15 Best Switzerland Mom Blogs and Websites in 2025
Switzerland Mom Blogs
Here are 15 Best Switzerland Mom Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Hey Pretty
Blog https://www.heypretty.ch/ + Follow Blog
The most exciting novelties from beauty, style, and hair, hand-picked and occasionally peppered with curse words. By Steffi Hidber - beauty industry insider.
Email ****@heypretty.ch
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2. The Angelones
Blog https://www.dieangelones.ch/ + Follow Blog
I'm Rita. From A for work to Z for braces - I tell true stories from our multi-faceted life as an Italian-Swiss family. There are also recipes, craft ideas, excursion tips and socio-political food for thought to discuss. In the main roles of my stories: my boys - 'the big one' (14) and 'the little one' (11) - as well as my husband. Our blog is a collaborative effort in which we all participate.MORE Email ****@dieangelones.ch
Facebook Followers 14.1KTwitter Followers 404Instagram Followers 5.1K Domain Authority 34 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Mamas Unplugged
Blog https://www.mamasunplugged.ch/ + Follow Blog
Bloggers from all over Switzerland write for the Swiss parenting platform Mamas Unplugged, who express themselves without make-up (which can sometimes also apply physically) about their mommy existence. We are united by the will to live authentic parenthood, to write and talk about it and to offer a platform for everyone who would rather live imperfectly than not at all.MORE Email ****@mamasunplugged.ch
Facebook Followers 5.7KInstagram Followers 10.3K Domain Authority 24 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Swiss Family Fun
Blog https://swissfamilyfun.com/ + Follow Blog
Welcome! I'm Tanya, a writer, explorer and mother of two, based in Zürich Switzerland. Since 2005, I've been cataloging the family-friendly hikes and other activities we've done in Switzerland and beyond on this website, helping hundreds of families enjoy the best of Switzerland.MORE Email ****@tanyadeans.com
Facebook Followers 9.6KTwitter Followers 49Instagram Followers 25.4K Domain Authority 25 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Mama Times 3
Blog https://mamamal3.ch/ + Follow Blog
I am Tamara, a mother of three with great commitment to bond-oriented parenting, a trained journalist & PR specialist, permanently tired, introverted and authentic. This is a very personal mom blog for a Liechtenstein resident abroad in Switzerland with three children.MORE Email ****@wortlos.li
Facebook Followers 4.5KTwitter Followers 527Instagram Followers 5.8K Domain Authority 22 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. Mom does not have time at the moment…
Blog https://mamahatjetztkeinezeit.ch/ + Follow Blog
I'm Katharina Bleuer and I like to write. My strengths are well-researched, scientifically sound texts in understandable German. This is one of the oldest mommy blogs in Switzerland. The topics range from health, upbringing, family policy, environmental issues, books, guides and much more.MORE Email ****@buchstabensalat.ch
Facebook Followers 961Twitter Followers 2.2KInstagram Followers 210 Domain Authority 23 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. Zurich Momizen
Blog https://zurich.momizen.com/en/ + Follow Blog
Connecting parents with fun & educational experiences for kids and families! Momizen was founded by Maria Karachaliou in 2018 as a solution to a problem she and many families face - how to entertain your kids and still have friends!MORE Email ****@momizen.com
Facebook Followers 2.1KTwitter Followers 6Instagram Followers 4.6K Domain Authority 28 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. mal ehrlich
Blog https://mal-ehrlich.ch/ + Follow Blog
Any Working Mom is a platform for self-determined and equal mothers and fathers - and everyone who wants to become one.
Twitter Followers 4.5KInstagram Followers 47 Domain Authority 35 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Family First Switzerland
Blog https://familyfirst.ch/en/ + Follow Blog
Family First is an independent web platform for families with kids and one of the leading family blogs of Switzerland in English and German. Founded by an inspired mom of two from Zurich.
Email ****@familyfirst.ch
Facebook Followers 6.8KTwitter Followers 930 Domain Authority 14 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. Mama on the rocks
Blog https://mamaontherocks.com/ + Follow Blog
I am Séverine, a member of the over 40s club and a mother of LadyGaga (11) and Copperfield (6). I blog about children, careers and collapse - just compatibility.
Email ****@gmx.ch
Facebook Followers 1.4KTwitter Followers 3.6KInstagram Followers 563 Domain Authority 23 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. Chez Mama Poule
Blog https://chezmamapoule.com/ + Follow Blog
Hi, my name is Ellen! I live in Zurich with my two children (3 & 5). I am a freelance journalist and write about a life with children on an equal footing.
Email ****@chezmamapoule.com
Twitter Followers 1.2KInstagram Followers 17.1K Domain Authority 26 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. Swiss Lark
Blog http://www.swisslark.com/ + Follow Blog
I'm Lindsey, a former expat in Zurich, living with my husband and two children in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Swiss Lark is a lifestyle blog covering all things expat and repat life, including homesickness and reverse culture shock. I also throw in some travel, beauty and design, and motherhood.MORE Email ****@swisslark.com
Facebook Followers 482Twitter Followers 163Instagram Followers 2.1K Domain Authority 24 Read Now Get Email Contact
13. Ana Just Ana
Blog https://anajustana.com/ + Follow Blog
I'm Ana Paula Tediosi. In a world where your titles are as important as the dress you are wearing, I should present myself as Pharmacist with more then 10 year experience in the pharmaceutical industry, founder of Birdhaus Writing & Publishing, former Female ONG leader, working mom Blogger and author. Find interviews with working moms, book reviews, discussions about career and self development.MORE Facebook Followers 334Twitter Followers 496Instagram Followers 502 Domain Authority 11 Read Now Get Email Contact
14. Fräulein Tiger
Blog https://fraeuleintiger.ch/ + Follow Blog
My name is Olivia, I am 30 years old, full-time mom of two little boys with all my heart since 2015, I am happily married to my childhood sweetheart and blog here as Miss Tiger. I give you a glimpse into my everyday life with a child.MORE Email ****@gmx.ch
Facebook Followers 103Instagram Followers 1.1K Domain Authority 14 Read Now Get Email Contact
Switzerland Mom Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Nadine Chaignat | Editor-in-chief | mamasunplugged.ch | |
Tanya | Contributor | swissfamilyfun.com | |
Swiss Family Fun | Contributor | swissfamilyfun.com | |
Anja Knabenhans | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Mama hat jetzt keine Zeit | Contributor | mamahatjetztkeinezeit.ch | |
Steffi Hidber | Contributor | heypretty.ch | |
Ellen Girod | Contributor | chezmamapoule.com | |
Sandra Kopp | Contributor | mamasunplugged.ch | |
Mamas Unplugged | Contributor | mamasunplugged.ch | |
Anonym | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Rita Angelone | Contributor | dieangelones.ch | |
Nathalie Ochalek | Contributor | heypretty.ch | |
Sandra Gimmel | Contributor | heypretty.ch | |
Vera Schönenberger | Contributor | heypretty.ch | |
Evelyne Gutknecht | Contributor | mamasunplugged.ch | |
Katja* | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Sarah Althaus | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Naomi Gregoris | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Nadja Brenneisen | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Andrea Jansen | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Dania Schiftan | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Monika Und Thomas Abt | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Melanie Weilenmann | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Amel Rizvanovic | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Tamara Ritter | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Sandra Trupo | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Ondine Riesen | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Aufgezeichnet Von Sandra Trupo | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Elisa Malinverni | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com | |
Janine Oesch | Contributor | mamasunplugged.ch | |
Marianne Plüss | Contributor | mamasunplugged.ch | |
Gastautoren | Contributor | mamasunplugged.ch | |
Rahel Iten | Contributor | mamasunplugged.ch | |
Mama Mal 3 | Contributor | mamamal3.ch | |
Mamaotr | Contributor | mamaontherocks.com | |
Sophie Borchert | Contributor | chezmamapoule.com | |
Comepot | Contributor | familyfirst.ch | |
El | Contributor | familyfirst.ch | |
Fräulein Tiger | Contributor | fraeuleintiger.ch | |
Sarina Neuhauser | Contributor | anyworkingmom.com |