15 Best Christian Apologetics Blogs and Websites in 2025
Christian Apologetics Blogs
Here are 15 Best Christian Apologetics Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. CrossExamined.org Blog
Blog https://crossexamined.org/blog/ + Follow Blog
CrossExamined.org is an evangelical, interdenominational Christian ministry led by Dr. Frank Turek covers Apologetics related topics via blog, social media, videos, training and more! Follow us to get apologetic insights and evidence delivered right to your e-mail address.MORE Email ****@crossexamined.org
Facebook Followers 489.3KTwitter Followers 3.2KInstagram Followers 248.1K Since Nov 2007 Domain Authority 49 Read Now Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Apologetics Guy℠ Blog
Blog https://apologeticsguy.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
I'm Mikel Del Rosario - an Apologetics Professor and Cultural Engagement Specialist in Dallas, TX. My goal is to help you engage the culture, make the case for Christianity, and defend the faith with confidence, courage, and compassion.MORE Email ****@apologeticsguy.com
Facebook Followers 3.1KTwitter Followers 6.5KInstagram Followers 3.6K Since Jun 2010 Domain Authority 32 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Answers in Genesis
Blog https://answersingenesis.org/ + Follow Blog
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible, particularly the book of Genesis regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth.MORE Email ****@alarryross.com
Facebook Followers 484.6KTwitter Followers 75.4KInstagram Followers 115.4K Domain Authority 80 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Deeper Waters
Blog https://www.deeperwatersapologetics.com/ + Follow Blog
At Deeper Waters Apologetics, we focus on answering the hard questions and ministering to the disabled community. We also wish to do our part to restore marriage and disciple an up and coming generation of apologists.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 1.1KTwitter Followers 2.5K Since Jan 2007 Domain Authority 25 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Quick Answers
Blog https://quick-answers.com/ + Follow Blog
A Christian apologetics website providing reasons for the faith in reasonable time. Quick answers to your curious questions.
Email ****@quick-answers.com
Facebook Followers 670Twitter Followers 2.8KInstagram Followers 8.2K Domain Authority 5 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. Stephen J. Bedard Blog
Blog http://www.stephenjbedard.com/category/apolog.. + Follow Blog
Blog posts on Christian Apologetics, Leadership, Disabilities and History from Stephen J. Bedard.
Email ****@stephenjbedard.com
Facebook Followers 1.5KTwitter Followers 6.9K Domain Authority 29 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Is there a God?
Blog https://www.is-there-a-god.info/ + Follow Blog
This blog is an easy read, respectful of non-belief, based on good research and leaves readers to make their own choices. It ranges across philosophy, science (cosmology & neuroscience), history, psychology and personal experiences of God. I avoid Christian dogma and cliches and try to be honest to the evidence.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Since May 2011 Domain Authority 31 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Apologetics315
Blog https://apologetics315.com/resources/ + Follow Blog
The mission of Apologetics 315 is to provide educational resources for the defense of the Christian faith, with the goal of strengthening the faith of believers and engaging the questions and challenges of other worldviews. Apologetics 315 is a place where you can get daily apologetics resources including debates, podcasts, book reviews, quotes, and more.MORE Email ****@apologetics315.com
Facebook Followers 13.9KTwitter Followers 34.6K Since Oct 2007 Domain Authority 42 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Reasons for Jesus
Blog https://reasonsforjesus.com/ + Follow Blog
Reasons for Jesus is an apologetics-based website dedicated to providing justification for a Biblical worldview and a rational defense for faith in Jesus Christ. On this site, we will be looking at answers to questions, responses to objections, and positive reasons for why Jesus is exactly who he claimed to be: The Son of God and only means of salvation.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 551.8KTwitter Followers 6.2KInstagram Followers 34.6K Domain Authority 40 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. iApologia
Blog https://iapologia.com/ + Follow Blog
iApologia is a place where Science, Reason & Christianity Meet. At iApologia, Daniel Currier shares the knowledge that he has learned so you can also grow in understanding, wisdom, and virtue with the hope that you will train others to grow closer to Christ.MORE Facebook Followers 9.3KTwitter Followers 265 Since Aug 2013 Domain Authority 19 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. Twin Cities Apologetics Blog
Blog https://www.twincitiesapologetics.com/blog + Follow Blog
At Twin Cities Apologetics we post apologetics content such as blog posts, videos, and podcasts created to equip followers of Jesus in the Twin Cities of Minnesota to defend the truth of the Christian faith and to build them up as ambassadors for Christ.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 1.4KTwitter Followers 357Instagram Followers 796 Since Jul 2018 Domain Authority 13 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. A Millennials Divine Defense Blog
Blog https://amillennialsdivinedefense.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
A Rational Case for Faith in an Age of Skepticism. I decided to write this blog as my defense for the Divine. I believe there are a lot of millennials out there like me: raised in the faith but have since been led away by the secular winds of modern society. I hope this blog provides a case for not only the existence of 'a god' but the God of the Bible. I hope that my experiences might inspire others to re-explore their faith. I believe that in so doing, they will find what I found God is real. He is just as relevant today as he has always been.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Domain Authority 3 Read Now Get Email Contact
13. Two Measures Foolish
Blog https://www.twomeasuresfoolish.org/christian-.. + Follow Blog
Two Measures Foolish is a Christian Apologetics group. Reason and Logic are key to comprehending God's Word. Our blog writing is devoted to defending the faith.
Email ****@twomeasuresfoolish.org
Facebook Followers 93 Domain Authority 1 Read Now Get Email Contact
14. Sturdy Anchor
Blog https://sturdyanchor.com/ + Follow Blog
This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor ~ Hebrews 6:19
Email ****@gmail.com
Domain Authority 1 Read Now Get Email Contact
Christian Apologetics Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Ken Ham | Speaker, Author, CEO And Founder | answersingenesis.org | |
Nick Peters | Contributor | deeperwatersapologetics.com | |
Liz Abrams | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Web Content Team | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Troy Lacey | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Stephen Bedard | Contributor | stephenjbedard.com | |
Dr. David W. Boyd | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Jr. | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Jeffrey P. Tomkins | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Dr. Frank Turek | Contributor | crossexamined.org | |
Melissa Dougherty | Contributor | crossexamined.org | |
Jason Jimenez | Contributor | crossexamined.org | |
Brian Chilton | Contributor | crossexamined.org | |
Al Serrato | Contributor | crossexamined.org | |
Ryan Leasure | Contributor | crossexamined.org | |
John D. Ferrer | Contributor | crossexamined.org | |
Jonathan Mclatchie | Contributor | crossexamined.org | |
Bobby Conway | Contributor | crossexamined.org | |
Josh Klein | Contributor | crossexamined.org | |
Frank Turek | Contributor | crossexamined.org | |
Shanda Fulbright | Contributor | crossexamined.org | |
Phoenix Hayes | Contributor | crossexamined.org | |
Mikel Del Rosario | Contributor | apologeticsguy.com | |
M.a. | Contributor | apologeticsguy.com | |
Th.m | Contributor | apologeticsguy.com | |
Dr. Mikel Del Rosario | Contributor | apologeticsguy.com | |
Simon Turpin | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Bodie Hodge | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Harry F. Sanders | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Iii | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Avery Foley | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Mark Looy | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Melissa Webb | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Stacia Mckeever | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Jeanette Littleton | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Ruth Carter | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Kyle Morris | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Prof. Stuart Burgess | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Paul Price | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Valerie Principe | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Heather Brinson Bruce | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Jessica Turpin | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Patricia Engler | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
David B. Smith | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Nick Liguori | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Frost Smith | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Tom Steffen | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Schuyler Vander Wilt | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Rick Barry | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Scot Chadwick | Contributor | answersingenesis.org |