20 Best Breathwork Blogs and Websites in 2025
Breathwork Blogs
Here are 20 Best Breathwork Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Breath Mastery Blog
Blog https://breathmastery.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
BreathMastery is managed by Dan Brule, who is the pioneer of the breathwork world. He trains the people of the world to use the power of breath and breathing to relax and energize their bodies, focus and expand their minds, calm and balance their emotions, and nourish and uplift their souls. Their blog is an informative page delivering knowledge about breathwork benefits, exercises, healthy lungs, developing awareness, and many more.MORE Email ****@breathmastery.com
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2. Breathe With JP Blog
Blog https://breathewithjp.com/breathwork-blog/ + Follow Blog
Follow the Breathe With JP blog and learn about Breathwork: What is breathwork, what are the benefits of breathwork classes, upcoming teacher training and more. John Paul gives Online Breathwork Classes & Training to those who want to learn this art and also those who want to become a breathwork-certified teacher.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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3. Breathing Space Blog
Blog https://www.makesomebreathingspace.com/blog + Follow Blog
Breathing Space writes a regular blog to keep you updated on everything to do with Breathwork and up-and-coming breath workers. Breathing Space was started in 2018 to run workshops in Devon, UK. However, it quickly expanded into running low-cost retreats and Breathwork training courses. Breathing Space is now proudly certified by the Global Breathwork Professional Alliance as a Breathwork school.MORE Instagram Followers 2.3K Domain Authority 16 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. The Breathing Diabetic Blog
Blog https://www.thebreathingdiabetic.com/blog-lan.. + Follow Blog
The breathing diabetic blog features amazing articles on loving potential, cold showers, the healing power of the mind, 23 one-sentence breathing ideas for 2023, 3 breaths changed David Goggins's life, and more. The breathing diabetic is run by Nick, who is a science writer who makes breathing science simple for better physical, mental, and spiritual health.MORE Email ****@thebreathingdiabetic.com
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5. John Stamoulos Blog
Blog https://www.johnstamoulos.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
John Stamoulos is a dedicated and passionate practitioner of Breathwork who has had the privilege of delivering its gifts to audiences across the globe. In his blog, he shares information about breathwork, self-healing, awareness, deep communication, stress, overthinking, the importance of family, and many more interesting subjects.MORE Email ****@johnstamoulos.com
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6. Frequency Breathwork Blog
Blog https://frequencybreathwork.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Frequency Blog is a highly informative page to get detailed knowledge about the breathwork industry. The blog cover topics like anxiety, tips for beginners, benefits, better sleep hacks, bio-hacking, love, extended health, inner work, and more. FREQUENCY was founded by Vivian Rosenthal, Meg Poe M.D. and Gio Israel. They are a group of people who feel called upon to create a space for individuals to come together and connect. At Frequency, they believe that breath is the portal into your essence.MORE Email ****@frequencybreathwork.com
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7. BreathZone Blog
Blog https://breathzone.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Follow the BreathZone blog to keep up with the latest trends, tips and techniques for Breathwork and Mindfulness.BreathZone was founded by Melike Hussein. She is a Breathwork and Mindfulness expert, Transformational coach and also a Qualified Nurse. We like BreathZone blog, thanks to a variety of free resources it offers and Melike's understanding of medicine and science, behind what she teaches - unique offering.She works with individuals, groups, and businesses, offering private and employee health, wellbeing and performance improvement solutions through One to One sessions to courses.MORE Email ****@breathzone.com
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8. Othership
Blog https://www.othership.us/learn + Follow Blog
The company blog features articles to guide you in learning the in and outs of your breath. Deeper explanation on the science of breathwork with opportunities to put new techniques of deliberate breathing into practice. Othership is building the future of emotional wellness through social bathhouse experiences and an immersive breathwork app.MORE Domain Authority 37 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Alchemy of Breath Blog
Blog https://alchemyofbreath.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Alchemy of Breath is a system of breathing techniques that'll immediately affect your sense of clarity, connection, and peace. By working with them, you'll discover a natural remedy for stress and anxiety, along with greater self-awareness, love, and compassion, all from the comfort of your own home. In their blog, they share breathing techniques, tips, exercises, health benefits, effects of breathwork, and more.MORE Email ****@alchemyofbreath.com
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10. Breathwrk Blog
Blog https://www.breathwrk.com/blog + Follow Blog
Follow the Breathwrk blog as it helps you in achieving inner peace, proper breathing exercises during sleep, relaxation techniques, tips and tricks for better breathing. Breathwrk is a simple yet powerful way to relieve stress and anxiety, fall asleep faster, energize yourself, or improve endurance. Learn and feel the power of breathing with guided exercises that are backed by science and research.MORE Email ****@breathwrk.com
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11. BreathBliss Blog
Blog https://www.breathbliss.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Follow the company's blog for educational articles and engaging stories about the healing power of conscious, connected breathing. Learn how breath of bliss breathwork supports increased health, vitality, transformation and spiritual awakening. BreathBliss helps you open your heart and wake up with ecstatic dance, deep sharing and an hour-Long breath journey. Move emotions, upgrade your beliefs, unleash creativity and connect with the divine.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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12. Pause Breathwork Blog
Blog https://www.pausebreathwork.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Explore breathwork articles that can help you integrate this practice into your everyday life. At Pause, their mission is to help people remember what is important in life, by making the liberation of stress and anxiety accessible to all people worldwide through the power of breathwork.MORE Email ****@letspause.com
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13. One Deep Breath Blog
Blog https://onedeepbreath.io/blog/ + Follow Blog
Follow One Deep Breath Blog to Reduce stress, increase focus & improve your sleep with simple, science-based breathing exercises. Their app is available on IOS and Android. It has all the necessary exercises in animation format which makes it easy to follow and practice.MORE Email ****@onedeepbreath.io
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14. Sacred Breath Academy Blog
Blog https://sacredbreathacademy.life/blog + Follow Blog
Sacred Breath academy is a holistic breathwork school, specializing in trauma-informed and nervous system-led breathwork facilitator training, conscious leadership activation, and transformational immersions. SBA is founded, created, and stewarded by Kaya Leigh. In their blog, they talk about judgment versus discernment, emotional intelligence, nose vs mouth inhale case study, breathwork 101 & FAQs and more.MORE Email ****@sacredbreathacademy.life
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15. Integrative Breath Blog
Blog https://integrative-breath.com/ + Follow Blog
Integrative Breath provides Integrative breathwork facilitator training programs. At the end of the 7-month training, you Will be equipped to deliver high-quality, safe practice, whether you wish to offer breathwork as a standalone therapy or add it to your existing offer. Their blog covers topics like nose breathing, polyvagal theory, framing in breathwork sessions, presence in breathing, and more.MORE Email ****@integrative-breath.com
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16. Francesca Sipma Blog
Blog https://francescasipma.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
The breathwork Blog gives you all the in-depth knowledge about Breathwork techniques and their positive effects on your body. HypnoBreathwork combines the power of breathwork to clear suppressed emotions and energetic patterns, with hypnosis for visualization and subconscious reprogramming.MORE Instagram Followers 51K Domain Authority 18 Read Now Get Email Contact
17. Breathwork for Recovery Blog
Blog https://www.breathworkforrecovery.com/blog + Follow Blog
This blog features helpful articles like the history of breathwork, understanding tetany in breathwork, how to become a breathwork practitioner, Is pranayama the same as breathwork, and many more interesting matters. Breathwork for recovery is the first and only national organization composed of trained professionals boasting breathwork certification, mental health training, and clinical credentials, including RADT, CADC, and LMFT.MORE Email ****@breathworkforrecovery.com
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18. Effiji Breath Blog
Blog https://effijibreath.com/breathwork-blog/ + Follow Blog
The Effiji Breath Blog is your one-stop resource for what you need to know about breathwork, self-care, mastering your inner world, and powerful tools for living your life purpose. Elijah Nisenboim, the founder of Effiji Breath, breathwork coach, and musician, learned a style of breathwork in 1991. You can learn breathwork techniques with their free online courses.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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19. Breathwork Coaching Blog
Blog https://breathworkcoaching.com/blog2/ + Follow Blog
Breathwork Coaching will help you expand your full potential with the most powerful meditation you have ever experienced. Breathwork coaching is offered in a variety of capacities. Individual sessions, group classes, and workshops are shown publicly and privately in New York, Dublin, and virtual. You can read their blog to learn more about breathing exercises, their positive benefits for our body, psychology of breathwork.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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20. Prana Breathwork Blog
Blog https://prana-breathwork.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Follow this blog article written by prana breathwork - Raimond Feil and our guest writers, also breathwork, and nervous system specialists. The prana breathwork helps you to release stress, trauma, and emotion by restoring your Joy, vitality, and emotional resilience. You can join their sessions and get started with your breathwork practice.MORE Email ****@prana-breathwork.com
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Breathwork Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Dan Brulu00e9 | Author | breathmastery.com/blog | |
Jon Paul Crimi | Author | breathewithjp.com/breathwork-blog | |
Nick | Author | thebreathingdiabetic.com/blog-landing | |
John Stamoulos | Author | johnstamoulos.com/blog | |
Sam Rystrom | Author | onedeepbreath.io/blog | |
Kaya Leigh | Author | sacredbreathacademy.life/blog | |
Elijah Nisenboim | Author | effijibreath.com/breathwork-blog | |
Cathy Scanlon | Author | breathworkcoaching.com/blog2 | |
Raimond Feil | Author | prana-breathwork.com/blog | |
Alchemy Of Breath | Contributor | alchemyofbreath.com | |
Benedict Beaumont | Contributor | makesomebreathingspace.com | |
Jennifer Nolan | Contributor | makesomebreathingspace.com | |
Wafae Younsi | Contributor | pausebreathwork.com | |
Jhenine | Contributor | pausebreathwork.com | |
Mary Angela Nicole Aranda | Contributor | breathworkforrecovery.com | |
The Exhale | Contributor | breathwrk.com | |
Melike Hussein | Contributor | breathzone.com |