10 Best Pop Punk Blogs and Websites in 2025
Pop Punk Blogs
Here are 10 Best Pop Punk Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. The Pop Punk Dad
Blog https://www.thepoppunkdad.com/ + Follow Blog
The Pop Punk Dad is an online independent publication blog that reviews and interviews bands globally and other topics such as Parenting, DIY, apparel, nostalgia, music, collecting toys.
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2. Pop Punk Radio
Blog http://www.poppunkradio.com/ + Follow Blog
Pop Punk Radio aims to provide the same great music and entertainment, although they are changing with the times and revamping the methods in which they bring it to you. The radio's blog is about the latest musics, albums, bands, events, radio shows, Reddit community, news and updates.MORE Twitter Followers 780 Domain Authority 12 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Keep Track of the Time
Blog https://keeptrackofthetime.wordpress.com/ + Follow Blog
Welcome to 'Keep Track of the Time': a webzine for punks with too much time on their hands. Or, to riff on a Frank Turner record title, a 'positive blog for negative people'. Their blog features content on encompassing straight-forward reviews of records and live shows, interviews with bands, musicians, and record labels, and retrospective reflections on older punk releases.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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4. Indie Vision Music » Pop Punk
Blog https://www.indievisionmusic.com/tag/pop-punk/ + Follow Blog
The Indie Vision Music platform features all the necessary information about the independent artist community. The music blog also features Infomation about the Pop Punk culture, the latest albums, music reviews, songs of the day, and more.MORE Email ****@deepvalleys.com
Facebook Followers 3.3K Domain Authority 44 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Ones To Watch Blog » Pop Punk
Blog https://www.onestowatch.com/en/blog/tag/pop-punk + Follow Blog
Ones To Watch Blog is a music blog platform that gives the upcoming artist to stand out. On their platform, they provide information about the latest music, albums, reviews, and more. They also have a page decide to Pop Punk music where they curate articles on a top artist to look out for, music reviews, and interesting information about your favorite artist.MORE Domain Authority 54 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. Rock The Pigeon » Pop Punk
Blog https://rockthepigeon.com/category/pop-punk/ + Follow Blog
ROCK THE PIGEON started as an anonymously written music blog based in Oakland, California. Over the past few years they have expanded their writers throughout the United States. RTP covers all types of music, art, culture, and stories from all around the world. RTP's blog also features articles on Pop Punk music, latest releases, updates from the industry and more.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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7. Alternative Press Magazine » Pop Punk
Blog https://www.altpress.com/tags/pop-punk/ + Follow Blog
Alternative Press Magazine continues to be at the forefront of discovering new artists, breaking news, and reporting on the latest trends in music and youth culture. The magazine has a Pop Punk page that delivers articles on the latest news from the industry, new albums, concerts, festivals, best covers, and more.MORE Facebook Followers 1.3MTwitter Followers 628.2KInstagram Followers 821.1K Domain Authority 81 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. The Pop Punk Days
Blog https://thepoppunkdays.co.uk/ + Follow Blog
The Pop Punk Days blog provides you with the latest pop-punk news, pop-punk reviews, and interviews with your favorite pop-punk bands.
Facebook Followers 26.2KTwitter Followers 3.1KInstagram Followers 1.6K Domain Authority 19 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Unseen Plays » Pop Punk
Blog https://unseenplays.com/music/pop-punk/ + Follow Blog
Unseen Plays began with a dream to build an online space where emerging artists and bands could get ahead with the valuable and organic press. They are a blog built by artists for artists, who want to help bring the best-unseen music to those that love it as much as we do. Exposing new music and helping good music get ahead is what they aim to do. The Unseen Plays blog also features articles on Pop Punk covering topics such as music reviews, artist interviews, album reviews, and the latest news from the industry.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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