10 Best Border Collie Blogs and Websites in 2025
Border Collie Blogs
Here are 10 Best Border Collie Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Callum Border Collie And His Autistic Human
Blog https://www.callumbordercollie.com/ + Follow Blog
Hello, I am Callum, a 2-year-old, very handsome Border Collie and I am writing this blog for my human who is autistic and lives alone after her mom and main source of support died from cancer. These stories are her stories, just from my pup point of view.MORE Facebook Followers 3KTwitter Followers 7.3KInstagram Followers 2.4K Frequency 2 posts/month Domain Authority 6 Read Now Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. 2 Cool Border Collies + 1 Blog
Blog https://www.2coolbcs.com/blog + Follow Blog
Hi, I'm Cynde Leshin, these blog writings document the training, rehab, and conditioning that I have done with my 2 Border Collies. My writing always tries to focus on helping other people learn something that may help them as well as of interest. It has been a journey of not only my experiences in dog training but also with encountered health issuesMORE Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter Followers 57 Frequency 1 post/quarter Domain Authority 10 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Gold Creek Ranch Blog
Blog https://www.goldcreekranchbordercollies.com/b.. + Follow Blog
Gold Creek Ranch breeds Border Collies for stock, agility, service and therapy, search and rescue, scent work, etc., and great companions for active homes. This site is a tool to guide you along the process of not only puppy selection, but even more important - identifying and sharing the tools that will assist you and your puppy in building a successful life together.MORE Email ****@goldcreekranchbordercollies.com
Facebook Followers 1.8K Frequency 2 posts/year Domain Authority 9 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. The Working Sheepdog
Blog https://sheepdog-training.com/ + Follow Blog
Useful information, photos, and videos about herding sheepdogs and their training. The Working Sheepdog Website was created in May 2002 by Worcestershire-based partners Andy Nickless and Gill Watson. We Intend to teach the newcomers and the non-farmers to prepare the training area and choose a dog to train.MORE Twitter Followers 13 Frequency 10 posts/week Domain Authority 10 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Border Collie Owner
Blog https://dogadvisorycouncil.com/border-collies/ + Follow Blog
Hi, I'm Andre, and I'm the owner of a Border Collie named Sula, BCO provides guidance about the Border Collie breed. I'm going to cover the most important and common topics which you should be aware of Border Collies. We strive to educate individuals and families interested in learning more about this dog breed before bringing one home, as well as give information to those who are already owners of a Border CollieMORE Email ****@bordercollieowner.com
Domain Authority 38 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. Collie Chatter
Blog https://colliechatter.com/all-posts/ + Follow Blog
Hi! I'm Emily Sowulewski. Collie Chatter is a place to share stories, share photos, and explore information about this wonderful breed. My hope is that this hobby blog of mine will grow to be a place for Collie lovers to gather and chatter about our mutual obsession.MORE Email ****@colliechatter.net
Facebook Followers 962Twitter Followers 84Instagram Followers 1.8K Domain Authority 11 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Collie Perfect
Blog https://www.collieperfect.com/ + Follow Blog
A site all about Border Collies! We're Suzie and Matt - a couple from England, who are mad about Border Collies! We created this site to help make new Border Collie owners' lives just that little bit easier no matter where you live. We provide real advice to real owners in a way that is hopefully helpful, friendly, and supportive.MORE Domain Authority 7 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. The Collie Life
Blog https://collieslife.com/ + Follow Blog
Hi, I'm Willam, this blog is all about the Border Collie's life, training, and health information. I have 2 Border collies and I write down the problems I face in daily life with their solutions. Recommendations and solutions to the problems are authentic and I countered all the problems with these solutions before uploading them on the Collies Life.MORE Email ****@collieslife.com
Frequency 17 posts/year Domain Authority 14 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. A Dog's Blog
Blog https://shelbysdogblog.wordpress.com/ + Follow Blog
I'm Shelby, a senior dog aging gracefully. This blog states the life of a border collie named Shelby and shows all the things a border collie does in his day-to-day life. So that others understand how it is to pet a border collie.MORE Facebook Followers 91 Domain Authority 9 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. Buddy The White Border Collie
Blog https://buddythewhitebordercollie.com/ + Follow Blog
Hi, I'm Sam Milburn, I started this website in February 2020. Life, Adventures, and Training with our Border Collie. It States what life is like with a Border Collie. Fun and frustrating in equal measure! The writing mixes daily struggles with fun, modern solutions alongside the latest scientific research. It also reaches out to other Collie owners to try and dispel common myths about the breed.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 301Instagram Followers 4.5K Domain Authority 2 Read Now Get Email Contact
Border Collie Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Cynde Leshin | Author | 2coolbcs.com/blog | |
Suzy Foss | Author | goldcreekranchbordercollies.com/blog-1 | |
Andy Nickless | Author | sheepdog-training.com | |
Andre Neves | Author | dogadvisorycouncil.com/border-collies | |
Emily Sowulewski | Co-author | colliechatter.com/all-posts | |
William | Author | collieslife.com | |
Sam Milburn | Contributor | buddythewhitebordercollie.com | |
Gerry Howe | Contributor | colliechatter.com | |
Natasha Yeh | Contributor | colliechatter.com | |
Gold Creek Ranch Border Collies | Contributor | goldcreekranchbordercollies.com | |
Gill Watson | Contributor | theworkingsheepdog.com | |
Andy | Contributor | theworkingsheepdog.com |