15 Best Vermont Gardening Blogs and Websites in 2025
Vermont Gardening Blogs
Here are 15 Best Vermont Gardening Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. The Garden at 485 Elm
Blog https://thegardenat485elm.org/ + Follow Blog
The Garden at 485 Elm is simply a place where friends and neighbors garden together. We grow food and flowers, learn with and from each other, and share food and company with each other and with neighbors who might not have access to fresh, local food.MORE Email ****@thegardenat485elm.org
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2. The Vermont Gardener
Blog https://thevermontgardener.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
Vermont and Vermonters are all about agriculture and gardening is a big part of the mix. Here at Vermont Flower Farm and Gardens we have been gardening for our lifetimes offering hardy plants for hardy Vermonters and their friends.MORE Email ****@outlook.com
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3. Red Wagon Plants Blog
Blog https://www.redwagonplants.com/blog + Follow Blog
Red Wagon Plants blog aims to help you learn about plants and herbs and cultivate your own garden. For all of its fifteen years, Red Wagon Plants has worked hard to create a workplace that is full of vibrant energy. The plants absorb the love and positivity that the staff brings to them and to each other every season. Respect for and cultivation of Team Red Wagon is an inextricable and beautiful part of the growing process and of the business itself.MORE Email ****@redwagonplants.com
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4. Ananda Gardens
Blog https://www.anandagardens.com/news-recipes-fr.. + Follow Blog
Ananda Gardens is a diverse, small scale farm, located 10 minutes from downtown Montpelier. Our Mission is to provide healthy food and wellness to our community working in connection with nature, and inspire healthy living. Ananda Gardens is an expression of living a happy life with purpose and mindfulness, always searching for balance and harmony with our nature.MORE Email ****@anandagardens.com
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5. Vermont Home Gardener
Blog https://vermonthomegardener.com/ + Follow Blog
We (Jim & Monique) own and operate Fenn Farmstead & Gardens in Mount Holly, Vermont. We strive to be as sustainable and organic as possible to produce our own healthy foods and energy on-site. This Blog is to share our knowledge and experiences in the Green Mountains so that you can also achieve your goals of healthy, delicious, and sustainable food for your family.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
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6. Homestead How-To » Gardening
Blog https://homesteadhow-to.com/category/gardening/ + Follow Blog
One of the greatest ways to become more self-reliant is to grow your own food at home. Check out these tips, tricks, and suggestions for growing your own fruits and vegetables on the homestead.My name is Carrie Williams Howe and I am the founder and editor of Homestead How-To. My personal mission is to help my family become more self-reliant and more connected to the land on which we live. Professionally, my mission is to help you do the same. I hope that you find what you are looking for on Homestead How-To.MORE Email ****@homesteadhow-to.com
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7. Montpelier Agway Farm and Garden Blog
Blog https://montpelieragway.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
For expert tips and advice on all things Pet, Lawn & Garden, Wild Bird, and Farm & Equine related, visit our Know-How page today! David Ide bought Agway in June 2000. Since that time, the store has grown to be so much more than your average farm and garden supply store! Montpelier Agway offers an array of services including an expansive selection of pet and farm supplies, birdseed and feeders, and landscaping and lawn care products.MORE Email ****@comcast.net
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8. Middlebury Agway Blog
Blog https://middleburyagway.com/blog + Follow Blog
Covers topics like Pet, Lawn & Garden, Wild Bird, and Farm & Equine, and more. Middlebury Agway offers an expansive selection of Garden Tools & accessories, Bird seeds, and Feeders, Plants & Seeds, and Landscaping & Lawn Care needs as well as over a dozen lines of Premium Pet Foods and everything else your furry friends could need.MORE Email ****@middleburyagway.com
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9. Chippers Inc. Blog
Blog https://www.chippersinc.com/company/blog/ + Follow Blog
Get the latest from Chippers and Mr. Grass: tips, seasonal articles, inspiration, and more on lawn, garden, trees & shrubs. Chippers Inc is a team of professional arborists, turf & plant health care specialists, horticulturalists, land care experts and maple sugar makers.MORE Email ****@chippersinc.com
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10. di Stefano Landscaping Blog
Blog https://distefanolandscaping.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
At di Stefano, we help our clients stay up-to-date by sharing relevant information on landscaping, gardening, maintaining plants, etc. We are a full-service landscaping, construction, maintenance company bringing workmanship, pride, & professionalism to every landscape project.MORE Email ****@distefanolandscaping.com
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11. Zachary Berger Associates, Ltd. Blog
Blog https://zacharyberger.com/category/blog/ + Follow Blog
Zachary Berger Associates is an ecological land planning and consulting firm, founded in 1997 and serving all of New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine.
Email ****@zacharyberger.com
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12. Shelburne Farms » Gardening
Blog https://shelburnefarms.org/blog/topics/38 + Follow Blog
The following section of the Shelburne Farms blog is dedicated to gardening. Other key topics covered in the blog are Agriculture & Food, Climate Resiliency, Recipes, and more. Shelburne Farms is an education nonprofit on a mission to inspire and cultivate a sustainable future. We offer transformative learning experiences to help educators and students create a better world.MORE Email ****@shelburnefarms.org
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