30 Best Camino De Santiago Blogs and Websites in 2025
Camino De Santiago Blogs
Here are 30 Best Camino De Santiago Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Vive El Camino Blog
Blog https://vivecamino.com/en/blog/ + Follow Blog
Vive El Camino is the largest community of the Camino de Santiago. The blog posts and articles available are a full selection of guides, routes, stages, cities & towns , points of interest and more.MORE Email ****@hyliacom.es
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2. Mundiplus Blog
Blog https://www.mundiplus.com/en/blog + Follow Blog
Here at Mundilplus, our experts put their extensive experience of the route at the disposal of future pilgrims who want to discover the fascinating journey that many others made, searching for 'something', for different reasons. In our blog about the Camino de Santiago, you can find out from our experts the latest news about the Camino de Santiago organized: tips for pilgrims, information on the routes, and legends. Get up to date with the most relevant information on this thousand-year-old pilgrimage route.MORE Email ****@mundiplus.com
Facebook Followers 4.1KTwitter Followers 6.1K Domain Authority 26 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. El Camino con Correos Blog
Blog https://www.elcaminoconcorreos.com/en/blog + Follow Blog
El Camino con Correos will give you tips and useful information about the Camino de Santiago routes, accommodation, backpack transport, sending bicycles and luggage, and lockers in Santiago. Explore the blog t read articles and posts giving you tips if you are going to do the Camino de Santiago alone, about places to visit, and stories of the Camino.MORE Facebook Followers 21.1KTwitter Followers 4.8K Domain Authority 48 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. CaminoWays.com
Blog https://caminoways.com/blog + Follow Blog
Here at CaminoWays, we specialize in walking and cycling holidays on the Camino de Santiago and the Via Francigena in Italy. At CaminoWays, we take all the stress out of researching, planning, and of course booking your holiday, as well as taking care of every other aspect involved in organizing a holiday. Read our blogs and stay up-to-date with all things Camino de Santiago, from the routes and food recommendations to the latest pilgrim stories!MORE Domain Authority 49 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Clearskies Camino
Blog https://clearskiescamino.com/ + Follow Blog
My name is David, I am from Ireland, and Welcome to Clearskies Camino! This is a blog about the Camino de Santiago. I love to tell my stories about the Way whether they be about preparation, my experiences from the trail, or sharing between fellow pilgrims. On ClearskiesCamino, you can view a lengthy list of links for budding pilgrims and also view other preparation ideas for your upcoming Camino.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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6. Camino Adventures Blog
Blog https://www.caminoadventures.com/camino-blog/ + Follow Blog
Hi, I am Leslie Gilmour and I started this site in Feb 2006. Here I try to cover all the aspects of organizing, planning, and walking any of the routes for your Camino de Santiago. In my blogs, I provide New Camino information and also find gear reviews, blog posts, hiking routes, travel tips, and news.MORE Domain Authority 50 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Stingy Nomads Travel Blog » Camino De Santiago
Blog https://stingynomads.com/camino-de-santiago/ + Follow Blog
Hello! We're Campbell and Alya, the creators of Stingy Nomads, water lovers, and hiking addicts, traveling the world to bring you tips and tricks to experience some of the most thrilling adventures on the planet! We experienced everything on this blog and wrote every word. In our Camino De Santiago, you will find extensive research, on our planned activities that we document well, which is helpful for people planning the same adventures.MORE Domain Authority 40 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Galiwonders Blog
Blog https://galiwonders.com/en/blog/ + Follow Blog
We are experts in organizing custom-made trips, but also in creating the best travel experience for your group. We will provide all the necessary elements to create an unforgettable journey! The Galiwonders blog is a place where you can read all the content related to trips on the Camino de Santiago and other experiences in Galicia.MORE Email ****@galiwonders.com
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9. Fundación Jacobea
Blog https://www.fundacionjacobea.org/en/page/ways.. + Follow Blog
The Fundación Jacobea was founded with the aim of promoting the cultural, artistic and historical heritage, the defense of the environment, and the promotion of local development - social and economic - within the framework of the Pilgrim Ways, with special emphasis on the Jacobean Routes and their inclusion within the world of professional tourism.MORE Facebook Followers 4KTwitter Followers 1.3KInstagram Followers 2.8K Domain Authority 21 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. Follow the Yellow Shell
Blog https://followtheyellowshell.com/ + Follow Blog
Hi, I'm Mark Stevens! I live for long-distance walking and when it comes to walking adventures and amazing experiences, I've got it nailed. I spent 2 years researching, planning, and training to walk The Camino Frances and finally walked the trail from St Jean Pied du Port to Santiago de Compostela in 2016 which took me 28 days. Follow the Yellow Shell is a guide to the Camino de Santiago to help you research, plan and prepare for walking the routes to Santiago de Compostela.MORE Email ****@followtheyellowshell.com
Facebook Followers 316Twitter Followers 418Instagram Followers 2.8K Domain Authority 11 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. Camino de Santiago Au Blog
Blog https://www.caminodesantiago.com.au/blog/ + Follow Blog
RAW Travel is a family-run business that aspires to be Australia's most inspiring and innovative walking company. We are thrilled to have a loyal repeat customer base, which we treasure as the true definition of our success in our business. Camino de Santiago Au is a guide to traveling the Camino De Santiago. Here read the latest news and blogs on the Camino de Santiago trip including tips and insights to help you plan your own Camino journey.MORE Facebook Followers 12.9KTwitter Followers 525 Domain Authority 32 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. JWT Travel Blog » JWT Camino
Blog https://jwttravel.ie/category/jwt-camino/ + Follow Blog
JWT TRAVEL is here to create and provide exciting travel experiences with a special sports and educational focus for schools, colleges, clubs, and sporting organizations, as well as individuals. We offer a wide range of trips to meet your budget, ambition, and expectation. At the JWT camino blog, read all our latest articles, tips, and travel inspiration about the Camino de Santiago trails, by our expert travel team.MORE Facebook Followers 513Twitter Followers 311 Domain Authority 16 Read Now Get Email Contact
13. Andaspain Walking Adventures Blog
Blog https://andaspain.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
We know that walking long distances in foreign lands can be a big undertaking, and our mission is to clear the path ahead for you. We organize every last detail to ensure you can be free to ponder mysteries other than where to spend the night or how to read the menu. Explore the blog and learn about the experiences, cultures, and food you will discover on your journey along the Camino de Santiago written by our highly experienced guides.MORE Facebook Followers 6.6K Domain Authority 22 Read Now Get Email Contact
14. Way To Santiago Blog
Blog https://www.waytosantiago.com/blog-camino-de-.. + Follow Blog
With several years of experience, Portugal Green Walks is a specialist on the Portuguese Camino to Santiago de Compostela. We place at your disposal a highly qualified team with wide experience and knowledge of the Way, able to help you to discover, interpret and feel the 'Camino' from a different point of view. We organize 'your' way at any time of the year and according to your preferences. Our programs are individualized and carried out with feeling to show genuine good taste and quality.MORE Domain Authority 13 Read Now Get Email Contact
15. Follow the Camino Blog
Blog https://followthecamino.com/en/blog/ + Follow Blog
Follow the Camino was the first-ever Tour Operator to operate the Camino de Santiago or Way of Saint James. We have organized tours for thousands of pilgrims and travelers on the Camino de Santiago, coming from all over the world. Follow the Camino's mission is to organize sustainable and seamless active holidays that our clients love. We want to create incredible, fulfilling memories, while we still care for our planet and its future. Our blog is here for you to discover many stories, up-to-date news, important information, and much more about the Camino de Santiago.MORE Email ****@followthecamino.com
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16. Trail to Peak » Camino de Santiago
Blog https://trailtopeak.com/category/treks/camino.. + Follow Blog
Hello, I am Drew! I created Trail to Peak to share my love of local hiking trails here in Southern California. Since then, my humble blog has grown to include detailed guides of my favorite hikes, comprehensive guides of my backpacking trips around the globe, and thorough reviews of all the gear I use along the way. I blog regularly about my Camino de Santiago right from start of my journey till the end to give all the possible information I can provide including about the people I meet on my way.MORE Facebook Followers 3.1KTwitter Followers 4K Domain Authority 34 Read Now Get Email Contact
17. Trepidatious Traveller Camino Blog
Blog https://magwood.me/ + Follow Blog
My name is Maggie and I am a Camino addict. Welcome to the Trepidatious traveler camino blog. This blog mainly concentrates on my experiences of walking the various routes, either alone or with others I've met along the way. You'll find daily posts including distances, elevation profiles, info on accommodation, and lots of photos for each stage.MORE Facebook Followers 1K Domain Authority 15 Read Now Get Email Contact
18. Marly Camino Blog
Blog https://marlycamino.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Marly Camino is a local Spanish company, formed by a dedicated group of passionate, high-quality, professional human beings that are in love with our home. For over 14 years, we have been taking small groups off the beaten path to discover our favorite natural and cultural gems, along with the Camino de Santiago, and many other spectacular walking routes. Read the Camino de Santiago blog on the website, to find news, advice, and travel guides.MORE Facebook Followers 5.2KTwitter Followers 495 Domain Authority 30 Read Now Get Email Contact
19. Camino Times Two Blog
Blog https://caminotimestwo.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Hi, my name is Beth and this blog is a place for me to share my love of these trails - the history, the people, the simplicity, and yes, the food and wine. I'll tell you plenty of stories from my own experienced, and I can't pass up a chance to show off pictures of some of the things we saw. But Camino Times Two primarily exists to help you prepare, mentally and practically, for a Camino of your own. And hopefully, it will inspire you to see the Camino as something bigger than the 500-mile stretch.MORE Twitter Followers 2.1K Domain Authority 17 Read Now Get Email Contact
20. Viajes Camino de Santiago Blog
Blog https://viajecaminodesantiago.com/en/blog/ + Follow Blog
We are an agency specializing in the Camino de Santiago and since 2015 we have helped more than 12.000 pilgrims to organize their Camino de Santiago. We offer a wide variety of packages of organized tours to the Camino de Santiago. We put at your disposal all our experience and logistics to offer you the best services during your pilgrimage. In the blogs, we write and give you interesting articles full of tips and information for Camino de Santiago pilgrims.MORE Email ****@viajescaminodesantiago.com
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21. Albergues del Camino Blog
Blog https://www.alberguesdelcamino.com/en/blog/ + Follow Blog
Albergues del Camino is a complete and detailed guide to different routes to Santiago de Compostela, hostels, and other accommodations that exist in them. Explore the blog to learn about what to pack for your camino in winter, some historical stories about legends, and how to prepare yourself for a camino.MORE Email ****@alberguesdelcamino.com
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22. One Step Then Another » Camino de Santiago
Blog https://www.onestepthenanother.com/caminodesa.. + Follow Blog
Hello, my name is Kevin Donahue. I started One Step then Another to share my experiences and learnings as a pilgrim backpacker. As a trekker, I'll explore the world from the trail, sharing my tips along the way. As a pilgrim, I'll share insights from my own journey - both onward and inward- in hopes that it may benefit others on their own spiritual path. The Camino de Santiago blog is a guide intended to assist pilgrims as they plan their Camino, including recommended gear, tips, and key learnings gathered from my pilgrimages.MORE Facebook Followers 2.9KInstagram Followers 527 Domain Authority 12 Read Now Get Email Contact
23. A Santiago Voy Blog
Blog https://asantiagovoy.travel/en/blog + Follow Blog
We help you plan your trip and manage hostel reservations with the best prices on the organized Camino de Santiago. We have traveled all the routes of the Camino de Santiago to know exactly what conditions that the pilgrim will find. Our Camino de Santiago Blog is a place where you can discover all the best information you need as a pilgrim including tips and tricks, routes, places to visit, and much more.MORE Facebook Followers 760Twitter Followers 18 Domain Authority 27 Read Now Get Email Contact
24. Spirit of the Camino Blog
Blog https://spiritofthecamino.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Spirit of the Camino is a web platform created by Nick Leonard to you insights into the Unique and Magical Experience that is the Camino de Santiago. Through the blogs get to know about the various routes of the Camino de Santiago that are full of amazing highlights and experiences.MORE Facebook Followers 1.2K Domain Authority 14 Read Now Get Email Contact
25. In Search of Santiago
Blog https://robscamino.com/ + Follow Blog
My name is Rob. I'm a middle-aged, unfit, and overweight businessman. This site was originally intended for a small circle of family and friends to follow my 'first' journey in 2015. But it kind of grew and I have added later Caminos to the site. I make sure to include everything in the blog, so it touches on three key elements of the Camino: The Physical, the Emotional, and the Spiritual.MORE Domain Authority 7 Read Now Get Email Contact
26. In Search of Santiago
Blog https://robscamino.com/ + Follow Blog
In Search of Santiago was originally intended for a small circle of family and friends to follow my 'first' journey in 2015. But it kind of grew. And I have added later Caminos, 2016, 2018 and 2023 to the site.So if you have any interest in the Camino de Santiago by all means enjoy the content and comment, you are most welcome.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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Camino De Santiago Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Tania Ramonde | Contributor | followthecamino.com | |
Tanya Agarwal | Contributor | followthecamino.com | |
Andre Pelixo | Contributor | followthecamino.com | |
Karl | Contributor | caminoways.com | |
Maria | Contributor | caminoways.com | |
Juanma | Contributor | caminoways.com | |
Aoife | Contributor | caminoways.com | |
Emer Roche | Contributor | caminoways.com | |
Jonathan | Contributor | caminoways.com | |
Clearskies Camino | Contributor | clearskiescamino.com | |
Viajes Camino De Santiago | Contributor | viajecaminodesantiago.com | |
Caminosantiago | Contributor | viajecaminodesantiago.com | |
Jorge Severo Medina Martín | Contributor | viajecaminodesantiago.com | |
Mark Stevens | Contributor | followtheyellowshell.com | |
Fjacobea | Contributor | fundacionjacobea.org | |
Agenciacasel | Contributor | alberguesdelcamino.com | |
Maria | Contributor | jwttravel.ie | |
Elena Bellerin | Contributor | jwttravel.ie | |
Nick Leonard | Contributor | spiritofthecamino.com | |
Ashleigh Mell | Contributor | andaspain.com | |
Kevin Donahue | Contributor | onestepthenanother.com | |
Rob | Contributor | robscamino.com |