15 Best Solo RPG Blogs and Websites in 2025
Solo RPG Blogs
Here are 15 Best Solo RPG Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. RPGBOT Blog
Blog https://rpgbot.net/blog/ + Follow Blog
The RPGBOT blog is the place to find all of the latest announcements, new and updated content, and other fun posts from RPGBOT. We provide instructional content to TTRPG players to create and optimize; characters, and tactics and improve the games for an audience all over the world. We also publish podcasts to further enhance gamer capabilities in a serious, but humorous format.MORE Email ****@rpgbot.net
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2. Cassi Mothwin Blog
Blog https://cassimothwin.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Hi! I'm Cassi Mothwin, I'm just a TTRPG, Dungeons and Dragons hobbyist, and forever game master who wants a place to record her thoughts, yell about her friends, and promote some of the things I've made. I share reviews of various TTRPG games helping you to understand what the game is about so that you can choose the right one for you to play.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter Followers 5.3KInstagram Followers 773 Domain Authority 6 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. The Solo Meeple Blog
Blog https://thesolomeeple.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
The Solo Meeple is a website that focuses on tabletop games and aims to help newcomers get into the hobby. They regularly publish blog posts on a variety of topics, all related to analog games such as RPGs, Board Games, Card Games, Miniatures, and more.MORE Email ****@thesolomeeple.com
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4. Solo RPG Voyages
Blog https://solorpgvoyages.wordpress.com/ + Follow Blog
Welcome to Solo RPG Voyages, where I take voyages into RPGs solo. This is a site for people who love playing solo role-playing games. Here I share rules that I make to help with solo RPGs, such as creating NPCs from the Clow Cards to playing Dread without the Jenga Tower. This site's pretty much a testing bed for various games and engines since it's also my first time with a lot of the games. Who knows, maybe your favorite is on the list, or you might find a favorite. So hop on to the website, champ!MORE Domain Authority 10 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Solo Mode
Blog https://blog.0xdeadbeef.ch/ + Follow Blog
Hi! I'm Tobias. a Roleplaying Enthusiast and Solo Gamer. Here I blog about solitaire board and tabletop games. My goal is to explore this world of single-player games and present them to others.MORE Twitter Followers 10 Domain Authority 3 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. Cannibal Halfling Gaming » Solo RPG
Blog https://cannibalhalflinggaming.com/tag/solo-rpg/ + Follow Blog
Bringing games and gamers together. Here at Cannibal Halfling Gaming, we're committed to doing that by introducing and reviewing games, telling stories, providing material, giving advice, and anything else that will improve a reader's tabletop gaming experience. We hope that by doing this, and by creating our own inclusive section of the greater tabletop gaming community, we can grow the hobby and, honestly, just put some more smiles on people's faces.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 196Twitter Followers 1.2KInstagram Followers 105 Domain Authority 35 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Roleplay Rescue's Blog » Solo
Blog https://roleplayrescue.com/tag/solo/ + Follow Blog
Hi! I'm Che Peter, I've created this blog to host the solo gaming stuff that I'm thinking about and playing. Over time, this should provide a useful home for the myriad of crazy bits and pieces that I mess around with. Hopefully, you'll find something of interest inside. My mission is to encourage folk like you to play more games of imagination and to help you play in a way that suits you best.MORE Email ****@rpgrescue.com
Twitter Followers 1.2K Domain Authority 18 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Solo Roleplaying & Game Mastery » Roleplaying
Blog https://www.ppmgames.co.uk/category/roleplaying/ + Follow Blog
Hi! I'm Peter, an Indie TTRPG developer, and a blogger. Specializing in Solo RPG and Rules Light games. Solo Roleplaying May Look Difficult, I try to make it easy with unique tools matched to each game. I also share hints and tips about solo playing. Parts Per Million is a project to create and publish independent games and all the supporting material a GM would need to play the games.MORE Email ****@ppmgames.co.uk
Facebook Followers 266Twitter Followers 784Instagram Followers 286 Domain Authority 19 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Solo Dungeon Crawler
Blog https://solodungeoncrawler.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
Solo Dungeon Crawler is the home of old-school solo Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, how to play DnD solo, and all other solo DnD needs, such as solo D&D actual play and tutorials. You will also find information on the D&D BECMI rules and old-school DnD history. If you want to learn how to play Dungeons & Dragons solo and you love Basic D&D or old school revival/old school renaissance (OSR) tabletop RPG rules then this blog is for you.MORE Domain Authority 2 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. Board Game Geek Blog
Blog https://boardgamegeek.com/blog/9292 + Follow Blog
BoardGameGeek is an online resource and community that aims to be the definitive source for board game and card game content. BGG features reviews, ratings, images, play-aids, translations, and session reports from board game geeks around the world, as well as live discussion forums. This blog is dedicated to the wonderful world of solo playable board and card games.MORE Email ****@boardgamegeek.com
Twitter Followers 108.6KInstagram Followers 123.8K Domain Authority 81 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. Critical Hits Blog » Solo RPG
Blog https://critical-hits.com/blog/tag/solo-rpg/ + Follow Blog
Here we share information and discuss about solo roleplaying games, movies, board & video games, music, and anything else that interests us. Launched in 2012, Critical Hits is a journal of gamer culture. Our mission is to provide new, innovative games and game-related content and accessories. We also frequently do reviews of different games, helping you to purchase the best game suitable for you.MORE Email ****@critical-hits.com
Facebook Followers 1.7KTwitter Followers 6.1K Domain Authority 48 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. Chicagowiz's Games
Blog https://chgowiz-games.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
Hi! I'm Micheal Chgowiz Shorten, Dungeons & Dragons player and referee. Here I blog about my love of playing old-school Dungeons & Dragons! I share reviews, tips, and tricks mostly on D&D. D&D lovers, I bet this page is what you're looking for.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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13. LunchBox RPG
Blog https://lbrpg.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
Blog dedicated to solo RPG for people in a hurry. Here you will find my various ultra-light creations such as solo rules, fighting fantasy, one-page dungeons, and more. Hi! I'm Gin Lunar, an independent creator. I write roleplaying games, always short, often single-player RPGs. I like to do out-of-the-box stuff and I hope I can contribute to the solo RPG movement.MORE Domain Authority 19 Read Now Get Email Contact
14. Gamer Mel » Solo RPG
Blog https://gamermel.com/index.php/category/solo-.. + Follow Blog
Hello! I'm Melissa, I've been playing board games and video games since I was about 5 years old. Here I share my personal reviews on various solo RPGs, which include complete information about the game's story, rules, and some insights that will surely excite you to try the game once! My gaol is to keep all the gamers updated about the new games that arrive in the market.MORE Email ****@melissacruzcampbell.com
Twitter Followers 51 Domain Authority 3 Read Now Get Email Contact
Solo RPG Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | Twitter Handle | Twitter Follower | |
Cassi Mothwin | Author | cassimothwin.com/blog | @countesscassi | 3.3K | |
Justin Staveley | Author | thesolomeeple.com/blog | |||
Tobias | Author | blog.0xdeadbeef.ch | @storiesiron | 2 | |
Seamus Conneely | Writer | cannibalhalflinggaming.com/tag/solo-rpg | @rgm79ace | 852 | |
Aaron Marks | Writer | cannibalhalflinggaming.com/tag/solo-rpg | @levelonewonk | 369 | |
Aki | Writer | cannibalhalflinggaming.com/tag/solo-rpg | @whalfling | 25 | |
Che Webster | Author | roleplayrescue.com/tag/solo | @ubiquitousrat | 1.3K | |
Peter Rudin-Burgess | Author | ppmgames.co.uk/category/roleplaying | @ppmgamer | 763 | |
Thomas Garner | Author | solodungeoncrawler.blogspot.com | @crawlersolo | 379 | |
Micheal | Author | chgowiz-games.blogspot.com | @chgowiz | 784 | |
Gin Lunar | Author | lbrpg.blogspot.com | @ginlunar | 725 | |
Melissa Cruz Campbell | Author | gamermel.com/index.php/category/solo-rpg | @mcruzcampbell | 47 | |
Cassimothwin | Contributor | cassimothwin.com | |||
The Cannibal Halflings | Contributor | cannibalhalflinggaming.com |