100 Best Career Blogs and Websites in 2025
Career Blogs
Here are 100 Best Career Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Undercover Recruiter
Blog https://theundercoverrecruiter.com/ + Follow Blog
The Undercover Recruiter is a blog for employer branding and talent acquisition professionals. It provides insights, advice, and resources to help them attract, hire, and retain top talent.
Email ****@theundercoverrecruiter.com
Facebook Followers 11Twitter Followers 113.9K Domain Authority 64 Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Work It Daily Blog
Blog https://www.workitdaily.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Covers articles on resume, cover letter, job search, job interviews, career growth and change, inbound marketing and sales, networking, personal branding, recruiting, top company culture, companies hiring now, LinkedIn profile reviews and more. Work It Daily is an online learning platform that provides trusted, easy-to-use career support for people who want more out of their careers.MORE Email ****@workitdaily.com
Facebook Followers 48.5KTwitter Followers 80.7K Since Aug 2008 Domain Authority 66
3. Ask a Manager Blog
Blog https://www.askamanager.org/category/workplac.. + Follow Blog
Covers articles on resume, cover letters, freelancing, interviewing , hiring, internships, networking, phone interview, salary, rejections, resigning, advice about your boss and coworkers, being the boss workplace practices and more. Alison Green is a creator of Ask a Manager was the chief of staff for a successful nonprofit, where she was responsible for hiring, firing, promoting, managing and all of that.MORE Email ****@askamanager.org
Facebook Followers 53.7KTwitter Followers 96.2K Domain Authority 71
4. Maggie Mistal
Blog https://www.maggiemistal.com/category/recent-.. + Follow Blog
Covers articles on branding, productivity, career management, leadership, freelancing, dream job, interview, job search, mindset and more. Maggie Mistal is a career change coach with a proven career change process and workbooks, useful for people of all levels and backgrounds. Also an executive coach, Maggie provides tools and techniques that address management and leadership challenges.MORE Email ****@MaggieMistal.com
Facebook Followers 955Twitter Followers 6.4K Domain Authority 42
5. Ms. Career Girl
Blog https://www.mscareergirl.com/category/work/ + Follow Blog
You'll find everything from career mentors and productivity tips and tricks, to everyday fashion fixes and relationship advice. Ms. Career Girl aims to help ambitious young professional women find passion in their profession, or a profession out of their passions.MORE Email ****@MsCareerGirl.com
Facebook Followers 6.2KTwitter Followers 10.4KInstagram Followers 777 Domain Authority 47
6. Accenture Careers Blog
Blog https://www.accenture.com/us-en/blogs/blogs-c.. + Follow Blog
Insider views, career advice and latest thinking. Also covers articles on strategy & consulting careers, technology & operations careers, digital and cyber security careers, culture & diversity and more. Accenture is a global professional services company with leading capabilities in digital, cloud and security.MORE Facebook Followers 40.8KTwitter Followers 6.4KInstagram Followers 29.9K Domain Authority 89
7. CV Shed
Blog https://www.cvshed.co.uk/blog + Follow Blog
Careers blog specialising in CV writing and associated topics - cover letters, LinkedIn profiles, career advice.
Email ****@cvshed.co.uk
Domain Authority 11
8. Penelope Trunk Blog
Blog https://blog.penelopetrunk.com/ + Follow Blog
Hi! I'm Penelope Trunk. I am the founder of four start-ups and I write. A lot. I'm a full-time writer so I did not have to leave my apartment. And I focus on giving career advice instead of writing about myself. I started writing career advice for a new generation of workers just as Generation Y was becoming a hot topic.MORE Email ****@penelopetrunk.com
Twitter Followers 106.4K Domain Authority 64
9. Reed.co.uk
Blog https://www.reed.co.uk/career-advice/all-posts/ + Follow Blog
Career advice and guidance on CVs, cover letters, interviews, finding the right job, money and legal. Reed.co.uk connects people to a world of career opportunities by providing online jobs, courses and career advice.MORE Facebook Followers 148.5KTwitter Followers 80.2K Domain Authority 74
10. JobMob
Blog https://jobmob.co.il/ + Follow Blog
The blog is filled with straight-talking advice based on real world experience and lots of humor thrown in. JobMob is about bringing together job seekers and jobfinders to find jobs in Israel and all over the world. Jacob Share is an job search expert, professional blogger, creative thinker, community builder with a sense of humor.MORE Email ****@shareselectmedia.com
Facebook Followers 2.7KTwitter Followers 27.3K Domain Authority 62
11. Corn on the Job - Wisdom for Job Seekers
Blog https://www.cornonthejob.com/ + Follow Blog
Welcome to Corn on the Job, home of the fastest growing employment and career blog. Frustrated with your job search? Come hang out! Happily employed but need a place to relax? Come hang out!
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 6.8KTwitter Followers 27.5K Domain Authority 44
12. InterviewIQ
Blog https://interviewiq.com.au/ + Follow Blog
Read job interview tips, advice on how to use linkedin, resume tips, selection criteria tips, job search tips from InterviewIQ - job hunting intelligence.
Email ****@interviewiq.com.au
Facebook Followers 1.4KTwitter Followers 28K Domain Authority 32
13. Personal Branding Blog
Blog https://www.personalbrandingblog.com/ + Follow Blog
Learn how to build a powerful personal brand that will differentiate you and allow you to compete in the global marketplace. Explore career development tips and advice, expert insights, and more! The content provided on this blog includes podcasts, interviews with experts, insightful articles, research reports, games, and much more, for all your personal branding needs.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 6.4K Domain Authority 60
14. Career Addict
Blog https://www.careeraddict.com/ + Follow Blog
CareerAddict publishes the latest career development tips, industry insider knowledge, witty entertainment, how-to guides, and advice on how to achieve your goals in life. We stimulate your mind to get you high on success!MORE Email ****@careeraddict.com
Facebook Followers 1MTwitter Followers 5.5KInstagram Followers 11K Domain Authority 60
15. CareerExperts
Blog https://www.careerexperts.co.uk/ + Follow Blog
Key topics covered are job search, career progression, management and leadership, graduate careers and resume. CareerExperts exists to propel and support professionals on their path for career success. They use wealth of expertise and experience to help other success-seekers achieve their career goals.MORE Email ****@careerexperts.co.uk
Facebook Followers 2KTwitter Followers 20.1K Domain Authority 40
16. The Chief Happiness Officer Blog
Blog https://positivesharing.com/ + Follow Blog
Founder Alexander Kjerulf shares best tips on how to become happier at work. He is an author and speaker, presenting and conducting workshops on happiness at work at businesses and conferences in almost 50 countries. His clients include companies like Hilton, Microsoft, IKEA, Shell, HP and IBM.MORE Email ****@woohooinc.com
Facebook Followers 2.8KTwitter Followers 7.8KInstagram Followers 4.8K Domain Authority 56
17. Jobsacuk
Blog https://career-advice.jobs.ac.uk/ + Follow Blog
As the foremost global job board for careers in higher education, science, and research, Jobsacuk has been helping employers engage with a large audience of bright, talented professional and academic job seekers for over twenty years. Launched in 1998 by the University of Warwick, Jobsacuk has grown to become the top recruitment site in the higher education sector. On our careers blog, Our bloggers share their thoughts and real-life experiences in both academic discipline posts where you can pick up tips and join in conversations.MORE Email ****@jobs.ac.uk
Facebook Followers 201.1KTwitter Followers 17.4K Domain Authority 61
18. Chegg India » Career Guidance
Blog https://www.cheggindia.com/career-guidance/ + Follow Blog
Resume and interview tips, career advice and also covers articles on jobs by education. Chegg strives to improve the overall return on investment in education by helping students learn more in less time and at a lower cost.MORE Email ****@chegg.com
Facebook Followers 124.8KTwitter Followers 8.3K Domain Authority 33
19. Bubble Jobs Blog
Blog https://www.bubble-jobs.co.uk/blog + Follow Blog
Useful, practical jobs and careers advice. Bubble is the UK's leading award-winning jobsite for digital careers. The Bubble Career Portal is here to help you find your ideal digital career; whether you're a newbie thinking about breaking into the sector or just looking for your next move in the industry, we're here to support you with expert advice.MORE Email ****@bubble-jobs.co.uk
Facebook Followers 2.1KTwitter Followers 11.7KInstagram Followers 1.2K Domain Authority 40
20. Career Trend Blog
Blog https://careertrend.net/blog/ + Follow Blog
Articles on executive resume writing, career change, career growth, personal branding, job search, career management, career goals, career plans, social media, small business and more. Jacqui helps to transform your executive career into artful stories. She has done BA in writing/journalism which allows her to apply a journalist's eye to your career.MORE Email ****@careertrend.net
Facebook Followers 496Twitter Followers 17.1K Domain Authority 40
21. Career Karma Blog
Blog https://careerkarma.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Career advice, coding tutorials and learning resources. Also provides numerous research reports and comprehensive guides on everything from education financing to market reports. Career Karma is an online community of career switchers that helps you navigate your career.MORE Email ****@careerkarma.com
Facebook Followers 9.4KTwitter Followers 15.9KInstagram Followers 73.1K Domain Authority 52
22. WayUp
Blog https://www.wayup.com/guide/community/ + Follow Blog
Career advice and interview tips. Also covers articles on job search, job application, internship, full-time jobs and more. WayUp enable early-career candidates to discover and be discovered by employers.MORE Email ****@wayup.com
Facebook Followers 66.9KTwitter Followers 6.9KInstagram Followers 21.4K Domain Authority 61
23. Careershifters Blog
Blog https://www.careershifters.org/blog + Follow Blog
Articles with practical guidance from career change experts and inspiring stories of others like you who have shifted their career. Careershifters helps bright, motivated people who feel stuck in the wrong career find and move into fulfilling work.MORE Email ****@careershifters.org
Facebook Followers 9.3KTwitter Followers 2.6K Domain Authority 49
24. Chameleon Resumes
Blog https://chameleonresumes.com/articles + Follow Blog
Articles on resume writing and job search. Lisa Rangel and The Chameleon Team are the only executive resume writing, LinkedIn profile development, and job landing consultancy who has been hired by LinkedIn and recognized by Forbes. Their 4-Stage META Job Landing System stems from decades of corporate and executive recruiting experience to position you to land your next 6-figure role faster.MORE Email ****@chameleonresumes.com
Facebook Followers 7.7KTwitter Followers 8.9K Domain Authority 46
25. Debut | Graduate jobs, schemes and internships
Blog https://debut.careers/blog/ + Follow Blog
Graduate recruitment app Debut is your one stop for all things graduate jobs, graduate schemes and internships. Available on iOS and Android.
Email ****@debut.careers
Facebook Followers 1.7KTwitter Followers 2.6K Domain Authority 46
26. Jobscan Blog
Blog https://www.jobscan.co/blog/category/all/ + Follow Blog
When James Hu found himself on the job hunt in 2013, he discovered that the powerful portals companies were using for hiring were simply parsing, ranking, and filtering resumes with an algorithm based on keywords. Knowing that he'd have to carefully tailor his resume for each application in order to be noticed, he built Jobscan from scratch to automate the process.MORE Email ****@jobscan.co
Facebook Followers 5.4KTwitter Followers 3K Domain Authority 59
27. CareerAlley
Blog https://careeralley.com/career-opportunities/ + Follow Blog
Topics covered are resume and cover letter writing, career opportunities, finding dream job, launch your career, how to land your first job, interview and more. Also provides actionable career advice for people at all stages of their journey. Joey Trebif is a financial services executive with over 20 years of experience in helping others in their job search and career development. Joey started CareerAlley in 2008 with the goal of helping as many people as possible in their job hunt.MORE Email ****@careeralley.com
Twitter Followers 4.5K Domain Authority 37
28. Kerry Hannon: Author Journalist Speaker
Blog https://kerryhannon.com/?cat=59 + Follow Blog
Blog by Kerry Hannon - A National Keynote Speaker, Author Getting the Job You Want After 50, Love Your Job Retirement/Career/Personal Finance expert, NY Times columnist Passion-Horses
Email ****@kerryhannon.com
Facebook Followers 698Twitter Followers 12.7K Domain Authority 47
29. JobJenny Blog
Blog https://www.jobjenny.com/the-blog/ + Follow Blog
Whether you're unemployed, secretly dreaming of telling your employer to stuff it, or plotting out a future as your own boss, this blog is all for you. Peace. Love. And plenty of greenbacks.
Email ****@jobjenny.com
Facebook Followers 2KTwitter Followers 8.4KInstagram Followers 1K Domain Authority 43
30. SJSU iSchool Career Blog
Blog https://ischool.sjsu.edu/career-blog + Follow Blog
Career development is on everyone's minds. After all, that's why most, if not all, of our students come to us. This blog is all about giving you the latest and greatest in what's going on in the job market. Chock-full of tips and guidance, the Career Blog is a must-read for all students and job seekers.MORE Email ****@sjsu.edu
Facebook Followers 8.1KTwitter Followers 2.8KInstagram Followers 2.1K Domain Authority 82
31. Kathy Caprino Blog
Blog https://kathycaprino.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Kathy Caprino offers expert career and leadership coaching, executive and managerial training, and career success programs that support professional growth worldwide. With a focus on empowering professional women, Kathy is a globally recognized career and leadership coach, sought-after speaker, 2x author, top Leadership Voice, and host of the acclaimed Finding Brave podcast. Through her coaching, writing, and training, she helps professionals 'find brave,' expand their confidence and efficacy, and build their most rewarding careers.MORE Email ****@kathycaprino.com
Facebook Followers 6.6KTwitter Followers 11.4K Domain Authority 45
32. Inspire Global Solutions
Blog https://www.inspireglobalsolutions.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
IGS (Inspire Global Solutions) a recruitment consultancy firm that provides broad-based experience at an affordable fee that won't in any way put a hole in the pocket of our clients. We will offer a complete range of recruitment consulting services to our local, state, national, and multi-national clients and we will ensure that we work hard to provide the required consulting services and staffing solutions needed by our clients to accomplish their business goals and objectives.MORE Email ****@inspireglobalsolutions.com
Facebook Followers 10.4KTwitter Followers 43Instagram Followers 263 Domain Authority 51
33. Career & Professional Development at the University of Denver Blog
Blog https://career.du.edu/blog/ + Follow Blog
Key topics covered are resume & cover letter writing, interviewing & salary negotiation, job search, internships & experiental learning, professional development and more. Also covers news and success stories. University of Denver is committed to helping students and alumni succeed in their careers. Career Services counselors provide advising, resources, and support to help you find that perfect job or internship.MORE Email ****@du.edu
Twitter Followers 559Instagram Followers 1.2K Domain Authority 80
34. Jane Jackson Career Blog
Blog https://janejacksoncoach.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Jane is a leading Career Management Coach, Author of #1 Amazon bestseller, Navigating Career Crossroads, Keynote Speaker and Host of 'Your Career' Podcast. Follow this blog where she provides career guidance.MORE Email ****@janejacksoncoach.com
Facebook Followers 2KTwitter Followers 3.9KInstagram Followers 2.7K Since Oct 2009 Domain Authority 36
35. LiveCareer
Blog https://www.livecareer.com/resources + Follow Blog
Get tips and guidance on resume and cover letter writing, interviews, job, career, women at work and more. LiveCareer is the leading online career destination for successful job seekers and have helped more than 10 million registered users build job-winning resumes and find careers they absolutely love.MORE Email ****@livecareer.com
Facebook Followers 15.8KInstagram Followers 2.5K Domain Authority 77
36. Margaret Buj Blog
Blog https://interview-coach.co.uk/blog/ + Follow Blog
Covers topics such as career management, career advancement, work-life balance, job interview, resume and cover letter, salary negotiation, google interviews and more. Margaret Buj specialize in helping professionals get hired, promoted and earn more. She has 15 years of experience of recruiting for global technology and eCommerce companies across Europe & the US, and in the last 13 years, she successfully coached hundreds of people to get the jobs and promotions they really wanted.MORE Email ****@interview-coach.co.uk
Facebook Followers 693Twitter Followers 1.9K Domain Authority 40
37. Mike McRitchie
Blog https://mikemcritchie.com/ + Follow Blog
Challenging Beliefs and Creating Breakthroughs in Your Career, Business, Life.
Email ****@mikemcritchie.com
Facebook Followers 96Twitter Followers 405 Domain Authority 24
38. Resumonk Blog
Blog https://www.resumonk.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Resume Writing Tips & Career Advice by Resumonk. Resumonk is an online resume builder that saves you money and time by helping you create professional and beautiful resumes. Resumonk handles the job of formatting and converting your resume into pdf format, thereby letting you focus on writing quality content.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 857Twitter Followers 587 Domain Authority 46
39. CareerSolvers - Finding the path that's right for you
Blog https://www.careersolvers.com/news/ + Follow Blog
Career Solvers specializes in managing job search campaigns for six-figure professionals and executives who know where they want to go, but need assistance uncovering the most efficient path.MORE Email ****@careersolvers.com
Facebook Followers 228Twitter Followers 5.6K Domain Authority 42
40. Career Enlightenment
Blog https://careerenlightenment.com/ + Follow Blog
Covers articles on social media job search, personal branding, Facebook job search, Twitter job search, Jooble job search, linkedin tips career and more. Career Enlightenment offers a new way of getting to that interview through confidently managing relationships with your online reputation in order to clearly communicate your uniqueness.MORE Email ****@careerenlightenment.com
Facebook Followers 1.6K Domain Authority 50
41. BuddyMantra » Career
Blog https://buddymantra.com/category/career/ + Follow Blog
The Buddy Mantra blog offers career advice, tips, strategies, and guidance for job seekers. Buddymantra is one of the most credible platforms that are constantly evolving and being up-to-date for young minds who are willing to secure their places in the field of writing or blogging. They have a handful of a team consisting of bloggers and vloggers who love to write and portray their thoughts and emotions, with words.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 4.5KTwitter Followers 2.8KInstagram Followers 1.2K Domain Authority 58
42. Eat Your Career Blog
Blog https://eatyourcareer.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Covers topics like job search, productivity, career planning, career change and more. Founder Chrissy Scivicque is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and certified Professional Career Manager (PCM). She also holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Sonoma State University, CA. Eat Your Career is your resource for professional development and career advancement advice.MORE Email ****@eatyourcareer.com
Twitter Followers 2K Domain Authority 44
43. The Warwick Careers Blog
Blog https://careersblog.warwick.ac.uk/ + Follow Blog
Articles on topics such as career development, learning, job market, job interviews, career decisions, interview questions, applications, self-awareness, personal branding, work experience, and more. Warwick is one of the UK's leading universities, with an acknowledged reputation for excellence in research and teaching, for innovation, and links with business and industry.MORE Email ****@warwick.ac.uk
Twitter Followers 39 Since May 2012 Domain Authority 81
44. How2Become
Blog https://www.how2become.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Learn how to write a CV, complete an application form, pass psychometric tests and how to pass any job interview. Also covers articles on education, job competencies, eligibility criteria, career advice and more. How2Become.com is the UK's leading careers and educational information and development website.MORE Email ****@how2become.com
Facebook Followers 19KTwitter Followers 1.2KInstagram Followers 414 Since Aug 2012 Domain Authority 39
45. Careers Done Write
Blog https://careersdonewrite.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Debra Wheatman, President of Careers Done Write, provides expert insight to the job search process that puts your career in gear with tips for interviewing, networking, job search strategies and how to create a winning resume and cover letter.MORE Email ****@careersdonewrite.com
Facebook Followers 1.8KTwitter Followers 124Instagram Followers 401 Domain Authority 40
46. MiddleMe
Blog https://middleme.net/tag/career/ + Follow Blog
From a solid corporate background, I have successfully migrated to online entrepreneurship. Taking on various projects and assisting start-ups, I have created a strong profile as a writer and a recruiter. I am currently writing a book about freelancing, in hopes that my experience will help others to find their passion and reach their dreams without financial worries.MORE Email ****@middleme.net
Facebook Followers 120Twitter Followers 256Instagram Followers 221 Domain Authority 27
47. Career Impressions Blog
Blog https://careerimpressions.ca/blog/ + Follow Blog
Positioning and Packaging Top Professionals for Higher-Level Employment!
Email ****@careerimpressions.ca
Facebook Followers 829Twitter Followers 1.9K Domain Authority 39
48. May Busch Blog
Blog https://maybusch.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Career advice, tips and strategies. Also covers topics like communication and influence, self-awareness, stakeholder management, decision-making, team leadership, building your community and more. May Busch is an executive coach, speaker, advisor, author and entrepreneur. Following her successful investment banking career, May Busch focuses on bringing her insights and experiences to help high-potential and high-performance leaders and their teams perform at their best and fulfill their potential.MORE Email ****@maybusch.com
Facebook Followers 1.1KTwitter Followers 1.9K Domain Authority 38
49. The Professional Alternatives Blog
Blog https://www.proalt.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
The Professional Alternatives blog is your one-stop destination for staying up-to-date on the latest news and trends in recruiting, staffing, and human resources. This ranges from new laws, hiring tips, career advice, and industry insights that you can use to hire top talent or land your next dream job. Learn from Professional Alternative's hiring experts so you can build a team of top-performing employees, grow in your career, or find your dream job!MORE Email ****@proalt.com
Facebook Followers 1.9KTwitter Followers 116 Domain Authority 26
50. HQ Hire
Blog https://hqhire.com/ + Follow Blog
HQ Hire is a career resource portal for professionals of all levels. We help you navigate your career by providing clear, practical advice on job search, resume writing, salary negotiations, and career tips.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 1.8KTwitter Followers 18 Domain Authority 20
51. Freesumes Blog
Blog https://www.freesumes.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Resume and cover letter tips, resume samples, career advice, job interview and job search. Freesumes is a website that offers stunning and powerful Word resume templates available for instant download, FREE! Each resume template has been uniquely crafted with one goal in mind, offering job seekers a better chance to get noticed by potential hiring manager.MORE Facebook Followers 548Twitter Followers 132 Domain Authority 36
52. Grasslands Recruitment Specialists Blog
Blog https://grasslandsgroup.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Find recruitment news, resources, blog, and testimonials updated by GRS. Grasslands Recruitment Specialists is designed to provide real value to clients, making a difference in the economic and social well-being of individuals, businesses, and organizations. It endeavors to uncover talented and qualified candidates that have demonstrated great predictability of workplace success.MORE Email ****@grasslandsgroup.com
Facebook Followers 116Twitter Followers 367Instagram Followers 103 Domain Authority 56
53. Allison Cheston — Career Connector
Blog https://www.allisoncheston.com/news + Follow Blog
Allison Cheston is a New York City-based career advisor who works with clients who are mid-career executives or young adults. A talented marketer and networker with a background in executive search, Allison has a flair for packaging people and a knack for translating a person's interests, aptitudes and experiences into a satisfying career path.MORE Email ****@allisoncheston.com
Twitter Followers 1.7K Domain Authority 31
54. Career Valet
Blog https://www.careervalet.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Our blog contains useful career-related articles and advice, including pieces by president Marcelle Yeager from U.S. News and World Reports On Careers weekly blog.
Email ****@careervalet.com
Facebook Followers 738Twitter Followers 672 Domain Authority 24
55. Inside Your Career
Blog https://www.insidercareerstrategies.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Job search and career insights blog, featuring applicant tracking systems, career change, employment, interviews, LinkedIn, networking, remote work, salary negotiation, and resume tips. Scott Singer is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW) and Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC) who guides individual and corporate clients through the job search and hiring process, consulting on everything from resume writing and interview coaching to staffing programs and recruitment strategies.MORE Email ****@insidercs.com
Twitter Followers 1.1K Domain Authority 28
56. The Assistant Room
Blog https://www.theassistantroom.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Described as the Vogue of the PA world, The Assistant Room is an online lifestyle platform for the global PA industry.
Email ****@theassistantroom.com
Facebook Followers 1.9KTwitter Followers 1.2KInstagram Followers 5.1K Domain Authority 20
57. @work: a career blog
Blog https://yourwork-yourway.com/category/profess.. + Follow Blog
A blog about getting and keeping your next great job by Candace Moody. Candace has appeared in the media to address employment issues and has written for the Florida Times Union for several years. She is an expert in career recruitment, training, assessment, and in the human resources field. She is the vice president of CareerSource Northeast Florida.MORE Email ****@worksourcefl.com
Twitter Followers 622 Domain Authority 25
58. HipCV
Blog https://hipcv.com/blog + Follow Blog
Covers blog posts that will help you create effective resume in minutes. HipCV is a free online resume builder/maker, that allows you create and track stylish professional resume in minutes.
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 85Twitter Followers 180 Domain Authority 31
59. Allegiance Staffing » Career Blog
Blog https://www.allegiancestaffing.com/career-blog/ + Follow Blog
This career blog includes secret sauce for job searching, interview best practices, and employment tips. Allegiance Staffing is a staffing firm committed to providing excellent service to companies and employees nationwide.MORE Email ****@allegiancestaffing.com
Facebook Followers 1.2K Domain Authority 38
60. Vati.io | Career Guide
Blog https://vati.io/career-guide/ + Follow Blog
Vati.io is a comprehensive Career Assessment and Career Planning Platform that assists you in all possible ways to take your career to the next level. Keep up with the latest Career Guide and Resources.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Domain Authority 38
61. Accord Consultants
Blog https://accordconsultants.in/category/career-.. + Follow Blog
We Accord Consultants, a placement agency in based in Pune. We are serving placement services in all over India. We understand and analyze our client requirement first and provide them a right candidate.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter Followers 22 Domain Authority 18
62. Vikings Career Strategists Blog
Blog https://vikingscareerstrategists.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Founded in 2018, Vikings Career Strategists' expertise lies in Career Counseling, and Study Abroad services for a variety of MBA-MIM-MS programs. They provide career counseling services, through their four-dimensional analysis along with a wide range of mentorship programs. Their career enablement services include professional resume writing, cover letter, personal branding, LinkedIn review, interview coaching, soft skills & leadership development. The blog features content on career counseling, study abroad guidance for MBA, MS, MIM, and bachelor programs, and interview and resume tips.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 8.1KInstagram Followers 33K Domain Authority 11
63. Jobs360
Blog https://www.jobs360.com.ph/blog/ + Follow Blog
Follow Jobs360 to find job opportunities in the Philippines with competitive salaries and great benefits. Be part of an amazing work environment that will help you boost your career.
Email ****@jobs360.com.ph
Facebook Followers 21.2KTwitter Followers 81 Domain Authority 15
64. Velocity Search Group
Blog https://velocitysgi.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Velocity Search Group, Inc. is an executive search and placement firm specializing in finding talented individuals for clients in technology and accounting
Email ****@velocitysgi.com
Domain Authority 11
65. Classy Career Girl
Blog https://www.classycareergirl.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Covers articles on topics such as job search, job interview, work from home, entrepreneurship, leadership, career management, productivity, marketing, networking, social media and more. Classy Career Girl is an e-learning platform designed to be a one-stop-shop for all women in career transition. Their trainings are world class and we are dedicated to motivating and inspiring women who are job searching or starting businesses.MORE Email ****@classycareergirl.com
Facebook Followers 37.7KTwitter Followers 7.4K Since Apr 2010 Domain Authority 49
66. Career Sidekick Blog
Blog https://careersidekick.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Job search and career blog featuring proven tips for resume writing, cover letters, job interviews, interview questions & answers, after the interview, networking, LinkedIn profiles and more. Career Sidekick is a job search advice website founded in 2013 by executive recruiter Biron Clark to share job search tips and tactics based on direct experience working with hundreds of job seekers, recruiting for multiple Fortune 500 firms, and reviewing thousands of resumes and LinkedIn profiles.MORE Email ****@careersidekick.com
Facebook Followers 7.7KTwitter Followers 9.5K Domain Authority 53
67. Bullseye Blog
Blog https://inbullseye.com/learn/ + Follow Blog
Learn the best practices, tips, tricks, and hacks to rapidly find your dream job. Bullseye Precision Job Search is an AI-powered job-matching service that aims to simplify and automate the job-hunting process. It uses advanced algorithms to accurately match job seekers with suitable positions based on their skills, experience, and career aspirations.MORE Email ****@inbullseye.com
Domain Authority 1
68. The Balance Careers
Blog https://www.thebalancecareers.com/ + Follow Blog
The Balance Careers makes navigating your career easy. It is home to experts who provide clear, practical advice on job searching, resume writing, salary negotiations, and other career planning topics. Whether you're looking to find a new job, advance at your current position, or explore new paths, their 20-year-strong library of more than 10,000 pieces of content will help you take your career to the next level.MORE Email ****@thebalance.com
Facebook Followers 187Twitter Followers 19.4K Domain Authority 82
69. FlexJobs
Blog https://www.flexjobs.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
FlexJobs is the best, biggest, and most trusted resource for legitimate, professional remote and flexible jobs. Read the FlexJobs blog to get the latest remote job search tips, trends & news to help you find a better way to work!MORE Email ****@FlexJobs.com
Facebook Followers 208.6KTwitter Followers 32KInstagram Followers 113.5K Domain Authority 75
70. Alexandra Levit's Water Cooler Wisdom
Blog https://blog.alexandralevit.com/ + Follow Blog
Alexandra Levit's Water Cooler Wisdom provides up-to-the-minute career advice from one who survived the trenches, helping people and organizations succeed in the evolving workplace.
Email ****@alexandralevit.com
Twitter Followers 112.3K Domain Authority 49
71. TopResume » Career Advice
Blog https://topresume.com/career-advice + Follow Blog
Job-search tips and expert advice to help you get ahead in your career. Also covers articles on resume, cover letter, interview, personal branding, networking, getting ahead, workplace, LinkedIn tips and more. TopResume is the largest resume-writing service in the world, and writes and analyzes more resumes and LinkedIn profiles than any other service.MORE Email ****@topresume.com
Facebook Followers 32.6KTwitter Followers 6.9KInstagram Followers 2.7K Domain Authority 63
72. Great Resumes Fast Blog
Blog https://greatresumesfast.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Resume writing tips from certified resume writers and personal branding professionals. Blog by Award-Winning Executive Resume Writer Jessica H Hernandez.
Email ****@greatresumesfast.com
Facebook Followers 6KTwitter Followers 13.8K Domain Authority 46
73. Hired
Blog https://www.lhh.com/us/en/insights/?SortBy=ne.. + Follow Blog
Career advice, tips and strategies for job seekers. Also covers articles on interview process, job search, diversity, salary, career growth, remote work and more. Hired combines intelligent job matching with unbiased career counseling to help people find a job they love and reach their full potential.MORE Email ****@hired.com
Facebook Followers 111.7KTwitter Followers 22.1KInstagram Followers 7.3K Domain Authority 64
74. Career Geek
Blog https://www.careergeekblog.com/ + Follow Blog
Career Geek blog focuses on creating career and personal development content for Gen Y. Since 2011, resident blogger Faizan Patankar has been writing about career advice and career hacks for students and graduates to go through the early stages of their career.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 712Twitter Followers 4.5K Domain Authority 56
75. Careers Blog - IE University, Spain
Blog https://careers.blogs.ie.edu/ + Follow Blog
The right talent at the right place. Career blog by IE University, Spain
Email ****@ie.edu
Twitter Followers 17.5K Domain Authority 73
76. Career Pivot Blog
Blog https://careerpivot.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Covers blog topics such as career change, job search, networking, career success, personal branding, entrepreneurship, social media and more. Founder Marc Miller is a career designer and he is passionate about his work and the clients he serves. He has taught in more than 35 countries and helped clients from many industries. Career Pivot is a career design firm for baby boomers like you who want a change, but know you can't just leap from one life to another.MORE Email ****@careerpivot.com
Facebook Followers 1.4KTwitter Followers 32.3K Since Aug 2011 Domain Authority 38
77. A Millennial's Diary
Blog https://mary-agbesanwa.medium.com/ + Follow Blog
Blog posts covering all things personal development and careers from Mary Agbesanwa, making her way in the management consulting industry.
Email ****@hotmail.co.uk
Twitter Followers 3K Since Dec 2017 Domain Authority 95
78. Executive Resume Services Blog
Blog https://exclusive-executive-resumes.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Providing executive resume services to top professionals worldwide
Email ****@exclusive-executive-resumes.com
Facebook Followers 1.1KTwitter Followers 19.4KInstagram Followers 2K Domain Authority 44
79. Punched Clocks
Blog https://www.punchedclocks.com/ + Follow Blog
Hi. I'm Sarah Landrum. I started Punched Clocks to share my advice on navigating the work world and achieving happiness and success in life and at work.
Facebook Followers 500Twitter Followers 2.6K Domain Authority 40
80. Executive Career Brand Blog
Blog https://executivecareerbrand.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Covers articles on executive career management, executive job interviews, executive job search, executive networking, resume & cover letter, linkedin, personal branding, work-life balance and more. Meg has a solid foundation of first-class professional training and years of experience helping c-level and senior executives uncover and differentiate their unique promise of value, navigate the daunting executive job search landscape, and Land a Great-Fit New Gig.MORE Email ****@executivecareerbrand.com
Twitter Followers 15.9K Domain Authority 38
81. Things Career Related
Blog https://thingscareerrelated.com/ + Follow Blog
Articles on career search, linkedin, resumes, interviewing, introverts, networking and more. Bob McIntosh, CPRW, is a career trainer who leads more than 20 unique job-search webinars. Bob also meets with high-level job seekers on an individual basis. He critiques their résumés and LinkedIn profiles, as well as conducts mock interviews and provides salary negotiating advice.MORE Twitter Followers 6K Since Dec 2010 Domain Authority 37
82. Dana Manciagli | Career Coaching and Speaking
Blog https://www.danamanciagli.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Dana Manciagli, called 'a combination of Jillian Michaels and Suze Orman for careers,' has been a corporate executive for more than 30 years and has leveraged her employee hiring and management experience into that of author, blogger, keynote speaker, career coach, and global career expert. Dana has coached, interviewed, and hired thousands of job seekers.MORE Email ****@danamanciagli.com
Twitter Followers 17.1K Domain Authority 41
83. Balanced Work Life | Blog
Blog https://balancedworklife.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
We enable organizations, leaders and their teams to reach their potential by providing unique advantages through insights, innovations and inspirations. We share the top resources in professional development and career advice.MORE Email ****@balancedworklife.com
Facebook Followers 434Twitter Followers 2.4K Domain Authority 33
84. Pure Jobs Blog | Career advancement; and recruitment blog
Blog https://www.pure-jobs.co.uk/blog + Follow Blog
Purejobs is one of the largest job portal & recruiting network dedicated to connecting recruiters & job seekers locally & globally. Probably the best career advancement; longer-term career strategies, branding and networking blog on the internet.MORE Email ****@ymail.com
Facebook Followers 7.3KTwitter Followers 4.1K Since Jul 2010 Domain Authority 18
85. Leverage Edu
Blog https://leverageedu.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Best-rated industry experts and real world experienced professionals to crack University Admissions, get right Career Advice, help Settle Abroad, upgrade Job Skills.
Email ****@leverageedu.com
Facebook Followers 58.8KTwitter Followers 3.3KInstagram Followers 171.3K Domain Authority 49
86. On the Job
Blog http://onthejob.45things.com/ + Follow Blog
On the Job provides helpful information and advice from America's favorite workplace columnist. Anita Bruzzese is a nationally syndicated columnist on the workplace and award-winning journalist. She has addressed audiences on topics ranging from taking control of your career, avoiding workplace blunders and responsible business blogging.MORE Email ****@anitabruzzese.com
Twitter Followers 10K Domain Authority 44
87. Patrick Algrim
Blog https://www.algrim.co/ + Follow Blog
Articles on resumes, career, cover letters, job descriptions, interview questions, internships and more. Patrick Algrim is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), NCDA Certified Career Counselor (CCC), and general career expert. Patrick has completed the NACE Coaching Certification Program and has been published as a career expert on Forbes, Glassdoor, American Express, Reader's Digest, LiveCareer and more.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter Followers 52 Domain Authority 39
88. edWisor
Blog https://edwisor.medium.com/ + Follow Blog
Edwisor is stimulating hundreds of students & professionals to become experts to get their Dream Job and steer their career to next level. We aim to solve the skill problem and unemployability in India and the World.MORE Email ****@edwisor.com
Facebook Followers 34.5KInstagram Followers 3.7K Domain Authority 95
89. My Lifestyle Career
Blog https://www.mylifestylecareer.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
I'm Nancy Collamer, a career consultant, speaker and author of Second-Act Careers: 50 Ways to Profit from Your Passions During Semi-Retirement. My passion is helping people find fun, fulfilling and flexible ways to profit from their passions during their semi-retirement years.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 1KTwitter Followers 4.4K Domain Authority 43
90. The Office Blend Blog
Blog https://marlagottschalk.com/the-officeblend-b.. + Follow Blog
Career blog by Dr. Marla Gottschalk. Marla is an Industrial & Organizational Psychologist who specializes in workplace success strategies and organizational change. Her goal is to blend the disciplines of psychology and business to help 21st century employees and organizations move forward confidently.MORE Email ****@comcast.net
Twitter Followers 7.6K Domain Authority 38
91. Elite Resumes
Blog https://aneliteresume.com/category/resume-wri.. + Follow Blog
Elite Resumes has been providing successful executive resume writing and job search coaching since 1993. Martin Buckland, Principal of Elite Resumes, is one of North America's leading authorities on highly effective executive resume writing, high impact cover letters, successful job-search strategies, executive coaching, personal branding, interview tutoring and social media career strategies.MORE Email ****@aneliteresume.com
Facebook Followers 729Twitter Followers 2.6K Domain Authority 29
92. Vault.com
Blog https://www.vault.com/blogs-employment-news + Follow Blog
A Career Advice Blog, covering working-world employment news and career trends, with advice and strategies for modern career advancement specialists. Key topics covered are resumes, cover letters, interviewing, networking as well as the latest news and trends in salaries, benefits, and other workplace issues affecting your career. Vault powers your career intelligence with expert career advice and verified industry data, rankings, and reviews.MORE Email ****@vault.com
Facebook Followers 30 Domain Authority 65
93. Career Advancement Blog
Blog https://garfinkleexecutivecoaching.com/execut.. + Follow Blog
Joel Garfinkle is recognized as top 50 executive coach in America. He has 17 years of experience in leadership and career fulfillment. He is the author 8 books and 300 articles on Leadership. This blog provides articles, insights and tips to help toward career success.MORE Email ****@garfinkleexecutivecoaching.com
Twitter Followers 2.4K Domain Authority 44
94. JibberJobber Blog
Blog https://blog.jibberjobber.com/category/career.. + Follow Blog
Covers topics such as career management, soft skills, job search, branding, resume writing, social networking, interviews and more. JibberJobber was designed by Jason Alba during his epic failure-of-a-job-search in early 2006. It is a web and mobile app for your personal career management. Job search experts tell you keep track of your job search, and make sure you follow-up.MORE Email ****@JibberJobber.com
Facebook Followers 1.9KTwitter Followers 1.4K Domain Authority 46
95. ThriveYard
Blog https://www.thriveyard.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
ThriveYard provides in-depth/detailed career advice articles, infographics, videos, and slides to help people get a job, love their job and succeed in their careers.Topics addressed include interview preparation, resume writing, cover letters, job promotion, resigning gracefully, managing email, using LinkedIn, job searching, being proactive, taking initiative.MORE Email ****@thriveyard.com
Facebook Followers 214Twitter Followers 152Instagram Followers 140 Domain Authority 31
96. Sterling Career Concepts
Blog https://www.sterlingcareerconcepts.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Blog by Laurie Berenson - Master resume writer & job search expert who turns job search stress into success for sr professionals & execs.
Email ****@sterlingcareerconcepts.com
Facebook Followers 283Twitter Followers 3KInstagram Followers 2.9K Domain Authority 35
97. Career Tips To Go
Blog https://www.careertipstogo.com/ + Follow Blog
Our mission is to provide practical tips, ideas and suggestions (and a little inspiration) to help you take charge of your career. And provide you with the skills to enjoy the results and the adventure along the way.MORE Email ****@careertipstogo.com
Facebook Followers 1.5KTwitter Followers 683 Domain Authority 28
98. Hire Imaging
Blog https://acendance.com/career-development/ + Follow Blog
Professional Resume and Career Coaching Services by Barb Poole. I've been helping executives and professionals explore, find, get, and keep career dreams for more than 30 years. It would be my honor to help you!MORE Email ****@hireimaging.com
Facebook Followers 299Twitter Followers 2.4K Domain Authority 47
99. Career Intelligence Resume Writing And Career Services
Blog https://careerintelligenceresumewriting.com/b.. + Follow Blog
We create banded executive resumes, robust,optimized LinkedIn profiles, cover letters, and 1-page networking resumes. Annette holds 4 certifications including certified resume writer, certified LinkedIn profile writer, certified employment interview consultant, and certified social media professional.MORE Email ****@careerintelligenceresumewriting.com
Facebook Followers 369Twitter Followers 2.1K Domain Authority 26
100. GradSiren Career Guide
Blog https://www.gradsiren.com/career-advice/ + Follow Blog
Jobfair.pro is a portal focused on job fairs all over the world. Your online job fair. We pay close attention to all job fairs happening across the US and the globe as a whole, to bring you the best opportunities.MORE Email ****@gradsiren.com
Facebook Followers 1.9KTwitter Followers 709 Domain Authority 22
Career Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | Twitter Handle | Twitter Follower | LinkedIn Profile | |
Adrianna Moore | Author | personalbrandingblog.com | ||||
Aleksey Salaz | Author | personalbrandingblog.com | ||||
Kevin George | Author | personalbrandingblog.com | @imkevin_monk | 634 | https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-george-email | |
Michael Brenner | Author | personalbrandingblog.com | @BrennerMichael | https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelbrenner | ||
John Hall | Author | personalbrandingblog.com | ||||
Julia Olivas | Author | personalbrandingblog.com | ||||
Alison Green | Author | askamanager.org/category/workplace-practices | @askamanager | 88K | ||
Maggie Mistal | Author | maggiemistal.com/category/recent-articles | @maggiemistal | 6.8K | https://www.linkedin.com/in/maggiemistal | |
Linda Allen | Author | mscareergirl.com/category/work | @mscareergirl | 10.9K | ||
Alissa M. Trumbull | Author | mscareergirl.com/category/work | @naorchidinblomo | 1 | ||
Sarah Landrum | Author | mscareergirl.com/category/work | @sarahlandrum | 2.8K | ||
Jen David | Writer | cvshed.co.uk/blog | https://www.linkedin.com/in/cvjen/ | |||
Penelope Trunk | Author | blog.penelopetrunk.com | @penelopetrunk | 110.5K | ||
Jacob Share | Author | jobmob.co.il | @jacobshare | 27.6K | ||
Stephanie Jones | Editor | personalbrandingblog.com | ||||
Alexander Kjerulf | Author | positivesharing.com | @alexkjerulf | 8.1K | https://www.linkedin.com/in/chiefhappinessofficer/ | |
Chad M. Crabtree | EDITOR-IN-CHIEF | careerkarma.com/blog | @chadmcrabtree | 624 | https://www.linkedin.com/in/chadmcrabtree/ | |
Janelle Kohnert | Senior editor | careerkarma.com/blog | https://www.linkedin.com/in/imogen-janelle-kohnert-268b0027/ | |||
Madeline Hoffman | Editor | careerkarma.com/blog | https://www.linkedin.com/in/madeline-hoffman/ | |||
Brandon Woods | Editor | careerkarma.com/blog | https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandonwprowriting/ | |||
Anith Adilah Othman | Editor | careerkarma.com/blog | https://www.linkedin.com/in/anith-adilah-othman-86542139/ | |||
Careershifters | Editorial Inquiries | careershifters.org/blog | ||||
Lisa Rangel | Author | chameleonresumes.com/articles | ||||
Joey Trebif | Author | careeralley.com/career-opportunities | @joeytrebif | 5 | https://www.linkedin.com/in/careeralley/ | |
Kerry Hannon | Author | kerryhannon.com/?cat=59 | @kerryhannon | 12.6K | http://www.linkedin.com/in/kerryhannon | |
Jane Jackson | Blogger & Author | janejacksoncoach.com/blog | @janecareercoach | 4K | https://www.linkedin.com/in/janejackson/ | |
Mike McRitchie | Founder & Author | mikemcritchie.com | ||||
Joshua Waldman | Author | careerenlightenment.com | ||||
Amit Kumar | Author | buddymantra.com/category/career | @buddymantra | 2.9K | https://www.linkedin.com/company/buddymantra.com | |
Triparna Dutta | Author | buddymantra.com/category/career | https://www.linkedin.com/in/triparnamimi-dutta/ | |||
Adrienne Tom | Author | careerimpressions.ca/blog | @calgaryresumes | 1.7K | ||
Elena Prokopets | Chief Content Strategist | freesumes.com/blog | https://www.linkedin.com/in/elenaprokopets/ | |||
Marcelle Yeager | Speaker And Author | careervalet.com/blog | https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcelleyeager/ | |||
Ann Tropea | Professional Writer and Editor | careervalet.com/blog | https://www.linkedin.com/in/ann-tropea/ | |||
Jess | Author | theassistantroom.com/blog | ||||
Candace Moody | Author | yourwork-yourway.com/category/professional-development | @candacemoody | 648 | ||
Alexandra Levit | Author | blog.alexandralevit.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandralevit/ | |||
Marc Miller | Author | careerpivot.com/blog | @careerpivot | 33.2K | ||
Mary Agbesanwa | Author | mary-agbesanwa.medium.com | @millennialmarya | 2.8K | ||
Meg Guiseppi | Author | executivecareerbrand.com/blog | @megguiseppi | 15.9K | ||
Bob Mcintosh | Author | thingscareerrelated.com | @bob_mcintosh_1 | 6.2K | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bobmcintosh/ | |
Anita Bruzzese | Author | onthejob.45things.com | @anitabruzzese | 10.4K | ||
Patrick Algrim | Author | algrim.co | @hellyeahdude | 3K | ||
Dr. Marla R. Gottschalk | Author | marlagottschalk.com/the-officeblend-blog | @mrgottschalk | 7.9K | https://www.linkedin.com/in/marlagottschalk/ | |
Martin Buckland | Author | aneliteresume.com/category/resume-writing | @eliteresumes | 2.7K | https://ca.linkedin.com/in/mbuckland | |
Joel Garfinkle | Author & President | garfinkleexecutivecoaching.com/executive-coaching-articles | @joelgarfinkle | 2.5K | https://www.linkedin.com/in/joelgarfinkle/ | |
Jason Alba | Author | blog.jibberjobber.com/category/career-management | @jasonalba | 19.7K | ||
Annette Richmond | Writer | careerintelligenceresumewriting.com/blog | @careerintell | 2.1K | https://www.linkedin.com/in/annetterichmond/ | |
Hallie Crawford | Author, Speaker | halliecrawford.com/career-blog | @halliecrawford | 936 | ||
Lezlie Garr | Author | resumelezlie.com/blog |