15 Best Irish Teacher Blogs and Websites in 2025
Irish Teacher Blogs
Here are 15 Best Irish Teacher Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Irish National Teachers' Organisation
Blog https://www.into.ie/media-centre/newsroom/ + Follow Blog
The Irish National Teachers' Organisation, founded in 1868, is the oldest and largest teachers' trade union in Ireland. It represents teachers at primary and post-primary levels. It works to unite and organize the teachers of Ireland and to provide a means for the expression of their collective opinion on matters affecting the interests of education and the teaching profession. Read the blog for the latest news, information, and interesting articles related to teachers.MORE Email ****@into.ie
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2. Association of Secondary Teachers, Ireland
Blog https://www.asti.ie/news-campaigns/latest-news/ + Follow Blog
The ASTI is Ireland's main second-level teachers' union and represents teachers in community schools, community colleges, comprehensive schools, and voluntary secondary schools. Grasp the latest news from the association, types of leave entitlements, rights and conditions of pay, duties, responsibilities of teachers, and much more.MORE Email ****@asti.ie
Facebook Followers 9.1KTwitter Followers 13.5K Domain Authority 39 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Julian Girdham
Blog https://www.juliangirdham.com/ + Follow Blog
Julian Girdham is an experienced English teacher, and a conference and CPD presenter. He delivered topics in person and in webinars such as 'The Building Blocks of English', 'Teaching the End of King Lear', 'Using a Visualiser as an English Teacher', 'Revising and Thinking About Macbeth' (and Hamlet), applying cognitive science in English. Wade through the blog and explore the amazing writings rediscovered by Julian.MORE Twitter Followers 9.5K Domain Authority 14 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Teachers' Union of Ireland
Blog https://www.tui.ie/news-events/news.85.html + Follow Blog
Teachers' Union of Ireland is a progressive, professional teachers' union, representing teachers and lecturers in vocational schools, community colleges, community & comprehensive schools, institutes of technology, further education, and other specialist areas. It is a unified and democratic body but one with a very diverse membership. Catch up with the latest news about teachers, unions, and the education system.MORE Email ****@tui.ie
Facebook Followers 7.3KTwitter Followers 11.8K Since Mar 2008 Domain Authority 36 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Irish Science Teachers' Association
Blog https://ista.ie/category/news/ + Follow Blog
The Irish Science Teachers' Association is the Professional Association for the Teachers of Science in the Republic of Ireland. It is one of the largest voluntary subject associations in the country. It functions as a body dedicated to the professional development of its members and the advancement of science teaching. The website provides information and news about teachers, fests, events, the fate and history of science, and more.MORE Email ****@ista.ie
Twitter Followers 5.2K Domain Authority 28 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. Clara Maria Fiorentini
Blog https://www.claramariafiorentini.com/ + Follow Blog
Clara Maria Fiorentini is the face behind this popular Irish teaching website. 'Little Miss Teacher' first began in 2014 as a blogging space, documenting teaching experiences In recent years it has developed into a space to share knowledge, ideas, resources, and inspiration for all things literacy, literature, language, and play. and playful practice in the primary classroom. Read about literature, language, play education, best practices in literacy instruction, and professional development for early childhood and primary educators.MORE Twitter Followers 2.7KInstagram Followers 20.2K Domain Authority 16 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Múinteoir Valerie Blog
Blog https://www.muinteoirvalerie.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Valerie is a primary school teacher and has experience in both mainstream and special education. She loves learning and creating teaching content! She is currently completing a master's in special education which is a huge passion of mine. Find resources useful as you navigate through your teaching career!MORE Email ****@muinteoirvalerie.com
Instagram Followers 21.2K Domain Authority 13 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Dr Bryan Duggan's Blog
Blog https://bryanduggan.org/ + Follow Blog
Dr. Bryan Duggan is a lecturer in the School of Computer Science at the Technological University Dublin. He teaches game development, virtual reality, and creative coding. He loves exploring the intersections of art, technology, and education, and he has won several awards for his innovative projects and teaching methods. Check out some intriguing articles about AI, gaming, music, teaching, virtual reality, psychedelic themes, autonomous agents, performance and responsiveness of unity, and more.MORE Domain Authority 11 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Irish National Organisation for Teachers of English (INOTE)
Blog https://www.inote.ie/index.php/inote-news + Follow Blog
INOTE is a volunteer-based organization dedicated to facilitating and delivering effective continuing professional development as well as celebrating the work and dedication of teachers of English. They represent and advocate for teachers at a national level and work for equality and excellence in education for all. The blog offers the latest news surrounding the Irish National Organisation for Teachers of English.MORE Email ****@inote.ie
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10. Karl Whelan Blog
Blog https://karlwhelan.com/blog/?page_id=22 + Follow Blog
Karl Whelan is a Professor of Economics at University College Dublin. Before joining UCD, he worked as an economist at the Central Bank of Ireland and before that the Federal Reserve Board. In his blog, he covers categories like banking, Brexit, central banks, economic growth, education, euro crisis, European economy, fiscal compact treaty, fiscal policy, Irish economy, politics, teaching, UK economy, uncategorized, and US economy.MORE Email ****@ucd.ie
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11. Rebecca: The Irish Teacher
Blog https://rebeccatheirishteacher.com/ + Follow Blog
Rebecca is a full-time, primary school teacher in Ireland. She trained and taught in the U.K, as well as that, she has taught for three years in Doha, Qatar. She is also a blogger, creator of teaching resources, and maker of classroom decorations. The purpose of this blog is to share as much about teaching and living in Qatar as she could.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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12. I Teach Trad Blog
Blog https://iteachtrad.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Liz Doherty is a Ph.D., national teaching fellow,and award-winning teacher who has been teaching Irish traditional music for over 30 years. She has mentored lots of skilled musicians starting out as traditional music teachers. Her mission is to help great musicians become great teachers. The blog is your go-to resource for learning music, reasons to pursue your music career, traditional music, courses, and more.MORE Email ****@iteachtrad.com
Facebook Followers 877Twitter Followers 734Instagram Followers 399 Domain Authority 23 Read Now Get Email Contact
13. Kate Barry
Blog https://ellenkmetcalf.wordpress.com/ + Follow Blog
Kate Barry teaches English and French in an all-girls secondary school in Co. Cork, Ireland. The blog offers resourceful articles on literature, language, and more.
Domain Authority 11 Read Now Get Email Contact
14. Irish Language Teacher Blog
Blog https://irishlanguageteacher.com/blog-2/ + Follow Blog
Irish Language Teacher was set up to help people across the globe learn the Irish language. The content is bilingual in nature to encourage learners to mix and match the Irish language in with English or whatever their own native language is.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 834 Domain Authority 3 Read Now Get Email Contact
Irish Teacher Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | Twitter Handle | Twitter Follower | |
Julian Girdham | Author | juliangirdham.com | @sccenglish | 9.5K | |
Clara Maria | Author | claramariafiorentini.com | @fiorentini_cm | 2.6K | |
Valerie King | Author | muinteoirvalerie.com/blog | |||
Dr Bryan Duggan | Author | bryanduggan.org | @skooter500 | 667 | |
Karl Whelan | Author | karlwhelan.com/blog/?page_id=22 | @whelankarl | 17.3K | |
Rebecca: | Author | rebeccatheirishteacher.com | @r_irishteacher | 1.3K | |
Liz Doherty | Author | iteachtrad.com/blog | @iteachtrad | 734 | |
Kate Barry | Author | ellenkmetcalf.wordpress.com | @kmubarry | 1.8K | |
Kwhelan | Contributor | karlwhelan.com | |||
Mary Mullaghy | Contributor | ista.ie | |||
Humphrey Jones | Contributor | ista.ie | |||
Lisa Darley | Contributor | ista.ie | |||
Skooter500 | Contributor | bryanduggan.org | |||
Rebeccatheirishteacher | Contributor | rebeccatheirishteacher.com | |||
Conor Farnan | Contributor | inote.ie | |||
Inoteadmin | Contributor | inote.ie | |||
Irishlanguageteacher | Contributor | irishlanguageteacher.com |