 2 posts/month Domain Authority 41 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Rethink Addiction
Blog https://www.rethinkaddiction.org.au/media + Follow Blog
We are an independent campaign representing a collaborative industry effort to Rethink Addiction, through evidence-based information and linkages to support. We want to change the conversation about addiction and tackle the stigma and misinformation that stops people getting the help they need. Keep up to date with the latest on the campaign to #RethinkAddiction.MORE Email ****@rethinkaddiction.org.au
Facebook Followers 1.7KTwitter Followers 2.4KInstagram Followers 1.5K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 31 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Hello Sunday Morning Blog
Blog https://hellosundaymorning.org/blog/ + Follow Blog
Our blog is a collection of personal stories, lifestyle tips & thought pieces that can help you change your thoughts on alcohol. Hello Sunday Morning has a mission to change the world's relationship with alcohol. Through a combination of positive health promotion campaigns and behaviour change products, we support any individual to change their relationship with alcohol, whether that relationship means abstaining, taking a break, or simply understanding how to have a healthy relationship with alcohol.MORE Email ****@hellosundaymorning.org
Facebook Followers 44.5KInstagram Followers 20.8K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 50 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Counselling Online au Blog
Blog https://www.counsellingonline.org.au/blog + Follow Blog
Explore stories, articles and strategies to support making change and living healthier. Our blogs are about life in general and in relation to alcohol and other substances. Counselling Online is a free and confidential service that provides 24/7 support to people across Australia affected by alcohol or drug use.MORE Facebook Followers 6.2KTwitter Followers 314 Frequency 1 post/month Domain Authority 39 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. South Pacific Private Blog
Blog https://www.southpacificprivate.com.au/our-blog/ + Follow Blog
Our blog is written by our health care professional team to keep you informed and updated on all the latest information. South Pacific Private is Australia's leading treatment centre for addiction, trauma and mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.MORE Email ****@southpacificprivate.com.au
Facebook Followers 3.1KTwitter Followers 1.5KInstagram Followers 3.6K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 35 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Sir David Martin Foundation News
Blog https://martinfoundation.org.au/about-us/news/ + Follow Blog
Find out more about our latest news, blog posts and upcoming events to raise funds for young people in crisis. Sir David Martin Foundation is a 30-year old Family Foundation, helping young people in crisis. As the major philanthropic partner of Mission Australia, we've raised over $65M since 1990. This partnership has enabled a best practice model of treatment for young people with drug and alcohol addiction.MORE Email ****@martinfoundation.org.au
Facebook Followers 6.4KTwitter Followers 617Instagram Followers 1K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 14 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Palladium Private Blog
Blog https://www.palladiumprivate.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Stay informed with our Official blog, covering various Mental illnesses that might affect your life, to help you understand them and get the right treatment to recover. Palladium Private is a holistic, residential mental health facility on specialising in treating the root cause(s) of Anxiety, Depression, Alcohol/Drug Dependency and PTSD. Our programs give clients the environment, emotional space and healing tools to embark on a new chapter of their life.MORE Email ****@palladiumprivate.com
Facebook Followers 1.6KInstagram Followers 282 Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 20 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Smart Recovery Australia Blog
Blog https://smartrecoveryaustralia.com.au/blog/ta.. + Follow Blog
SMART Recovery Australia is a registered health promotion charity that enables the delivery of SMART Recovery mutual aid meetings supporting people with behaviours of concern (addictive behaviours) across Australia. Get the latest news and updates along with people's stories and experiences.MORE Email ****@srau.org.au
Facebook Followers 3.7KTwitter Followers 1.2KInstagram Followers 1.2K Domain Authority 39 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. The Australian Drug Blog
Blog https://www.drugblog.net/ + Follow Blog
My name is James and that's all I can really tell you about me beside the fact I've worked in the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD) sector pretty much continuously since the early 1990's. I'm choosing to remain anonymous because I work in a sensitive day job in a government-funded facility. I started this blog to see if there was interest in a new Australian view on the ATOD sector and wider events and issues that affect us all.MORE Domain Authority 16 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. Drug Rehab Australia Blog
Blog https://www.drugrehabaustralia.info/blog/ + Follow Blog
Check out the latest news and articles from our blog on drug and alcohol addiction, tips to stay clean and more! Drug Rehab Australia is a referral service that provides information about addiction treatment practitioners and facilities.MORE Email ****@drugrehabaustraila.info
Frequency 9 posts/year Domain Authority 10 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. Sivana Rehab Blog
Blog https://www.sivanarehab.com.au/blog + Follow Blog
Sivana Rehab offers a 28 day package for people who suffer from alcohol or drug addiction. This luxury retreat for rehabilitation offers a great deal more than the usual rehab in Australia - and is far more affordable than many Australian private rehab facilities. Welcome to our recovery blog where we try to answer your questions on addiction.MORE Frequency 6 posts/year Domain Authority 15 Read Now Get Email Contact
13. Australian Institute For Human Wellness Blog
Blog https://www.ausihw.com.au/blog + Follow Blog
The Australian Institute for Human Wellness is dedicated to helping improve the lives of individuals and communities. AIHW exists to meet the growing demand for innovation in mental health and psychological support. We are dedicated to promoting human potential and maintaining social and emotional well-being. Explore our blog to know more about our addiction therapy, mental health and wellness and more!MORE Email ****@ausihw.com.au
Frequency 9 posts/year Domain Authority 15 Read Now Get Email Contact
14. The Whitehaven Clinic Blog
Blog https://www.whitehavenclinic.com.au/our-blog/ + Follow Blog
The Whitehaven Clinic is a specialised day rehabilitation centre dealing in addiction treatment and recovery using a unique and highly-successful Whole of Life approach. Our highly-personalised, intensive programs are designed for self-referred and specialist-referred clients who want to remain connected with their families, work and support mechanisms whilst completing a recovery program. Our blog is a source for inspiration for people going against addiction along with experiences from rehabilitated people.MORE Email ****@whitehavenclinic.com.au
Facebook Followers 530 Frequency 1 post/year Domain Authority 10 Read Now Get Email Contact
Australian Addiction Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
rethinkaddictionau | Contributor | rethinkaddiction.org.au | |
Caterina Giorgi | Contributor | fare.org.au | |
Anastasia Hronis | Contributor | ausihw.com.au | |
Fare_admin | Contributor | fare.org.au | |
Noah Dmello | Contributor | fare.org.au | |
Fonnie Hassing | Contributor | hellosundaymorning.org | |
Aimee Brownbill | Contributor | fare.org.au | |
Rodney Holmes | Contributor | fare.org.au | |
Rachel Allen | Contributor | fare.org.au | |
Dana Daniel | Contributor | fare.org.au | |
Kate Lewis | Contributor | fare.org.au | |
Matthew Johnson | Contributor | fare.org.au | |
Rachel Ainge | Contributor | southpacificprivate.com.au | |
Leanna Intia | Contributor | southpacificprivate.com.au | |
Ericka | Contributor | hellosundaymorning.org | |
Ev | Contributor | hellosundaymorning.org | |
Hello Sunday Morning | Contributor | hellosundaymorning.org | |
Dominique Robert-hendren | Contributor | hellosundaymorning.org | |
Chantal Nel | Contributor | hellosundaymorning.org | |
Maz Compton | Contributor | hellosundaymorning.org | |
Matt | Contributor | hellosundaymorning.org | |
Macushla Kilvington | Contributor | hellosundaymorning.org | |
Kajia Balodis | Contributor | hellosundaymorning.org | |
Jennifer Ball | Contributor | martinfoundation.org.au | |
Emilio Lanera | Contributor | rethinkaddiction.org.au | |
Sydney Digital | Contributor | palladiumprivate.com | |
Omg | Contributor | palladiumprivate.com | |
Sivana-rehab | Contributor | sivanarehab.com.au | |
April Long | Contributor | smartrecoveryaustralia.com.au | |
Tom | Contributor | hellosundaymorning.org | |
Emma | Contributor | hellosundaymorning.org | |
Kavya Kher | Contributor | martinfoundation.org.au |