15 Best Australian Quilters Blogs and Websites in 2025
Australian Quilters Blogs
Here are 15 Best Australian Quilters Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. GnomeAngel Blog
Blog https://www.gnomeangel.com/ + Follow Blog
My name is Angie and I started GnomeAngel.com in 2008 and while the topics that I've covered have been in constant evolution the one thing that hasn't changed is my passion for sharing, inspiring and creating quilts. I love writing about the things that are captivating me, intriguing me and just causing me to run around the house like a lunatic. My mission is to inspire people to follow their dreams through the sharing of my passion for being creative.MORE Email ****@iinet.net.au
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2. Tazzie Quilts
Blog http://tazziequilts.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
Can we have it all? I love to quilt, and work as much stitching into my day as I can, along with being a wife, mum of 2, and sometimes I even play house!
Email ****@bigpond.com
Since Jun 2006 Domain Authority 23 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Fairholme Quilters
Blog http://fairholmequilters.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
We are a group of quilters of all skill and experience levels who have been meeting in Sydney's northern suburbs, since 1984. Our members are interested in all types of patchwork and quilting.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 429 Since Mar 2009 Domain Authority 17 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Craftapalooza Designs Blog
Blog https://craftapalooza.com/blogs/craftapalooza.. + Follow Blog
Access quirky quilt designs and other useful resources. Nic Vaughan is an Australian quilter and quilt pattern designer with a passion for handwork. She is on a mission to introduce quilters to the glimmers that hand-sewing patchwork by hand gives. Her vibrant and quirky use of fabrics makes her work instantly recognizable.MORE Email ****@craftapalooza.com
Facebook Followers 815 Domain Authority 18 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Make Modern Blog
Blog https://www.makemodern.com.au/blog/ + Follow Blog
We're a small team of passionate quilters from around Australia, working with a huge team of contributors worldwide. Our obsession with living and breathing all things quilting led to the creation of Make Modern, so we could share our passion with quilters everywhere. Keep up-to-date with all things quilting with our collection of blog posts. If you're searching for inspiration, tips, and tricks or just wanting to learn something new - you've come to the right place!MORE Email ****@makemodern.com.au
Facebook Followers 25.2KInstagram Followers 77.7K Domain Authority 31 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. Red Pepper Quilts
Blog https://www.redpepperquilts.com/ + Follow Blog
A blog about fabric, patchwork and quilts. Ritas quilting style is fresh and modern; using really simple and often traditional design ideas to make colorful quilts. Her blog is a journal of her creative self, and she hope to show readers that easy to make quilts can be really striking, and that by taking small risks in fabric and color selection the final product won't disappoint. It is all about sharing her knowledge, and hope inspire others to pick up the rotary cutter and use their fabric stash.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 14.5KTwitter Followers 3KInstagram Followers 45.8K Since Apr 2009 Domain Authority 41 Read Now Get Email Contact
Blog https://wombatquilts.com/ + Follow Blog
Welcome to my little piece of the blogasphere. My name is Cath and this Blog is a record of my quilting adventure which involves quite a bit of colour and lots of paper piecing.
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 3.6KInstagram Followers 12.9K Since Oct 2012 Domain Authority 33 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Koolkat's Quilting Blog
Blog http://koolkatquilting.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
A journal through quilts, UFOs and ideas and various trivia. Mission is to To provide excellent service and advice for our quilting customers, and a range of original quilt patterns and kits for the enjoyment of quilters. Run by Kathy Adams.MORE Email ****@optusnet.com.au
Facebook Followers 794Twitter Followers 18 Since Mar 2006 Domain Authority 13 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Quilting Twin
Blog https://quiltingtwin.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
I'm 59 years old, an identical twin, mother of DD31 and DS30. I live in country South Australia and run my own quilting and pattern business with my sister.
Email ****@kerynemmerson.com
Since Jan 2006 Domain Authority 20 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. Happy In Quilting
Blog https://happyinquilting.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
I am happily married to James and have been for 34 years, we have three sons Luke 30 and twins Chris and Josh 28. We have two dogs, our little man Ollie he is a Spoodle, and our other little mate Tarj he is a Chihuahua.MORE Email ****@bigpond.net.au
Since Aug 2007 Domain Authority 22 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. Aussie Quilters Cotton Club
Blog https://jen-ladybeatle.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
An Aussie Quilter from downunder. I live in Australia on the east coast of New South Wales and in the beautiful city of Lake Macquarie.
Email ****@bigpond.com
Twitter Followers 3.9K Since Jun 2011 Domain Authority 12 Read Now Get Email Contact