10 Best Water Birth Blogs and Websites in 2025
Water Birth Blogs
Here are 10 Best Water Birth Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Active Birth Pools Blog
Blog https://activebirthpools.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
A wealth of information about the use of water for labour and birth by the worlds leading supplier of water birth pools. Visit https://activebirthpools.com/blog/ to search this fabulous resource that contains information for anyone interested in water birth.You'll find studies, research, informative articles, building guidelines, safety protocols and lots more!MORE Email ****@activebirthpools.com
Frequency 1 post/month Domain Authority 24 Read Now Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Andaluz Waterbirth Center Blog
Blog https://www.waterbirth.net/blog + Follow Blog
The midwives at Andaluz are committed to providing personalized care for you and your baby. We love helping women and families through the transition of pregnancy and birth. Because we believe that continuity of care is important, each client has two primary midwives that serve her throughout her prenatal, birth and postpartum care.We attend births at our Portland Birth Center or your home.MORE Facebook Followers 4.2KInstagram Followers 3.3K Frequency 1 post/quarter Domain Authority 20 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. Carolina Waterbirth Blog
Blog https://www.carolinawaterbirth.com/blog + Follow Blog
Midwives have been bringing babies into the world long before and will continue to do so long after in places like Carolina WaterBirth.
Facebook Followers 4.1K Frequency 1 post/month Domain Authority 16 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Hypnobabies » Water Birth
Blog https://www.hypnobabies.com/category/water-bi.. + Follow Blog
Read our inspiring Hypnobabies WaterBirth Stories and you will love them; easier, more comfortable pregnancy and childbirth - 'hypnobirthing' at its best. Complete childbirth education with successful medical hypnosis techniques for a safer, easier, more comfortable birth.MORE Email ****@hypnobabies.com
Facebook Followers 26.5KTwitter Followers 5.5KInstagram Followers 13.1K Frequency 3 posts/quarter Domain Authority 46 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. Birth Pool in a Box Blog
Blog https://www.birthpoolinabox.co.uk/blogs/news + Follow Blog
Birth Pool in a Box first came to market in October 2005 after intensive research and development. It is a leading portable birthing pool, trusted by women. We continue to take advice from the industry and we develop the pool to reflect the opinions of midwives and mothers alike. We pride ourselves on acting on feedback from surveys and on the continual development of a high-quality portable pool.MORE Email ****@edelimmersys.com
Facebook Followers 863Twitter Followers 2.1KInstagram Followers 4.9K Domain Authority 33 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. The Birth Hour » Water Birth
Blog https://thebirthhour.com/birth-stories/waterb.. + Follow Blog
Listen to hundreds of waterbirth birth stories from women who have chosen to give birth in the water whether at the hospital, birth center, or their homes. The Birth Hour is the #1 online resource for birth stories - featuring two new podcast episodes each week.MORE Domain Authority 43 Read Now Get Email Contact
Water Birth Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Bianchi Mendoza | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Nalika Unantenne | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Kamille Uriella Batuyong | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Matt Doctor | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Nasreen Majid | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Ruoshan Tao | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Darla Noble | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Sarmistha Neogy | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Kim Brua | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Jia Ling | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Shiya | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Felicia Chin | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Anay Bhalerao | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Hannah Plumley | Contributor | thepositivebirthcompany.co.uk | |
Llana | Contributor | llanafearn.com | |
Aysia Platte | Contributor | birthful.com | |
Pheona Ilagan | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Cheryl Wong | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Elaine Boey | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Doctor Anywhere | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Dew M. Chaiyanara | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Rosanna Chio | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Prianka | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Jaya | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Shreya Jagdish | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Karen Mira | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Katrijn De Ronde | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Cindy Gan | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Sarah Voon | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Miss Vanda | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Deepshikha Punj | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Chapter Zero | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Rupali K | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Preeti Athri | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Jolene Hee | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Alwyn Batara | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Dr Rosalind Tan Drake | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Jan Alwyn | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Patricia Wang | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Jacelynn | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Roselle Espina | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Revathi Manogaran | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Miko Pagaduan | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Singapore | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Roshni Mahtani | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Sandra Ong | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Shubhada | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Cristina Morales | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Claudia Chia | Contributor | theasianparent.com | |
Wafa Marican | Contributor | theasianparent.com |