25 Best Population Blogs and Websites in 2025
Population Blogs
Here are 25 Best Population Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. U.S. Census Bureau Blog
Blog https://www.census.gov/en.html + Follow Blog
The Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the nation's leading provider of quality data about its people and economy. Our goal is to provide the best mix of timeliness, relevancy, quality, and cost for the data we collect and the services we provide.MORE Email ****@census.gov
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2. United Nations Population Fund
Blog https://www.unfpa.org/ + Follow Blog
UNFPA is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency. Our mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled. We support reproductive health care for women and youth in more than 150 countries - which are home to more than 80 percent of the world's population.MORE Facebook Followers 681.5KTwitter Followers 362.3KInstagram Followers 246.5K Domain Authority 71 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Demographic Research
Blog https://www.demographic-research.org/ + Follow Blog
Demographic Research is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal of population sciences published by the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany. We publish top-quality research and related material from the full range of disciplines that bear on demography, including the social sciences, the life sciences, mathematics and statistics, policy research, and research on the discipline itself.MORE Facebook Followers 1KTwitter Followers 6.8K Domain Authority 61 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Population Matters
Blog https://populationmatters.org/ + Follow Blog
Population Matters is a UK-based charity that campaigns to achieve a sustainable human population, protect the natural world, and improve people's lives. Our vision is of a future in which our population co-exists in harmony with nature and prospers on a healthy planet, to the benefit of all.MORE Email ****@populationmatters.org
Domain Authority 60 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Population Matters
Blog https://populationmatters.org/news/ + Follow Blog
Population Matters campaigns to achieve a sustainable human population, protect the natural world and improve people's lives. We promote positive, practical, ethical solutions - encouraging smaller families, inspiring people to reduce excessive consumption, and helping us all to live within our planet's natural limits.MORE Email ****@populationmatters.org
Facebook Followers 270KTwitter Followers 14.8KInstagram Followers 5K Domain Authority 60 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. Oxford Institute Of Population Ageing Blog
Blog https://www.ageing.ox.ac.uk/blog + Follow Blog
The Oxford Institute of Population Ageing was established in 1998. We are a multi-disciplinary group with demography as our main disciplinary focus, and links into all four University Divisions. Based on the US Population Center, was funded by a grant from the National Institute of Health to establish the UK's first population center on the demography and economics of aging populations.MORE Facebook Followers 3KTwitter Followers 4.5K Domain Authority 92 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Population Research Institute Blog
Blog https://pop.org/weekly-briefing/ + Follow Blog
The Population Research Institute is a non-profit research group whose goals are to expose the myth of overpopulation, and human rights abuses committed in population control programs, and to make the case that people are the world's greatest resource. We pledge to debunk the myth of overpopulation, which cheapens human life and paves the way for abusive population control programs.MORE Facebook Followers 954.7KTwitter Followers 10.1KInstagram Followers 1.5K Domain Authority 59 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Population Data Science at Swansea University Blog
Blog https://popdatasci.swan.ac.uk/news/blog/ + Follow Blog
Population Data Science is a growing and multi-disciplinary field, which focuses on collections of individuals, and the biological, economic, social, and environmental experiences that shape their lives, their health, and their well-being. Their group led by Professors David Ford and Ronan Lyons, works locally, across the UK, and internationally to deliver a range of infrastructural, analytical, and public engagement initiatives for the safe, socially-acceptable, and effective use of population data for public benefit.MORE Email ****@prb.org
Twitter Followers 2.7K Domain Authority 64 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Nicholas School Blogs » Population Growth
Blog https://blogs.nicholas.duke.edu/blog/category.. + Follow Blog
Our blogs showcase the classes, travels, research, internships, and events on population growth that comprise the Nicholas School experience. Nicholas School degrees offer a dual focus on practicality and specificity, which will empower you with the skills necessary to effect change, spur innovation and inspire others.MORE Email ****@nicholas.duke.edu
Facebook Followers 7.5KTwitter Followers 10.1KInstagram Followers 5.6K Domain Authority 90 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. Carolina Demography Blog
Blog https://carolinademography.cpc.unc.edu/blog/ + Follow Blog
Carolina Demography is made up of demographic researchers, evaluators, spatial analysts, coders, designers, and storytellers. We specialize in population estimates, forecasts, trend analysis, and communicating our findings in a way that's easy to understand and act upon. Keep up with our latest demographic insights.MORE Email ****@unc.edu
Facebook Followers 827Twitter Followers 2.9KInstagram Followers 211.7K Since Oct 2013 Domain Authority 91 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. PRB
Blog https://www.prb.org/about/media-center/ + Follow Blog
PRB is a nonpartisan research organization focused on improving the health and well-being of people globally through evidence-based policies and practices. Our staff is experts in global health, population data and trends, and U.S. Census data. We also provide training in issues-based journalism and policy communication.MORE Email ****@prb.org
Facebook Followers 15.8KTwitter Followers 9.9K Domain Authority 77 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. Population Media Center
Blog https://www.populationmedia.org/the-latest + Follow Blog
Our mission is to use entertainment education and mass media to promote social and cultural change by addressing the interconnected issues of the full rights of women and girls, the population, and the environment. Our goals are to empower people to live healthier and more prosperous lives and to stabilize the global population at a level at which people can live sustainably with the world's renewable resources.MORE Email ****@populationmedia.org
Facebook Followers 7KTwitter Followers 3.7K Domain Authority 51 Read Now Get Email Contact
13. Bio Med Central | Population Health Metrics
Blog https://pophealthmetrics.biomedcentral.com/ + Follow Blog
Population Health Metrics aims to advance the science of population health assessment and welcomes papers relating to concepts, methods, ethics, applications, and summary measures of population health. We discourage papers that are simply descriptive of disease trends without methodological advances.MORE Email ****@springernature.com
Domain Authority 88 Read Now Get Email Contact
14. IAPHS Blog
Blog https://iaphs.org/iaphs-blog/ + Follow Blog
The IAPHS Blog is a virtual community that keeps population health professionals connected and up to date on the latest population health news, policy, controversies, and relevant research from multiple fields.MORE Facebook Followers 1.2KTwitter Followers 7K Domain Authority 44 Read Now Get Email Contact
15. Statistics Canada
Blog https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/dai-quo/ssi/h.. + Follow Blog
Statistics Canada produces statistical data and insights to help Canadians better understand their country's population, resources, economy, society, and culture. Our mission is to serve Canada with high-quality statistical information that matters. We are committed to protecting the confidentiality of all information entrusted to us and to ensuring that the information we deliver is timely and relevant to Canadians.MORE Domain Authority 82 Read Now Get Email Contact
16. Wittgenstein Centre
Blog http://www.wittgensteincentre.org/en/news.htm + Follow Blog
The Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital is a collaboration among the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, and the University of Vienna. We aspire to be a world leader in the advancement of demographic methods and their application to the analysis of human capital and population dynamics.MORE Email ****@univie.ac.at
Twitter Followers 4.2K Domain Authority 42 Read Now Get Email Contact
17. The Overpopulation Project Blog
Blog https://overpopulation-project.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
The aim of The Overpopulation Project (TOP) is to study and highlight the environmental impacts of overpopulation, including humane policies to end population growth around the world. Initiated in 2017 with a generous two-year grant from the Global Challenges Foundation, TOP plans to continue its work through donations from supporters.MORE Email ****@bioenv.gu.se
Facebook Followers 2.2KTwitter Followers 1.5K Since Mar 2018 Domain Authority 36 Read Now Get Email Contact
18. Population Connection Blog
Blog https://populationconnection.org/blog/ + Follow Blog
Founded in 1968, Population Connection is the largest grassroots population organization in the United States! We have more than 40,000 members and hundreds of thousands more supporters and participating educators working together to build a more sustainable future for the planet and all its inhabitants.MORE Email ****@popconnect.org
Facebook Followers 2.1KTwitter Followers 1Instagram Followers 1K Domain Authority 55 Read Now Get Email Contact
19. Population Association Of America Blog
Blog https://www.populationassociation.org/browse/.. + Follow Blog
The Population Association of America is a nonprofit, scientific, professional organization established to promote and support high-quality population research. PAA members include demographers, sociologists, economists, public health professionals, and other individuals interested in research and education in the population field.MORE Domain Authority 52 Read Now Get Email Contact
20. U.S. Census Bureau Blog
Blog https://www.census.gov/newsroom/blogs.html + Follow Blog
The Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the nation's leading provider of quality data about its people and economy. Our goal is to provide the best mix of timeliness, relevancy, quality, and cost for the data we collect and the services we provide. We are dedicated to providing current facts and figures about America's people, places, and economy.MORE Email ****@census.gov
Facebook Followers 222.7KTwitter Followers 124.1KInstagram Followers 49.6K Domain Authority 90 Read Now Get Email Contact
21. RAND Corporation » Populations
Blog https://www.rand.org/topics/populations.html + Follow Blog
Go through our blog to know more about the population. RAND is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and committed to the public interest. The RAND Corporation is a research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier, and more prosperous.MORE Email ****@rand.org
Facebook Followers 64.7KTwitter Followers 250.8KInstagram Followers 19.8K Domain Authority 84 Read Now Get Email Contact
22. Monarch Watch Blog » Monarch Population Status
Blog https://monarchwatch.org/blog/category/monarc.. + Follow Blog
Explore our blog to stay updated on the population status. Monarch Watch is a nonprofit education, conservation, and research program based at the University of Kansas that focuses on the monarch butterfly, its habitat, and its spectacular fall migration. We strive to provide the public with information about the biology of monarch butterflies, their spectacular migration, and how to use monarchs to further science education in primary and secondary schools.MORE Facebook Followers 65KTwitter Followers 7K Domain Authority 61 Read Now Get Email Contact
23. UCL Blog
Blog https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/pcph-blog/ + Follow Blog
Our writing here is for sharing the recent news, publications, and events which have been occurring within The Research Department of Primary Care and Population Health as well as the wider academic primary care field.MORE Facebook Followers 282.3KInstagram Followers 240.6K Domain Authority 91 Read Now Get Email Contact
24. Informed Decisions Blog
Blog https://blog.id.com.au/ + Follow Blog
Demographic insights, tips, and news from the experts. Our specialists have deep expertise in demographics, economics, housing and population forecasting. They work closely with our team of spatial analysts and software developers to uncover and communicate stories of people and places.MORE Email ****@id.com.au
Twitter Followers 1.4K Since Dec 2010 Domain Authority 55 Read Now Get Email Contact
25. Stat Chat
Blog https://statchatva.org/ + Follow Blog
The Stat Chat blog is a vehicle for researchers to address subjects within their professional expertise and individual passions on a more informal basis. If you are interested in population trends, economics, human geography, politics, data releases from the Census Bureau or other federal agencies, or other interesting sources of demographic information, Stat Chat is for you.MORE Domain Authority 47 Read Now Get Email Contact
Population Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Heike Barakat | Author & Founder | wittgensteincentre.org/en/news.htm | |
Frank Götmark | Author & Founder | overpopulation-project.com/blog | |
Pernilla | Author & Founder | overpopulation-project.com/blog | |
Dan Evans | Contributor | id.com.au | |
Overpopulation Research Project | Contributor | overpopulation-project.com | |
Xin-xin Yan | Contributor | biomedcentral.com | |
Juan Zhu | Contributor | biomedcentral.com | |
Yan-jie Li | Contributor | biomedcentral.com | |
Meng-di Cao | Contributor | biomedcentral.com | |
Xi | Contributor | biomedcentral.com | |
Lisa Carlson | Contributor | ncdemography.org | |
Phillip Joonbae Gong | Contributor | ncdemography.org | |
Emma Marshall | Contributor | ncdemography.org | |
Melody Kramer | Contributor | ncdemography.org | |
Michael Cline | Contributor | ncdemography.org | |
Sarah Melott | Contributor | ncdemography.org | |
Nicholas Long | Contributor | ncdemography.org | |
Glenn - The Census Expert | Contributor | id.com.au | |
Jason M. Ward; Rick Garvey; Sarah B. Hunter | Contributor | rand.org | |
Kristie L. Gore; Samantha Cherney; Sarah Weilant; | Contributor | rand.org | |
Wendy M. Troxel; Jaime Madrigano; Ann C. Haas; Tam | Contributor | rand.org | |
Melissa Haller; Jeffrey B. Wenger; Melanie A. Zabe | Contributor | rand.org | |
Claudia Elizabeth Rodriguez-solorio | Contributor | rand.org | |
Lynn A. Karoly; Aaron Strong; Christopher Joseph D | Contributor | rand.org | |
Lindsay Clare Matsumura; Elaine Lin Wang; Richard | Contributor | rand.org | |
Bing Han; Peggy G. Chen; Hao Yu | Contributor | rand.org | |
Laura M. Bogart; Matt G. Mutchler; Kathy Goggin; B | Contributor | rand.org | |
Lorraine T. Dean; Zachary Predmore; Alexandra Sk | Contributor | rand.org | |
Vanessa Parks; Grace Hindmarch; Sonny Patel; Aaron | Contributor | rand.org | |
Jo Ellins; Lucy Hocking; Mustafa Al-haboubi; Jenni | Contributor | rand.org | |
Margaret D. Whitley; Lilian Perez; Gabriela Castro | Contributor | rand.org | |
Sy Doan; John Engberg; Sam Morales; Heather L. Sch | Contributor | rand.org | |
Rebecca Ann Lawrence; Elizabeth D. Steiner; Pierrc | Contributor | rand.org | |
Kata Mihaly; Brenda Arellano; Shannon Prier | Contributor | rand.org | |
Donna L. Coffman; Lynsay Ayer; Megan S. Schuler; M | Contributor | rand.org | |
Jon Glasby; Ian Litchfield; Sarah Parkinson; Lucy | Contributor | rand.org | |
Dana Schultz; Susan L. Lovejoy; Kayla M. Williams; | Contributor | rand.org | |
Karen M. Sudkamp; Nathan Vest; Erik E. Mueller; To | Contributor | rand.org | |
Ashley Woo; Elizabeth D. Steiner | Contributor | rand.org | |
Daniel Schwam; James V. Marrone | Contributor | rand.org | |
Megan K. Beckett; Marc N. Elliott; Katrin Hambarso | Contributor | rand.org | |
Susan Bush-mecenas; Heather Gomez-bendaña; Dionne | Contributor | rand.org | |
Lisa Sontag-padilla; Denise Williams; Holly Kosiew | Contributor | rand.org | |
Natalie Picken; Merrilyn Groom; Frederico Cardoso; | Contributor | rand.org | |
Jordan M. Harrison; Mansi Agarwal; Patricia Stone; | Contributor | rand.org | |
Delia Bugliari; Joanna Carroll; Orla Hayden; Jessi | Contributor | rand.org | |
Maria Deyoreo; Kandice A. Kapinos; Rebecca Ann Law | Contributor | rand.org | |
Courtney A. Gidengil; Andrew M. Parker; Amber M. G | Contributor | rand.org | |
Molly Waymouth; Daniel Siconolfi; Esther M. Friedm | Contributor | rand.org | |
Zachary Predmore; Sara E. Heins; Emily Hoch; Sangi | Contributor | rand.org |