10 Best Financial Astrology Blogs And Websites in 2025
Financial Astrology Blogs
Here are 10 Best Financial Astrology Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. LunaticTrader
Blog https://lunatictrader.com/ + Follow Blog
LunaticTrader has studied and tested the cycles related to the Moon, and brings it together in an easy to use approach that doesn't require you to keep an eye on hundreds of different planetary aspects and factors. Since 2009 we have used this blog to present these ideas as well as our weekly take on the market and the lunar cycles have continued to be a useful guide in the stock market.MORE Facebook Followers 58Twitter Followers 5.1K Domain Authority 26 Read Now Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. World financial markets and astrology
Blog https://astrologyandthemarkets.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
World financial markets and astrology is a financial astrology blog, analysing the stock market with technical tools, planetary cycles, astrology, Gann methods and math calculations.
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3. Time ▾ Price ▴ Research
Blog https://time-price-research-astrofin.blogspot.. + Follow Blog
Get to know everything about the financial astrology at Time-Price-Research Blog.
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4. Rajeev Prakash Blog
Blog https://rajeevprakash.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Rajeev Prakash Agarwal is a renowned astrologer, based out of central India, with a vast experience of 20 years in astrology. He predicts the trend of stocks, commodities, currencies and bonds around the globe. With an accuracy of over 92%, he has a track record of over a decade in financial markets. He was also the astrologer who predicted the huge crash in January 2008 through advertisements in leading newspapers.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 1.8KTwitter Followers 1.2K Since Aug 2010 Domain Authority 12 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Market Jyotish
Blog http://marketjyotish.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
Christopher Kevill is a neo-Vedic astrologer specializing in predictive astrology. His formal education in sociology inclines him towards an evidence-based approach in astrology. In his daily practice as a consulting astrologer, he combines the timeless wisdom of Jyotish with a selection of complementary Western techniques. Get to know about the latest financial astrology updates at Market Jyotish.MORE Email ****@yahoo.com
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6. MahendraProphecy Blog
Blog https://www.mahendraprophecy.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Get the financial astrology predictions on all major financial markets by Mahendra Sharma. He has over 30 years of experience in financial predictions, with an exceptional track record, based on wave of nature theory and planets movement calculations. Globally many banks, financial institutions and high net worth individuals are in his client list. He also advices on his personal capacity to Governments and government institutions.MORE Email ****@mahendraprophecy.com
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7. InvestingSuccess Blog
Blog https://www.investingsuccess.ca/blog/ + Follow Blog
At InvestingSuccess all I try to do is help people understand the patterns of nature and science in the context of the financial markets. I am not practicing some deep dark science. I do not have a Oiuja Board and a crystal ball on my desk. Instead I have a simple calculator and an Ephemeris Table of Planetary Motion. That's it - nothing more, nothing less. My marketing, my brand, is all about educating traders and investors.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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8. Astro Technicals
Blog https://niftyastrotechnicals.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
Astro Technicals is a blog about combining astrological techniques with technical analysis to understand and forecast the daily movements of S&P CNX NIFTY.
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9. Aquarian Age Economics » Financial Astrology
Blog https://aquarianageeconomics.wordpress.com/ca.. + Follow Blog
Terry MacKinnell has been studying astrology since 1971 and has been focused upon the precessional ages such as the Age of Aquarius since 1987. He is also a Vedic-Western fusion astrologer. Read the latest updates of Financial Astrology at Aquarian Age Economics.MORE Email ****@msn.com.au
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Financial Astrology Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Gabriella Mittelman | Author | astrologyandthemarkets.blogspot.com | |
Christopher Kevill | Author | marketjyotish.blogspot.com | |
Mahendra Sharma | Author | mahendraprophecy.com/blog | |
Malcolm Bucholtz | Author | investingsuccess.ca/blog | |
Terry Mackinnell | Author | aquarianageeconomics.wordpress.com/category/financial-astrology | |
Danny | Contributor | lunatictrader.com | |
Shashi Agarwal | Contributor | rajeevprakash.com | |
Supercyclereport@gmail.com | Contributor | investingsuccess.ca | |
Dan | Contributor | lunatictrader.com | |
Astrodunia | Contributor | rajeevprakash.com |