25 Best Shakespeare Blogs and Websites in 2025
Shakespeare Blogs
Here are 25 Best Shakespeare Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. No Sweat Shakespeare - Modern English Shakespeare Resources: Facts, Plays, Sonnets
Blog https://nosweatshakespeare.com/ + Follow Blog
No Sweat Shakespeare is a labor of love from London-based father and son Shakespeare enthusiasts John and Warren King. Fun and quirky blog posts on Shakespeare, the No Sweat Shakespeare blog gives you the lowdown on Shakespeare with an interesting take on various topics...MORE Facebook Followers 2.3KTwitter Followers 3.3K Frequency 2 posts/year Domain Authority 60 Read Now Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Good Tickle Brain: A Mostly Shakespeare Webcomic
Blog https://goodticklebrain.com/ + Follow Blog
Created in 2013, Good Tickle Brain is the world's foremost (and very possibly only) stick figure Shakespeare webcomic. One-stop shop for Shakespearean stick-figure webomics and other esoteric and random subjects. Comics will be posted here on Tuesday and Thursdays.MORE Facebook Followers 4.7KTwitter Followers 4.7K Frequency 3 posts/year Domain Authority 42 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Shakespeare Geek, The Original Shakespeare Blog - Shakespeare Makes Life Better
Blog https://www.shakespearegeek.com/ + Follow Blog
Founded in June 2005, Shakespeare Geek now stands as one of the oldest (if not the oldest) active online community for discussing the works of Shakespeare. Authors, actors, directors, students, teachers, parents and children all come together to ask questions, provide answers, and generally share their common love for the greatest literature the world has ever known.MORE Email ****@shakespearegeek.com
Facebook Followers 10.3KTwitter Followers 6.4KInstagram Followers 417 Frequency 1 post/month Domain Authority 43 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Folger Shakespeare Library » Shakespeare & Beyond
Blog https://www.folger.edu/blogs/shakespeare-and-.. + Follow Blog
Shakespeare & Beyond is produced by the Folger Shakespeare Library, this blog features a wide range of Shakespeare-related topics: the early modern period in which he lived, the ways his plays have been interpreted and staged over the past four centuries, the enduring power of his characters and language, and more. It also explores the topics that shape our experience of Shakespeare today: trends in performance, the latest discoveries and scholarship, news stories, pop culture, interesting books, new movies, the rich context of theater and literary history, and more.MORE Email ****@folger.edu
Facebook Followers 126.9KTwitter Followers 33.3KInstagram Followers 43.9K Frequency 2 posts/week Domain Authority 76 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
Blog https://www.shakespeare.org.uk/explore-shakes.. + Follow Blog
The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust is the independent charity that cares for the world's greatest Shakespeare heritage sites in Stratford-upon-Avon, and promotes the enjoyment and understanding of his works, life and times all over the world. Follow this blog for all the latest Shakespeare news and behind-the-scenes action at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.MORE Email ****@shakespeare.org.uk
Facebook Followers 228.2KTwitter Followers 24.9KInstagram Followers 12.2K Frequency 1 post/quarter Domain Authority 64 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. Marin Shakespeare Company
Blog https://www.marinshakespeare.org/ + Follow Blog
We offer programs that combine Drama Therapy with Shakespeare Study and Performance. Exercises foster self-reflection, compassion, cooperation, self-expression, and goal-setting. We practice being human together. Shakespeare offers many opportunities to explore human motivation, interpersonal interactions, and deep thinking about the human condition.MORE Email ****@marinshakespeare.org
Facebook Followers 2.5KTwitter Followers 1.1K Frequency 10 posts/year Domain Authority 37 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Shakespeare in fiction and fact - Grace Tiffany
Blog http://shakespearefiction.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
A Shakespeare scholar and editor, a professor of English at Western Michigan University, and the author of two nonfiction works on Renaissance literature and culture, Grace Tiffany uses fiction as an additional medium for exploring the early modern world. Riveting fiction and Shakespeare chat for lovers of the English Renaissance.MORE Frequency 1 post/year Domain Authority 23 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Shakespeare in Ireland
Blog https://shakespeareinireland.wordpress.com/ + Follow Blog
Shakespeare in Ireland blog is designed to draw together academic events, plays and research in early modern literature across the island of Ireland.
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Twitter Followers 1.1K Frequency 2 posts/year Domain Authority 23 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Totally Random Daily Shakespeare
Blog https://totallyrandomdailyshakespeare.blogspo.. + Follow Blog
Pretty much every day I pull a totally random line from Shakespeare to start my day with. Once or twice a week (more or less) I post to my blog writing a little bit about that day's line. Some days I look at the pure language, some days at the play or the poem that the line comes from, and some days from the time or place it's set in. Sometimes I look at the relevance of the line to our world today, sometimes I just take off and to see wherever else the line might lead me.MORE Facebook Followers 31 Frequency 5 posts/week Since Aug 2016 Domain Authority 1 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. Ghost of Shakespeare
Blog https://ghostofshakespeare.com/ + Follow Blog
A unique academic-creative blog discussing Shakespeare, early modern literature and drama, general literature, philosophy, religion, politics, and human experience!
Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter Followers 73 Frequency 2 posts/year Since Apr 2018 Domain Authority 11 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. The Green-Eyed Blogger
Blog https://green-eyedblogger.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
A blog for all things related to Shakespeare!
Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter Followers 571 Frequency 4 posts/quarter Domain Authority 1 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. Shakespeare News
Blog https://www.shakespearenews.com + Follow Blog
A weekly newsletter about the world's most popular playwright.
Frequency 1 post/week Read Now Get Email Contact
13. Willy Wigglestick Blog
Blog https://willywigglestick.wordpress.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Author Cory Howell wanted to try this blog just to share whatever thoughts he have on Shakespeare: his plays, film versions of his works, the 'Authorship Controversy,' etc.
Email ****@corybanter.com
Facebook Followers 54 Frequency 26 posts/year Since May 2013 Domain Authority 1 Read Now Get Email Contact
14. The Shakespeare - In Shakespeare's footsteps Blog
Blog http://theshakespeareblog.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
The Shakespeare blog,now receives over 105,000 page views a year from at least 109 countries. The author also guest-written on other Shakespeare blogs. She contributes to online projects like the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust's 60 minutes with Shakespeare resource.MORE Email ****@yahoo.co.uk
Twitter Followers 916 Domain Authority 51 Read Now Get Email Contact
15. Utah Shakespeare Festival
Blog https://www.bard.org/news/ + Follow Blog
The Utah Shakespeare Festival presents life-affirming classic and contemporary plays in repertory, with Shakespeare as our cornerstone. These plays are enhanced by interactive festival experiences which entertain, enrich, and educate.MORE Email ****@bard.org
Facebook Followers 20.8KTwitter Followers 2.7KInstagram Followers 11.9K Since Jan 2013 Domain Authority 55 Read Now Get Email Contact
16. Flatwater Shakespeare
Blog http://flatwatershakespeare.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
Established in 2004, the Flatwater Shakespeare Company's mission is to inspire and inform actors, artists, audiences, scholars, and students of the Great Plains and Midwest regional area through theater productions of the highest quality, based in the works of Shakespeare and enhanced by a creative educational wing.MORE Facebook Followers 1.6K Frequency 4 posts/year Domain Authority 3 Read Now Get Email Contact
17. Shakespeare's New Contemporaries
Blog https://americanshakespearecenter.com/categor.. + Follow Blog
Shakespeare's New Contemporaries is a groundbreaking, industry-changing undertaking to develop a new canon of 38 plays that vibe off of and are inspired by Shakespeare's work. It's an opportunity for playwrights of every gender, race, and creed to partner with Shakespeare. It's our chance to find the next generation of the world's greatest playwrights. MORE Email ****@americanshakespearecenter.com (email not working
Facebook Followers 21.5KTwitter Followers 6.9K Domain Authority 52 Read Now Get Email Contact
18. Before Shakespeare Blog
Blog https://beforeshakespeare.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Before Shakespeare asks how and why commercial playhouses came to be built in London during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. We engage in performance and archival research to explore the world of sixteenth-century playhouses and the plays performed in them. Find out more about our season of staged readings at The Globe with James Wallace.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 16.7MTwitter Followers 3.7K Domain Authority 31 Read Now Get Email Contact
19. I Love Shakespeare Blog
Blog https://www.iloveshakespeare.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
William Sutton first inflicted with Shakes fever over a decade ago, he overcame inertia by memorizing all 154 sonnets penned by Shakespeare. He also Memorised the sonnets of Shakespeare, so you don't have to. Will share them with you.MORE Email ****@mac.com
Twitter Followers 789 Domain Authority 25 Read Now Get Email Contact
20. Digital Shakespeares
Blog https://digitalshakespeares.wordpress.com/ + Follow Blog
Digital Shakespeares blog is a collection of my thoughts about Shakespeare and digital culture. Shakespeare academic and digital dual citizen, interested in literature, theatre, history, culture in all their infinite variety.MORE Twitter Followers 2.8K Domain Authority 17 Read Now Get Email Contact
Blog https://clamorousvoice.com/ + Follow Blog
I'm Dr Sophie Duncan, and I'm an academic based at the Calleva Centre, Magdalen College, University of Oxford, where I research Shakespeare in performance, cognition, Victorian literature, and audience psychology. My first book, Shakespeare's Women and the Fin de Siecle, is out now from Oxford University Press! My new projects include work on props and cognition and on Oscar Wilde.MORE Twitter Followers 4.1KInstagram Followers 911 Frequency 3 posts/year Domain Authority 6 Read Now Get Email Contact
22. Shakespeare's World - A Zooniverse project
Blog https://blog.shakespearesworld.org/ + Follow Blog
This the the blog for Shakespeare's World, a collaborative full text transcription project created in a partnership between the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., Zooniverse.org at Oxford University, and the Oxford English Dictionary of Oxford University Press.MORE Domain Authority 34 Read Now Get Email Contact
23. The New Book Press Blog
Blog http://thenewbookpress.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
The New Book Press publishes the WordPlay Shakespeare eBook series, a new edition of Shakespeare's plays that includes filmed performances embedded on the page, next to Shakespeare's words. By redefining what a 'book' actually is, WordPlay Shakespeare eBooks help 21st century students understand and enjoy Shakespeare more easily.MORE Domain Authority 21 Read Now Get Email Contact
24. Hey, Shakespeare!
Blog https://heyshakespeare.com/ + Follow Blog
Hey, Shakespeare! is a blog dedicated to one dum-dum's experience reading every play and poem from William Shakespeare.
Domain Authority 3 Read Now Get Email Contact
25. Shakespeare with Sarah Blog
Blog https://shakespearewithsarah.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Breaking down how to act Shakespeare, with simple language and a sense of humor. Featuring Monologue breakdowns, verse speaking techniques, and videos that will help you choose a monologue. Authored by Sarah Guillot.MORE Email ****@shakespearewithsarah.com
Instagram Followers 1.3K Frequency 1 post/year Domain Authority 1 Read Now Get Email Contact
Shakespeare Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Dr John Langdon | Author | ghostofshakespeare.com | |
Ben Lauer | Contributor | folger.edu | |
Shakespeare | Contributor | folger.edu | |
Mya Gosling | Contributor | goodticklebrain.com | |
Alex H. | Contributor | heyshakespeare.com | |
Duane | Contributor | shakespearegeek.com | |
Missy Dunaway | Contributor | folger.edu | |
Rebecca.niles | Contributor | folger.edu | |
Esther French | Contributor | folger.edu | |
Lesley Currier | Contributor | marinshakespeare.org | |
Clamorousvoice | Contributor | clamorousvoice.com | |
Sylvia Morris | Contributor | theshakespeareblog.com | |
Callan Davies | Contributor | beforeshakespeare.com | |
Sarah Guillot | Contributor | shakespearewithsarah.com | |
Austin Tichenor | Contributor | folger.edu | |
William | Contributor | iloveshakespeare.com |