10 Best China Music Blogs and Websites in 2025
China Music Blogs
Here are 10 Best China Music Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Musicinfo Blog
Blog https://musicinfo.io/blog-page + Follow Blog
Musicinfo is a blog that helps artists distribute their music to China. It offers a variety of distribution plans, including one-time distribution and monthly subscription plans. The Musicinfo blog covers a variety of topics related to music distribution and promotion in China.MORE Email ****@musicinfo.io
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2. Early Chinese Music Resources Blog
Blog http://earlychinesemusic.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
Early Chinese Music Resources Blog is a blog dedicated to exploring the rich heritage of ancient Chinese melodies. It offers a collection of well-researched articles about the origins, instruments, and evolution of traditional Chinese music. The blog features articles and content about ancient Chinese music, including information about its origins, traditional instruments, and how it has evolved over time.MORE Email ****@yahoo.com
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3. South China Morning Post » Music
Blog https://www.scmp.com/culture/music + Follow Blog
South China Morning Post is a hub for all things related to the music world. It offers an extensive range of content, including news, reviews, features, and interviews from the global music scene. It helps you explore the latest releases, concert updates, artist profiles, or in-depth analyses of music trends, and more.MORE Email ****@scmp.com
Facebook Followers 5MTwitter Followers 996.4KInstagram Followers 481.9K Domain Authority 92 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Music Business Worldwide » China
Blog https://www.musicbusinessworldwide.com/region.. + Follow Blog
Music Business Worldwide is a prominent online platform that focuses on covering news, insights, and analysis from the global music industry. Their blog bout China music industry showcases a treasure trove of exclusive content, expert insights, and breaking news. They feature information about the latest trends, market analysis, and success stories of both local and international artists conquering this vast market.MORE Email ****@musicbizworldwide.com
Facebook Followers 64.4KTwitter Followers 29.2K Domain Authority 73 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Music & Copyright Blog » China
Blog https://musicandcopyright.wordpress.com/categ.. + Follow Blog
Music & Copyright Blog provides information about Chinese copyright law, as well as tips for protecting your music copyright in China. The blog features articles and interviews about music copyright law and practice in China.MORE Domain Authority 39 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. Wooozy
Blog https://www.wooozy.cn/ + Follow Blog
Wooozy is a Chinese-language specialist web publication that focuses on both underground and mainstream music in China and across the globe. It was launched in April 2009 and is one of the first Chinese-language specialist web publications focusing on both underground and mainstream music in China and across the globe. The blog features original music content and news articles about the latest and best independent music in China.MORE Domain Authority 9 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Think China » Music
Blog https://www.thinkchina.sg/tags/music + Follow Blog
ThinkChina is an online website and blog that provides news and analysis about China. The blog covers a wide range of topics, including politics, economics, culture, and society.The blog features articles and interviews by leading experts latest music news and trends, Interviews with Chinese musicians, and Features on the Chinese music industry.MORE Email ****@sph.com.sg
Facebook Followers 8.7KTwitter Followers 11K Domain Authority 40 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. China Music Radar
Blog https://www.chinamusicradar.com/ + Follow Blog
China Music Radar is a website about the music industry in China, with a focus on the emerging domestic music scene and related trends. Read writing from China Music Radar on Medium. Stories, analysis and long-form features on China's burgeoning music industry. It s a blog about the music industry in China, especially the emerging popular music sceneMORE Domain Authority 37 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Live China Music
Blog https://www.livechinamusic.com/ + Follow Blog
Live China Music is a website and blog that covers the vibrant and diverse music scene in China. The blog offers a more personal and in-depth look at the Chinese music scene, with insights from the author, William Griffith. It features news and reviews of new releases, interviews with musicians, and features on the latest music trends.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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