15 Best Islamic Book Blogs and Websites in 2025
Islamic Book Blogs
Here are 15 Best Islamic Book Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Library of Arabic Literature Blog
Blog https://www.libraryofarabicliterature.org/blog/ + Follow Blog
The Library of Arabic Literature makes available Arabic editions and English translations of significant works of Arabic literature, with an emphasis on the seventh to nineteenth centuries. The Library of Arabic Literature blog thus includes texts from the pre-Islamic era to the cusp of the modern period, and encompasses a wide range of genres, including poetry, poetics, fiction, religion, philosophy, law, science, travel writing, history, and historiography.MORE Email ****@nyu.edu
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2. Islamic School Librarian Blog
Blog https://islamicschoollibrarian.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
The blog started after I had been working as an Islamic School Librarian (daycare to 8th grade) for a few years. During that time, I started two book clubs at the school: elementary and middle school, that always featured books with Muslim representation, preferably by Muslim authors.MORE Email ****@yahoo.com
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3. The Sincere Seeker Blog
Blog https://thesincereseeker.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
The Sincere Seeker is an Islamic book publishing company and Dawah organization calling people back to their Creator to fulfill their life purpose. It is designed for those who want to findtheir life's purpose, build a relationship with their Creator Allah (God) and gain a deeper understanding of the true Message, Wisdom, and religion of Islam so they can be guided in this world and earn Paradise in the hereafter.MORE Email ****@thesincereseeker.com
Facebook Followers 1KTwitter Followers 32Instagram Followers 2.9K Domain Authority 15 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Muslim Children's Books Blog
Blog https://www.muslimchildrensbooks.co.uk/blog + Follow Blog
We're here to inspire a love for Allah in your child. Everything we create is to fill children's hearts with a deep love and understanding of Allah and his deen In sha Allah. A quick browse through the site will show you that we do this through vibrant illustrations, quirky and careful child-friendly words, and a sprinkle of humor. Explore some of our Islamic books or posters today.MORE Email ****@muslimchildrensbooks.co.uk
Facebook Followers 66.4KTwitter Followers 873 Since Jan 2016 Domain Authority 18 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Madinah Media Blog
Blog https://madinahmedia.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Madinah Media is an independent Islamic publishing company and distributor of high-quality Islamic books and media. With a growing range of Arabic books, Educational Islamic curricula, and Islamic titles for children and adults, we focus and spend our time choosing the best materials in the area of Islamic education, Prophet stories, Arabic learning, and the Quran for the Madinah Media Islamic bookstore. Our mission is to find and provide the best, highest-quality Islamic materials for you to choose from and to learn from.MORE Email ****@madinahmedia.com
Facebook Followers 3.1KTwitter Followers 3Instagram Followers 1.3K Domain Authority 15 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. The Muslim Vibe » Books
Blog https://themuslimvibe.com/topic/books + Follow Blog
Check out the blog for Muslim books. Our mission is to inspire, inform and empower young Muslims in the West to reclaim their narrative, by providing a grassroots platform to share their ideas, views, and experiences. We believe our platform can achieve this by empowering the Muslim community to shape the discourse about Islam, and what it means to be a Western Muslim in today's context.MORE Email ****@themuslimvibe.com
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7. Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing Blog
Blog https://www.inkedresistanceislamicpublishing... + Follow Blog
We have, over the years, written several young adult books, two of which were published in the Islamic Republic of Iran early in the days following the Islamic Revolution, in an attempt to offer Muslim youth a stepping stone, a light, a rope to hold on to, in order to extricate themselves from the confusion and to provide them with the knowledge that truth is justice, justice is love and others believe as they do. We tried as hard as we could to get subsequent books published, but it seemed they were made of hot blazing fire.MORE Domain Authority 7 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. The Islamic Book Cafe Blog
Blog https://theislamicbookcafe.com/blogs/news + Follow Blog
Our Alhamdulillah Drinkware is perfect for you! Made with high-quality materials, this drinkware is designed to hold your favorite beverages while reminding you to count your blessings. Our goal as an online Islamic bookstore is to offer books that are based on Qur'an and Sunnah, and well-researched for you to study and benefit from. Our catalog is small, concise, and impactful.MORE Email ****@theislamicbookcafe.com
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9. Darussalam Islamic Bookstore
Blog https://dsbooks.com.au/blogs/books + Follow Blog
We have a unique understanding of what that local community expert from their local bookstore and strive to deliver excellence - whether through our range, customer service, or the overall quality of your experience. We are dedicated to satisfying you, the customer.MORE Email ****@dsbooks.com.au
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10. Little Muslim Books Blog
Blog https://www.littlemuslimbooks.co.uk/blog/ + Follow Blog
I'm Shabeena Rehman and I'm a proud Muslim born in the UK. I love my religion and want to teach its foundations to my children. With two babies under three years old, I searched long and hard for books that were fun and light-hearted, but would also teach them the basics of Islam. As a part of Little Muslim Books, my family and I run a second business, prayermat.com, where you can find an incredible range of kids' and adults' prayer mats with embroidery and personalization options.MORE Email ****@littlemuslimbooks.co.uk
Facebook Followers 5.4KInstagram Followers 38.1K Domain Authority 22 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. Al Barakah Blog
Blog https://www.albarakahbooks.com/blogs/islamic-.. + Follow Blog
Email ****@albarakahbooks.com
Facebook Followers 118Twitter Followers 8Instagram Followers 542 Domain Authority 11 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. Hijabi Librarians
Blog https://hijabilibrarians.com/ + Follow Blog
Hijabi Librarians reviews children's and young adult literature that features Muslim characters and communities. It aims to voice Muslim Literature through the lens of expertise as professionals and to give our opinions as Muslims of diverse backgrounds living in the United States and Canada.MORE Facebook Followers 1KTwitter Followers 1.9KInstagram Followers 970 Domain Authority 10 Read Now Get Email Contact
Islamic Book Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Chip Rossetti | Editorial Director | libraryofarabicliterature.org/blog | |
Kirin Nabi | Author | islamicschoollibrarian.com/blog | |
The Muslim Vibe | Editorial Inquiries | themuslimvibe.com/topic/books | |
Sana Rafi | Author | hijabilibrarians.com | |
Islamicschoollibrarian | Contributor | islamicschoollibrarian.com | |
Sara | Contributor | madinahmedia.com | |
Mostafa.smsolutions | Contributor | madinahmedia.com | |
Peter Gould | Contributor | themuslimvibe.com | |
George Warner | Contributor | themuslimvibe.com | |
Maryam Abdulwahab | Contributor | themuslimvibe.com | |
Unaisa Baker | Contributor | themuslimvibe.com | |
Fauwaz Ahmad | Contributor | dsbooks.com.au | |
Shabeena Rehman | Contributor | littlemuslimbooks.co.uk | |
The Islamic Book Cafe | Contributor | theislamicbookcafe.com | |
Thesincereseeker | Contributor | thesincereseeker.com | |
Hijabilibrarians | Contributor | hijabilibrarians.com | |
Nada Abdelrahim | Contributor | hijabilibrarians.com | |
Hadeal Salamah | Contributor | hijabilibrarians.com | |
Ariana Hussain | Contributor | hijabilibrarians.com | |
Mahdi Al Muzaddid | Contributor | albarakahbooks.com |