25 Best France Farming Blogs and Websites in 2025
France Farming Blogs
Here are 25 Best France Farming Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Réussir
Blog https://www.reussir.fr/ + Follow Blog
Réussir is a professional information group specializing in the agricultural and agri-food sectors. Created 30 years ago, it publishes some twenty media nationally and provides digital services to well-identified business communities: dairy farmers, industrialists, and food buyers. Every day, We produce content for them to enable them to make the best decisions in the conduct of their activities.MORE Email ****@reussir.fr
Facebook Followers 46.1KTwitter Followers 16.8K Frequency 1 post/month Domain Authority 53 Read Now Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Agence Bio
Blog https://www.agencebio.org/ + Follow Blog
Agence Bio, created in 2001, is a public interest group in charge of the development, promotion and structuring of French organic farming. Agence Bio communicates and informs about organic agriculture and food and its environmental benefits through its articles. Agence bio publishes market and production figures for organic farming each year, as well as a barometer of consumption and perception of organic products in France.MORE Email ****@agencebio.org
Facebook Followers 234.1KTwitter Followers 14.3KInstagram Followers 5.7K Frequency 4 posts/month Domain Authority 66 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Ministère de l'Agriculture et de la Souveraineté alimentaire
Blog https://agriculture.gouv.fr/english-contents + Follow Blog
In this blog, you will find English content presenting different issues the French ministry for agriculture and food cares about. Discover French agriculture, agribusiness, food, and cuisine.MORE Email ****@agriculture.gouv.fr
Facebook Followers 63.6KTwitter Followers 81.8KInstagram Followers 25.4K Frequency 7 posts/year Domain Authority 76 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Agri Mutuel
Blog https://www.agri-mutuel.com/ + Follow Blog
Agri Mutuel is a public access agricultural information site open to all Internet users. This service is offered by Crédit Mutuel, the second-largest agricultural bank. The editorial line of the site is defined in partnership with recognized experts from the agricultural world.MORE Email ****@creditmutuel.fr
Facebook Followers 30.7KTwitter Followers 4.9K Frequency 6 posts/day Domain Authority 41 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Web - agri
Blog https://www.web-agri.fr/ + Follow Blog
Web-agri gives a voice to all dairy and beef cattle breeders whatever their system, but also to livestock technicians and experts, whatever their point of view. In a spirit of community with its readers, the editorial staff of Web-agri defends and supports breeders every day by offering them responsive and participatory content, as well as services adapted to their specific needs.MORE Email ****@cipmedias.com
Facebook Followers 42.3KTwitter Followers 2.6K Frequency 9 posts/month Domain Authority 52 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. Institut de recherche pour le développement » Sustainable Agriculture
Blog https://en.ird.fr/topics/sustainable-agriculture + Follow Blog
Browse through our articles to know how agriculture can be sustainable. IRD is a French public research establishment operating under the joint authority of the French Ministry for Higher Education, and Research and the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. It takes an original approach to research, expertise, training, and knowledge-sharing for the benefit of countries and regions, making science and innovation key drivers in their development.MORE Email ****@ird.fr
Twitter Followers 25.2KInstagram Followers 4.4K Frequency 2 posts/month Domain Authority 68 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Agricultural Robotics
Blog https://www.agricultural-robotics.com/ + Follow Blog
Since 2016, FIRA has managed to establish itself as the leading event for professionals in the agricultural robotics sector. Launched and organized since then by Naio Technologies, FIRA is now carried out by the association GOFAR - Global Organization for Agricultural Robotics. The GOFAR non-profit organization undertakes to promote and develop the agricultural robotics sector at the international level.MORE Email ****@fira-agtech.com
Facebook Followers 4.5KTwitter Followers 5.1KInstagram Followers 2.5K Frequency 1 post/month Domain Authority 29 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. ISIGE - MINES ParisTech Blog » Agriculture
Blog https://blog-isige.minesparis.psl.eu/category.. + Follow Blog
Discover articles on agriculture, techniques, and more. This blog is the place of expression for the students of the three promotions of ISIGE - MINES ParisTech. Since its creation in 1992, the Higher Institute of Engineering and Environmental Management has been the Institute of MINES ParisTech dedicated to training and research in Environment and Sustainable Development.MORE Twitter Followers 1.2K Frequency 1 post/quarter Domain Authority 74 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Parisienne Farmgirl
Blog https://www.parisiennefarmgirl.com/philosophies/ + Follow Blog
From Brontë to Boondocks, I'm as pragmatic as I am fanciful. As farmy as I am fashionable. One side of my being has been nurtured with glamour and an upscale aesthetic, while the other side grew in desperate love for open fields and the feeling of soil in my hands. My family, preference for femininity, and love for times gone by makes me who I am. I am 'Parisienne Farmgirl'.MORE Email ****@parisiennefarmgirl.com
Facebook Followers 12.9KTwitter Followers 210 Frequency 29 posts/year Domain Authority 31 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. MyEasyFarm News
Blog https://www.myeasyfarm.com/en/actualites/ + Follow Blog
MyEasyFarm accompanies the farmer on a daily basis, in order to make the right decisions and to be more efficient to optimize competitiveness and profitabilit, while preserving the environment. Keep up to date with all the latest news coverage from us along with articles on agricukture and environemnt.MORE Email ****@myeasyfarm.com
Frequency 5 posts/month Domain Authority 28 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. AgriEuro France Blog
Blog https://blog.agrieuro.fr/ + Follow Blog
The AgriEuro Blog is the shopping portal for guides made by professionals on gardening, agricultural, kitchen, and DIY machinery.
Facebook Followers 6.6KInstagram Followers 406 Frequency 12 posts/year Domain Authority 36 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. La Cité de l'agriculture
Blog http://www.cite-agri.fr/notre-actualite/ + Follow Blog
Cultivateur d'économie verte
Email ****@cite-agri.fr
Facebook Followers 7.1KInstagram Followers 3.8K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 32 Read Now Get Email Contact
13. Collectif Nouveaux Champs Blog
Blog https://www.nouveaux-champs.fr/blog/ + Follow Blog
We are a citizen movement of French producers committed to a process of agricultural and environmental progress. We defend healthy eating, for everyone. We are now able to offer many plant species that have 'Zero Pesticide Residue'. Check out our blog to know more about our produce, pesticide-free food, news and updates and more!MORE Email ****@nouveaux-champs.fr
Facebook Followers 57.8KTwitter Followers 339 Frequency 1 post/quarter Domain Authority 33 Read Now Get Email Contact
14. Fert
Blog https://www.fert.fr/en/actualites/ + Follow Blog
Fert is a French association for international cooperation for the agricultural development of developing and emerging countries. Its purpose is to help create conditions in these countries that allow farmers to improve their living and working conditions and help ensure food security in their countries. Fert supports farmers in the creation of organizations (producer groups, cooperatives, agricultural credit funds, training centers, etc.) enabling them to provide sustainable solutions to the problems they encounter in the exercise of their profession and the defense of their interests.MORE Email ****@fert.fr
Frequency 1 post/quarter Domain Authority 30 Read Now Get Email Contact
15. Bridgestone Agriculture Blog
Blog https://blog.bridgestone-agriculture.fr/ + Follow Blog
Discover our blog on agricultural tyres for weekly news, tips for use, white papers, fact sheets, expert advice, and more. Our blog is loaded with expert advice to help you choose the best agricultural tire, adjust tire pressure, know all the tractor tire information, and increase your productivity and your profitability.MORE Email ****@pneutracteur.com
Facebook Followers 4.4KTwitter Followers 23 Frequency 1 post/month Domain Authority 19 Read Now Get Email Contact
16. ExaFrance » Agriculture & Écologie
Blog https://www.exafrance.fr/categorie/agricultur.. + Follow Blog
Discover our articles on agriculture and ecology made in France. ExaFrance encourages the local economy and responsible purchasing. We are a team of enthusiasts, each in their own field, motivated by the desire to promote the French way of life. Without falling into radical chauvinism, our objective is to promote the know-how of our companies and craftsmen, and to encourage consumers to turn to responsible purchasing.MORE Email ****@exafrance.fr
Facebook Followers 7.5K Frequency 4 posts/quarter Domain Authority 11 Read Now Get Email Contact
17. Arcour Bio Blog
Blog https://arcourbio.fr/blog-activebio-lactualit.. + Follow Blog
This blog presents new information from Active Bio and the news of organic farming and conversion: cultivation, cereals, breeding, seeds, food, regulations, advice, and testimony. Arcour Bio's mission is to advise you and support you in your purchases and sales of all products from organic farming. Farmers in conversion or established for a long time in organic farming, we are particularly attentive to all our partners.MORE Email ****@arcourbio.fr
Frequency 3 posts/year Domain Authority 9 Read Now Get Email Contact
18. Cirad
Blog https://www.cirad.fr/en + Follow Blog
CIRAD is a French agricultural research and cooperation organization working for the sustainable development of tropical and Mediterranean regions. It works with its partners to build knowledge and solutions and invent resilient farming systems for a more sustainable, inclusive world. It mobilizes science, innovation, and training in order to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.MORE Email ****@cirad.fr
Facebook Followers 25.2KTwitter Followers 26.1K Domain Authority 68 Read Now Get Email Contact
19. Agriculture Industry Today » France Agriculture
Blog https://agriculture.einnews.com/country/france + Follow Blog
Established in 1995, EIN Newsdesk helps millions of users track breaking news across thousands of trusted websites. Stay up to date with the latest news and updates from the Agriculture field in France.MORE Email ****@einpresswire.com
Facebook Followers 5.8KTwitter Followers 71.7K Frequency 15 posts/year Domain Authority 79 Read Now Get Email Contact
20. Cesbio » Agricarboneo
Blog https://www.cesbio.cnrs.fr/agricarboneo/ + Follow Blog
A multidisciplinary team contributes to the development and validation of the SAFYE-CO2 model and AgriCarbon-EO processing chain. Our team covers a wide range of expertise, essential for the development of complex tools. Our expertise includes agronomy, hydrology, remote sensing, numerical methods, scientific computing, and field observation systems. We cherish this diversity as it is the backbone of success.MORE Twitter Followers 6 Domain Authority 89 Read Now Get Email Contact
21. Theia » Agriculture
Blog https://www.theia-land.fr/en/agriculture-en/ + Follow Blog
Go through the blog to read articles that provide data on agriculture. The objective of the Theia continental surface data and services center is to increase the use by the scientific community and public actors of spatial data in complementarity with other types of data, in particular in situ and airborne data. It also aims to structure the national scientific community, pool image data, processing, and scientific expertise, and make national achievements visible on an international scale.MORE Email ****@data-terra.org
Twitter Followers 1.1K Domain Authority 34 Read Now Get Email Contact
22. AgriEco Blog
Blog https://blog-eco-bzh.chambres-agriculture.fr/ + Follow Blog
This blog aims to deepen and decipher topics related to the economy and employment in agriculture in Brittany. It is published by the Chambers of Agriculture of Brittany.
Domain Authority 65 Read Now Get Email Contact
23. Tower Farm Blog
Blog https://www.towerfarm.fr/blog + Follow Blog
Tower Farm is more than a start-up in high-tech urban farming. We are a team of engineers, scientists, and experienced business developers. Each member of our team has a unique background, that together makes us stronger. Our mission is to develop a truly sustainable solution that will be beneficial for both society and the environment.MORE Email ****@towerfarm.fr
Twitter Followers 449Instagram Followers 1.9K Frequency 1 post/quarter Domain Authority 19 Read Now Get Email Contact
24. Secteur privé & Développement » Agro-industrie
Blog https://blog.secteur-prive-developpement.fr/c.. + Follow Blog
Read articles on agricultural techonological advancements from around the world. A subsidiary of the AFD Group dedicated to the private sector, Proparco has been working for 45 years to promote sustainable development in economic, social, and environmental terms. Proparco participates in the financing and support of companies and financial institutions in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.MORE Email ****@afd.fr
Domain Authority 28 Read Now Get Email Contact
25. Franklin Farm Blog
Blog http://www.franklinfarm.fr/blog.html + Follow Blog
We manage our pastures with movable electric fence and our animals graze outside, weather allowing, all year round. Using a system of high-density quick-rotation grazing we aim to improve the biodiversity of our environment and build soil. We use barns during inclement weather, and if necessary, during lambing time although whenever possible we try to lamb outside as well.MORE Email ****@orange.fr
Facebook Followers 732 Frequency 1 post/year Domain Authority 13 Read Now Get Email Contact
France Farming Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Ru00e9ussir | Editorial Inquiries | reussir.fr | |
Nathalie Marchand | Web Editor | reussir.fr | |
Vincent Motin | Digital Editorial Manager | reussir.fr | |
Marie-Annick Carru00e9 | Writer | reussir.fr | |
Web-agri | Editorial Inquiries | web-agri.fr | |
Angela J Reed | Author | parisiennefarmgirl.com/philosophies | |
ExaFrance | Editorial Inquiries | exafrance.fr/categorie/agriculture_ecologie | |
Helen Franklin & Gavin Franklin | Authors | franklinfarm.fr/blog.html | |
Leslie Bertrac | Contributor | agencebio.org | |
Adeline Cantinol | Contributor | agencebio.org | |
Bastien Lelandais | Contributor | agri-mutuel.com | |
Damien Poncelas | Contributor | agri-mutuel.com | |
Sabrina.ramessur | Contributor | minesparis.psl.eu | |
Nathalie Le Drezen | Contributor | chambres-agriculture.fr | |
Olivier Carvin | Contributor | chambres-agriculture.fr | |
Maélie Tredan | Contributor | chambres-agriculture.fr | |
Arnaud Haye | Contributor | chambres-agriculture.fr | |
Delphine Scheck | Contributor | chambres-agriculture.fr | |
Mary Henry | Contributor | chambres-agriculture.fr | |
Anne Bertagnolio | Contributor | chambres-agriculture.fr | |
Maud Marguet | Contributor | chambres-agriculture.fr | |
Clara Le Mouel | Contributor | chambres-agriculture.fr | |
Simone | Contributor | agrieuro.fr | |
Shabadi | Contributor | towerfarm.fr | |
Mathieu | Contributor | myeasyfarm.com | |
Romain Romagnan | Contributor | myeasyfarm.com | |
Emilie Picart | Contributor | myeasyfarm.com | |
Nouveauchamps | Contributor | nouveaux-champs.fr | |
Cite-agri | Contributor | cite-agri.fr | |
Expert Pneu Tracteur | Contributor | bridgestone-agriculture.fr | |
Jean-marie | Contributor | exafrance.fr |