10 Best Creationism Blogs and Websites in 2025
Creationism Blogs
Here are 10 Best Creationism Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Answers in Genesis
Blog https://answersingenesis.org/ + Follow Blog
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible, particularly the book of Genesis regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth.MORE Email ****@alarryross.com
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2. Creation Moments Blog
Blog https://creationmoments.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
The blog provides accurate information about new discoveries in God's creation. Creation Moments is a nonprofit interdenominational Christian outreach program. We serve individuals, students, churches, homeschoolers, and professionals by offering products and resources that uphold the truth of God in creation. We exist to glorify God by presenting scientific evidence for the literal truth of the Bible.MORE Email ****@creationmoments.com
Twitter Followers 2.7K Domain Authority 48 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Reasons to Believe
Blog https://reasons.org/library + Follow Blog
At Reasons to Believe, we exist to spread the Christian Gospel. We use scientific advances to answer questions and identify new evidence of God's existence, character, and the Bible's reliability. We engage skeptics and cultivate communities where scholars and others learn to integrate science, theology, and philosophy so they can open the world of science to the gospel.MORE Email ****@reasons.org
Facebook Followers 25.6KTwitter Followers 25.4KInstagram Followers 9.7K Domain Authority 59 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Naturalis Historia Blog
Blog https://thenaturalhistorian.com/category/blog/ + Follow Blog
Naturalis Historia is the collective works and thoughts of Joel Duff, a professor of biology. He is fascinated by God's creation and concerned that modern conservative evangelicals have increasing abandoned the study of natural revelation. His goal is to provide knowledge from his research on science and faith issues, some less formal thoughts, and short highlights of pertinent stories about science and the church.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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5. New Creation Blog
Blog https://newcreation.blog/ + Follow Blog
Learn more about Bible, science, astronomy, anthropology, geology, and many other topics. At New Creation, we steady about the Word of God. By arming our readers with a wide range of accessible research from the field of Biblical creation science, we empower them to think critically and make their own informed decisions about God's methods and handiwork.MORE Email ****@newcreation.blog
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6. BioLogos
Blog https://biologos.org/ + Follow Blog
BioLogos exists to show that you don't have to choose between modern science and biblical faith. BioLogos was founded by one of the top biologists in the world, Francis Collins. BioLogos explores God's word and God's world to inspire authentic faith for today. We affirm the established findings of modern science, celebrating the wonders of God's creation. Our vision is faith and science working hand in hand.MORE Email ****@biologos.org
Facebook Followers 68.3KTwitter Followers 13.6KInstagram Followers 8.5K Domain Authority 60 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Alpha Omega Institute Blog
Blog https://www.discovercreation.org/articles/blog/ + Follow Blog
Check out our Discover Creation blog for speaker updates, scientific articles, devotionals, and other great readings. Alpha Omega Institute is a worldwide outreach and educational organization. AOI offers educational programs in a variety of formats for children, youth, and adults. The institute is dedicated to strengthening Christians and reaching unbelievers by exposing the fallacies of evolutionary worldviews and defending the accuracy of the Bible.MORE Email ****@discovercreation.org
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8. Science & Belief in Society
Blog https://scienceandbeliefinsociety.org/news/ + Follow Blog
The International Research Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society supports the growth of high-quality international research examining the relationship between science and religion, cutting-edge social issues, and individuals' lived experiences. The Network is based at the University of Birmingham, within the Science, Knowledge, and Belief in Society Research Group.MORE Email ****@scienceandbeliefinsociety.org
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9. Creation Unfolding Blog
Blog https://creationunfolding.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Creation Unfolding stands for a new way of thinking about young-earth creationism. My name is Ken Coulson, I am the author of this website. I believe this website will be helpful in finding answers to tough questions related to creation versus evolution, progressive creationism, intelligent design, theistic evolution, the evolution of Adam, radioisotope dating, and many more.MORE Email ****@hotmail.com
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Creationism Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Ken Ham | Speaker, Author, CEO And Founder | answersingenesis.org | |
Joel Duff | Author | thenaturalhistorian.com/category/blog | |
Ken Coulson | Author | creationunfolding.com/blog | |
creationmoments | Contributor | creationmoments.com | |
ShaVonne Herndon | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Dominic Anthony Walsh | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Mark Norris | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Ariel Worthy | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Hugh Ross | Contributor | reasons.org | |
Fazale Rana | Contributor | reasons.org | |
Pablo De La Rosa | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Texas Public Radio | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Richard H. Armstrong | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Nick Peters | Contributor | deeperwatersapologetics.com | |
Doug Mueller | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Camille Phillips | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Tpr | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Patrick Svitek | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
James Doubek | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
ELEANOR KLIBANOFF | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Travis Bubenik | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Julián Aguilar | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
The Texas Newsroom | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Liz Abrams | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Dr. Krešimir Josić | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Lucio Vasquez | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Kurt Wise | Contributor | newcreation.blog | |
Troy Schulze | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Sangoule Diop | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Stephen Neukam | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Uriel J. GarcÍa | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Patricia Ortiz | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Sergio Martínez-beltrán | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Zeke Miller | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Aamer Madhani | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Rob Stein | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Yvette Benavides | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
David Martin | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Web Content Team | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Ashley Brown | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Neil Thomas | Contributor | evolutionnews.org | |
Adam Zuvanich | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Andrew Schneider | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
rightngamerica | Contributor | rightingamerica.net | |
Garrett Bohlmann | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Michael Hagerty | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org | |
Troy Lacey | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Dr. David W. Boyd | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Jr. | Contributor | answersingenesis.org | |
Elena Rivera | Contributor | houstonpublicmedia.org |