100 Best Web Development Blogs and Websites in 2025
Web Development Blogs
Here are 100 Best Web Development Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. web.dev Blog
Blog https://web.dev/blog/ + Follow Blog
Web.dev provides web developers with news, tutorials, and best practices on how to build and maintain high-quality websites. The blog covers a wide range of topics, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, performance, accessibility, and more.MORE Email ****@google.com
Twitter Followers 392.9K Domain Authority 90 Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. Smashing Magazine
Blog https://www.smashingmagazine.com/articles/ + Follow Blog
Smashing Magazine provides information on CSS, JavaScript, front-end, accessibility, UX and design. For developers, designers and front-end engineers. Founded in September 2006 in Germany, Smashing Magazine delivers reliable, useful, but most importantly practical articles to web designers and developers.MORE Email ****@smashingmagazine.com
Facebook Followers 271.9KTwitter Followers 896.6K Domain Authority 90
3. SitePoint Blog
Blog https://www.sitepoint.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
The web's best resource for web developers and designers to keep up-to-date and learn JavaScript, CSS, UX, WordPress, PHP, and more. SitePoint is one of the largest online communities of web professionals.MORE Email ****@sitepoint.com
Facebook Followers 93KTwitter Followers 114.6K Domain Authority 87
4. Codrops
Blog https://tympanus.net/codrops/ + Follow Blog
Creative front-end resources and inspiration for web professionals. Codrops is a web design and development blog that publishes articles and tutorials about the latest web trends, techniques and new possibilities.MORE Email ****@tympanus.net
Facebook Followers 82.4KTwitter Followers 180.2KInstagram Followers 11K Domain Authority 79
5. Tutsplus Code
Blog https://code.tutsplus.com/ + Follow Blog
Thousands of free tutorials and online courses to help you learn software development from mobile devices to web applications and everything in between. Follow this blog to improve your coding skills and workflow.MORE Email ****@envato.com
Twitter Followers 138.1K Domain Authority 90
6. DZone
Blog https://dzone.com/ + Follow Blog
DZone.com is one of the world's largest online communities and a leading publisher of knowledge resources for software engineering professionals. It is a source for programming, web development, and DevOps news, tutorials, and tools for beginners to experts.MORE Email ****@dzone.com
Facebook Followers 50.1KTwitter Followers 47 Domain Authority 84
7. CodePen Blog
Blog https://blog.codepen.io/ + Follow Blog
CodePen is a social development environment. In this blog, the CodePen team talks about the ins and outs of running a web software business. They focus primarily on front-end languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and preprocessing syntaxes that turn into those things.MORE Email ****@codepen.io
Twitter Followers 186.8KInstagram Followers 62.6K Since Apr 2012 Domain Authority 90
8. Webdesigner Depot
Blog https://www.webdesignerdepot.com/ + Follow Blog
Webdesigner Depot is one of the most popular blogs about web design trends, tutorials, and much more. We include tutorials, plugins, and web development tools.
Email ****@marcschenkercopywriter.com
Facebook Followers 253.8KTwitter Followers 620.6K Domain Authority 83
9. Web Design Ledger
Blog https://webdesignledger.com/ + Follow Blog
The Web Design Ledger is a publication written by web designers for web designers. The primary purpose of this site is to act as a platform for sharing web design-related knowledge and resources.MORE Email ****@webdesignledger.com
Facebook Followers 91.3KTwitter Followers 171.1K Domain Authority 79
10. CSS-Tricks
Blog https://css-tricks.com/ + Follow Blog
We developed mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Huawei's App Gallery and web apps for Mac and Windows that help you generate more revenue, acquire new users, and deliver an exceptional user experience.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 76.7KTwitter Followers 270Instagram Followers 9.1K Since Jul 2007 Domain Authority 86
11. Ben Nadel
Blog https://www.bennadel.com/ + Follow Blog
Ben Nadel is a passionate web developer with 24 years of experience. He writes blog posts covering JavaScript, User Experience (UX), ColdFusion, Node.js, and other topics.
Twitter Followers 22.2K Domain Authority 66
12. Christian Heilmann
Blog https://christianheilmann.com/ + Follow Blog
Christian Heilmann's blog is a place where he shares his thoughts on web development, accessibility, and other topics. He is a highly skilled Front End Architect, Manager, and Team Lead with over 25 years of experience in web technologies.MORE Twitter Followers 69.3K Domain Authority 56
13. Kent C. Dodds Blog
Blog https://kentcdodds.com/blog + Follow Blog
Hi, I'm Kent C. Dodds, a software engineer and instructor. I help people make the world better through quality software. On this blog, you'll find blogs about JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Testing, your career, and more.MORE Email ****@kentcdodds.com
Twitter Followers 226.7K Domain Authority 49
14. Stefan Judis Blog
Blog https://www.stefanjudis.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Stefan Judis' blog is a place where he shares his thoughts on web development, including JavaScript, CSS, HTML, React, and more. He also writes about his experiences as a developer, speaker, and writer.MORE Twitter Followers 12.5K Domain Authority 42
15. Austin Gil Blog
Blog https://austingil.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Hi! my name is Austin Gil. I'm a web developer & educator, and I want to help you build better websites. Over the last ten years, I've built projects for award-winning agencies, innovative start-ups, government organizations, and more. Today, I build fun stuff for the web and share what I've learned through writing, open-source, videos, presentations, and workshops.MORE Twitter Followers 2.1K Domain Authority 35
16. Maxime Heckel's Blog
Blog https://blog.maximeheckel.com/ + Follow Blog
Hi I'm Maxime, and this is my blog. Here, I share through my writing my experience as a frontend engineer and everything I'm learning about on React, Typescript, SwiftUI, Serverless, and testing.MORE Twitter Followers 5.5K Domain Authority 21
17. Jens Oliver Meiert Blog
Blog https://meiert.com/en/ + Follow Blog
I'm Jens Oliver Meiert, an engineering lead and author. I'm a long-time contributor to the craft of front-end development. This blog is my place to share articles and books on the craft of web development, with a focus on HTML and CSS minimization and optimization.MORE Email ****@meiert.com
Twitter Followers 5.2K Since Jan 2007 Domain Authority 50
18. Swizec Teller's Blog
Blog https://swizec.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Swizec writes about JavaScript, ReactJS, and technical skills that will boost your career. He helps coders turn into high-value JavaScript experts with books, articles, talks, and workshops.
Email ****@swizec.com
Facebook Followers 3.6KTwitter Followers 16KInstagram Followers 868 Domain Authority 51
19. Semidot Infotech Blog
Blog https://semidotinfotech.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
SemiDot Infotech is a Top rated multi-award winning software development company providing a full suite of services and solutions. We are a software development company, SemiDot Infotech originated from our passion to make the world a better place.MORE Email ****@semidotinfotech.com
Facebook Followers 523Twitter Followers 376 Domain Authority 38
20. Lea Verou
Blog https://lea.verou.me/ + Follow Blog
My name is Lea Verou. I love sharing knowledge and have given over 100 invited talks at web design/web development conferences around the world. If you are a web developer, this blog is a source for you to use bits of my work daily.MORE Twitter Followers 120.2K Domain Authority 63
21. OpenSource Technologies Blog
Blog https://blogs.ost.agency/ + Follow Blog
OpenSource Technologies is a leading Web & Mobile Application Solution Provider in the USA. Read the Blog to know our views on ios & Android App Development, Software App Development, Digital Marketing, etc. Stay updated with relevant News, Startups, Industry-transforming technologies, and much more.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 2KTwitter Followers 1K Domain Authority 32
22. Techcronus Business Solutions Blog
Blog https://www.techcronus.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Techcronus is a global provider of Enterprise Business Solutions and modern-day technology services since 2010. We take complete responsibility for our customer's software development needs, ensuring top-quality results at all times. Our value proposition is the strength that distinguishes us in providing industry-specific services, multi-platform technology expertise, strategic alliances with professional consultants and business experts, and long-term partnership commitments.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 2.1KTwitter Followers 34Instagram Followers 1.3K Domain Authority 29
23. ovidem Blog
Blog https://ovidem.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Ovi Demetrian Jr. is the co-founder and lead designer of Blocks Edit, a visual email editor to help email marketers produce branded emails. He also writes product copy, blog articles, and stories about how technology interacts with culture. Follow his latest articles and tech ramblings here.MORE Email ****@ovidem.com
Domain Authority 19
24. Blog
Blog https://greenice.net/blog/ + Follow Blog
Greenice is a web development agency, specializing in developing custom feature-rich apps and websites with complex back-ends. We help entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life with our deep technical knowledge, meticulous research, planning, and execution. Our blog covers all possible question of startup and business owners about the web development of different kinds of the solutions.MORE Email ****@greenice.net
Facebook Followers 51 Domain Authority 35
25. Hongkiat Blog
Blog https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Hongkiat is a design-focused blog based in Malaysia and founded by Lim Hong Kiat. At Hongkiat, we cover helpful tips and tutorials for web designers, developers, freelance web workers, and novice users.MORE Email ****@hongkiat.com
Facebook Followers 105.4KTwitter Followers 34.1K Domain Authority 86
26. Excellent Webworld Blog
Blog https://www.excellentwebworld.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Stay updated with mobile and web app development news, business tips, technology news and everything happening across the tech and development arena.
Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter Followers 2.8K Domain Authority 43
27. freeCodeCamp
Blog https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/ + Follow Blog
Browse thousands of programming tutorials written by experts. Learn Web Development, Data Science, DevOps, Security, and get developer career advice. We're a nonprofit community that helps you learn to code by building projects.MORE Email ****@freecodecamp.org
Facebook Followers 225.1KTwitter Followers 836.3K Domain Authority 87
28. Speckyboy
Blog https://speckyboy.com/ + Follow Blog
Speckyboy is an online magazine for designers with its focus on sharing helpful resources, exploring new techniques, sharing useful tips, and inspiring you to build a better web.
Email ****@speckyboy.com
Facebook Followers 49.7KTwitter Followers 68.6K Since Dec 2007 Domain Authority 76
29. LogRocket Blog
Blog https://blog.logrocket.com/ + Follow Blog
A blog for front-end developers and web app engineers. LogRocket was founded in 2016 by Matthew Arbesfeld and Ben Edelstein, a computer science duo who have been building products together since the 3rd grade. Frustrated by how difficult it was to understand their customers' experiences, Arbesfeld and Edelstein set out towards an audacious goal: make every experience on the web as perfect as possible. It combines session replay, performance monitoring, and product analytics empowering software teams to create the ideal product experience.MORE Email ****@logrocket.com
Facebook Followers 891Twitter Followers 15.2K Since Sep 2016 Domain Authority 53
30. UXPin Blog
Blog https://www.uxpin.com/studio/blog/ + Follow Blog
UXPin is the premier code-based UX design tool for prototyping, documentation, and design systems. UXPin Blog is the place to learn about design and development. It writes articles on designOps, processes, and more.MORE Email ****@uxpin.com
Facebook Followers 140.4KTwitter Followers 41.1K Domain Authority 62
31. Codecondo
Blog https://codecondo.com/ + Follow Blog
CodeCondo is an aspiring community for developers, designers, and business people. It aims to explore, collect, as well as share useful news, tutorials, tips, resources, and tools, on design, development, and other inspirational topics.MORE Email ****@codecondo.com
Facebook Followers 2.2KTwitter Followers 3K Domain Authority 49
32. CSS Wizardry
Blog https://csswizardry.com/ + Follow Blog
Hi there, I'm Harry Roberts. I am an award-winning Consultant Web Performance Engineer, designer, developer, writer, and speaker from the UK. I write, tweet, speak, and share code about measuring and improving site speed.MORE Email ****@csswizardry.com
Facebook Followers 631Twitter Followers 69.9K Since Dec 2009 Domain Authority 61
33. WebAppers
Blog https://www.webappers.com/ + Follow Blog
Dedicated to sharing top-quality open-source resources for web developers and web designers daily. These resources include plugins, themes, graphics, code, and more.
Email ****@webappers.com
Facebook Followers 7.8KTwitter Followers 3.4K Domain Authority 56
34. Webkul Blog
Blog https://webkul.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Articles on eCommerce, ERP, Web, Mobile, Design, Development, Strategy and Docs for OpenSource Webkul Apps and Products.Webkul is the hook for enterprise businesses and helps enterprises to upscale easily with a wider range of ready to use and highly customizable eCommerce centric products.MORE Email ****@webkul.com
Facebook Followers 9.9KTwitter Followers 1.7K Domain Authority 53
35. ColorWhistle
Blog https://colorwhistle.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
ColorWhistle is a Web development company that offers web design, branding, digital marketing and much more.
Email ****@colorwhistle.com
Facebook Followers 590Twitter Followers 1.9K Domain Authority 35
36. Css Author Blog
Blog https://cssauthor.com/ + Follow Blog
CSS Author is a Design and Development related blog for Web Designers and Developers. We offer free PSD Design Resources, Daily Design Inspirations, Articles, Roundups, Tutorials, and the latest Web Trends and Techniques.MORE Email ****@cssauthor.com
Facebook Followers 43.1KTwitter Followers 27.2K Domain Authority 57
37. Web Designer News
Blog https://webdesignernews.com/ + Follow Blog
A curated collection of the best news for designers each day. Web Designer News provides web designers and developers with a single location to discover the latest and most significant stories on the Web. It searches through hundreds of posts on blogs, social media, and news channels, to deliver the most essential stories of the day.MORE Email ****@webdesignernews.com
Facebook Followers 871 Domain Authority 45
38. Coding Horror
Blog https://blog.codinghorror.com/ + Follow Blog
Coding Horror is the outlet of seasoned web application developer Jeff Atwood. The blog tackles all manner of software development and security topics, but it's Jeff's interest in the human component of development that makes the blog stand out.MORE Twitter Followers 283.8K Domain Authority 78
39. MindK.com Blog
Blog https://www.mindk.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
The Web and Mobile Development blog. Get insights you'll need for your web or mobile application success going forward. MindK is a web and mobile app development company that builds reliable solutions for businesses and startups.MORE Email ****@mindk.com
Facebook Followers 1.5KTwitter Followers 551Instagram Followers 1.2K Domain Authority 40
40. Sloboda studio
Blog https://sloboda-studio.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Articles on Entrepreneurship, Guides, Marketplaces, Real Estate and Technology. Sloboda-studio is a Ruby on Rails Web Development Company. We offer web development services for startups, small and medium business.MORE Email ****@sloboda-studio.com
Facebook Followers 676Twitter Followers 56 Domain Authority 38
41. XB Software Blog
Blog https://xbsoftware.com/blog + Follow Blog
XB Software is a custom software development company focusing on web & mobile application development, application modernisation, testing, QA & staff augmentation. Main focus on project management tools, resource management platforms and booking/scheduling solutions. Key technologies: Webix and DHTMLX UI libraries, ReactJS, Typescript, NodeJS and PHP. Read the latest updates and news about web development and implemented projects.MORE Email ****@xbsoftware.com
Facebook Followers 28Twitter Followers 302Instagram Followers 355 Domain Authority 39
42. Weichie
Blog https://weichie.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Weichie.com blogs about both the technical aspects of your website and how you can fix them and provides SEO tips and tricks on how you could improve the online visibility of your website.
Email ****@weichie.com
Facebook Followers 241 Domain Authority 21
43. JavaScript Weekly
Blog https://javascriptweekly.com/ + Follow Blog
A free, once-weekly e-mail round-up of JavaScript articles, news and cool projects.
Domain Authority 48
44. Echo JS
Blog https://www.echojs.com/ + Follow Blog
Echo JS is a community-driven news site entirely focused on JavaScript development, HTML5, and front-end news.
Twitter Followers 11.4K Domain Authority 39
45. AmitKK
Blog https://www.amitkk.com/blog + Follow Blog
Find the list of best digital marketing blogs which everyone should follow to learn & implement digital services. Amitkk is the best website development company in Delhi NCR. Know about SEO, social media, lead generation, graphics designing, web designing & development.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 271Twitter Followers 84 Domain Authority 20
46. DNG
Blog https://www.dngwebdeveloper.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Articles on CRM software, Digital Marketing, eCommerce Website, MLM Software, Mobile App Development, Retail management software, Software Development, Web Developer, Website Designing and WordPress. DNG is Ahmedabad Based one of the best website Developer and Software development Companies in India.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 718Twitter Followers 33 Domain Authority 18
47. C-Metric.com
Blog https://www.c-metric.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Get quick updates on Web development and programming tips and techniques and new projects to stay up-to-date in the information and technology industry.
Email ****@c-metric.com
Facebook Followers 440Twitter Followers 880Instagram Followers 116 Since Jun 2014 Domain Authority 20
48. Krishang Technolab
Blog https://www.krishangtechnolab.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Articles on Web Development, HubSpot, Ecommerce, WordPress, Custom Web Apps, Mobile Apps, and Digital Marketing. Krishang Technolab Blog is a place to learn about design and development. We are a team of experienced technocrats who have strong experience in Custom web development, Ecommerce Development, HubSpot Development, and Mobile Apps Development.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 231Twitter Followers 462 Domain Authority 14
49. Zobi Web Solutions Private Limited
Blog https://www.zobiwebsolutions.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Zobi is a Web and Mobile app development company that is one of the most promising start-ups and is a leading IT solutions provider and ITES Company. Read articles about the different technologies, we are happy to share the latest technical knowledge with you!MORE Email ****@zobiwebsolutions.com
Facebook Followers 155Twitter Followers 494 Domain Authority 21
50. Prime Inspire
Blog https://primeinspire.com/blog + Follow Blog
Advanced Tips, Tricks & Tutorials with Modern Technologies Like Websites, Android, Apps & more. Get the latest updates and tips tricks and some amazing learning videos.
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 1.7KTwitter Followers 18 Domain Authority 13
51. Brickweb Blog
Blog https://www.brickweb.co.uk/blog + Follow Blog
Check out the latest news from Brick technology. Building Websites for worldwide clients to exemplary standards since 1995! Their creative design studio and web development team produce websites to the very highest standards offering Web Design, Mobile Applications and Internet Marketing Services.MORE Email ****@me.com
Facebook Followers 282Twitter Followers 1.2KInstagram Followers 155 Since Jan 2006 Domain Authority 34
52. Siddhi Infosoft Blog
Blog https://www.siddhiinfosoft.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Siddhi Infosoft is a leading Web and Mobile App Development Company in the USA, UK, and Canada offering top-notch web and app development services that connect, perform & inspire.
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 1.1KTwitter Followers 326Instagram Followers 193 Domain Authority 28
53. WDP Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Blog https://www.webdevelopmentpark.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
We Provide web design, web development, i phone app development, graphics design, dynamic web page design, Responsive web design services. WDP Technologies is a team of web design experts can create a website for your company at affordable website design cost, we provide website and software easy solutions.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 465Twitter Followers 109 Domain Authority 23
54. G4 Design House
Blog https://www.g4designhouse.com/our-blog/ + Follow Blog
Provides professional, custom, affordable web design and development services as well as marketing plans that will improve your web presence. We are a trusted and professional website design company.MORE Email G4 Design House
Domain Authority 20
55. Elvira
Blog https://elvirainfotech.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Learn digital marketing strategies, custom web development tips, web design, app development and many more from our blog page. Elvira Infotech is a web development company offering a range of products and services including website design, App development, SEO services & more.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 574Twitter Followers 12Instagram Followers 108 Domain Authority 14
56. Designs By Dave O. Blog
Blog https://designsbydaveo.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Long Island's leading Website Development Agency. Specializing in Web Design, Web Development, Logo Design & Brand Identity, SEO, Social Media Marketing.
Email ****@designsbydaveo.com
Facebook Followers 447Instagram Followers 715 Domain Authority 16
57. Lucid Softech
Blog https://www.lucidsoftech.com/blog + Follow Blog
Get the latest news, tips & trends for Web Development & Internet Marketing.
Facebook Followers 488Twitter Followers 890 Domain Authority 20
58. 247webdevs
Blog https://247webdevs.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
Developer support blog. Get dev news and life hack information articles through this blog.
Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter Followers 2.1K Domain Authority 1
59. DevelopersTroop
Blog https://developerstroop.com/website-blog/ + Follow Blog
DevelopersTroop may be called an expertized factory of websites where they are designed, developed, customized and also fix websites problems and work on various kind websites and give them a unique touch of novelty and development with our own way.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 2.4KTwitter Followers 13 Domain Authority 55
60. Magneto IT Solutions Blog
Blog https://magnetoitsolutions.com/blog/category/.. + Follow Blog
Explore the latest trends and updates what's new at Magneto, IoT, chatbots, eCommerce, mobile app, web design & development, and digital marketing. Magneto IT Solutions is a top-rated eCommerce development agency with over 10 years of technical expertise.MORE Email ****@magnetoitsolutions.com
Facebook Followers 1.2KTwitter Followers 1.3K Domain Authority 44
61. TalkersCode.com - Web development Blog
Blog https://talkerscode.com/ + Follow Blog
Learn HTML CSS JavaScript jQuery PHP MySQL tutorials, references, web building examples, web question and answers, web tips and tricks
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 10.2K Domain Authority 38
62. ariya.io
Blog https://ariya.io/ + Follow Blog
Blog on software craftsmanship, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, and general web technologies authored by Ariya Hidayat.
Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter Followers 12.4K Domain Authority 49
63. Bootsgrid Blog
Blog https://blog.bootsgrid.com/ + Follow Blog
Bootsgrid technologies serves the customers with innovative ideas via digital mechanisms and also analyzing, finding exact solutions for the customers. Bootsgrid is the best PHP development company and expert magento development.MORE Email ****@bootsgrid.com
Facebook Followers 270Twitter Followers 49Instagram Followers 98
64. David Walsh
Blog https://davidwalsh.name/ + Follow Blog
A blog featuring tutorials about JavaScript, HTML5, AJAX, PHP, CSS, WordPress, and everything else development. David Walsh is Mozilla's senior web developer and the core developer for the MooTools Javascript Framework.MORE Email ****@davidwalsh.name
Facebook Followers 7.6KTwitter Followers 86.4K Domain Authority 71
65. DY Kraf Blog
Blog https://dykraf.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Hi, I am Dy, an experienced Web Developer, currently working in the banking industry. Dive into detailed articles exploring React, Vue, Next.js, Nuxt.js, JavaScript, Databases, CMS platforms, and other vital topics on web development.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Domain Authority 5
66. Mon-Code
Blog https://www.mon-code.net/en + Follow Blog
Personal tech blog about software development with PHP language and Symfony Framework using Mysql, Elasticsearch or RabbitMQ but also Linux Debian usage.
Domain Authority 22
67. Purrweb
Blog https://www.purrweb.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Find out what it's like to design and build an MVP app. Discover technology trends, MVP software design, and development best practices. Purrweb is a team of leading Software & UX professionals who provide MVP software design (UI/UX) and development services, helping startups and existing businesses build MVP in 3 months.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Domain Authority 37
68. Iwebnext Blog
Blog https://www.iwebnext.com/blog + Follow Blog
Learn proven tips & tricks for strengthening your web development skills. Iwebnext is one of the best software development services companies in the USA and Canada for the long-term growth & success of your business. Consult your web project with their experts today!MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 456Twitter Followers 118 Domain Authority 25
69. SunTech Apps: Top Web & Mobile App Development Services Blog
Blog https://www.suntechapps.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
In the era of transformative technology and digitalization, SunTech Applications offers comprehensive services that span from ideation to successful implementation. SunTech Apps offers Web, Mobile, CMS, Software, Ecommerce, Cloud App Development, UX Design & Digital Services. Turn your ideas into reality with us.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 568Twitter Followers 475 Domain Authority 24
70. Jason Watmore's Blog
Blog https://jasonwatmore.com/ + Follow Blog
Jason Watmore is a web developer in Sydney, Australia and she has been building websites and web applications since 1998. In this blog, she is focusing on Angular, React, Vue, Node, and NET Technologies. She finds it extremely rewarding to contribute to the web development community and help other developers from around the world.MORE Facebook Followers 263Twitter Followers 2.6K Domain Authority 44
71. React Blog
Blog https://reactjs.org/blog/all.html + Follow Blog
React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is an important source material for anyone who creates apps with the framework.
Facebook Followers 138.2KTwitter Followers 704.8K Domain Authority 85
72. Official jQuery Blog
Blog https://blog.jquery.com/ + Follow Blog
News and articles on jQuery, jQuery UI and Projects. The definitive source of news about one of the web's most popular front-end tools.
Twitter Followers 7.9K Since Aug 1997 Domain Authority 90
73. WebFX » Web Design
Blog https://www.webfx.com/blog/web-design/ + Follow Blog
A Web Design & Development Blog for designers and digital artists where you can find and learn design tips and tricks.
Instagram Followers 8.6K Domain Authority 72
74. WisdmLabs Blog
Blog https://wisdmlabs.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
WordPress Development Experts, Custom Plugin Solutions, Magento Ecommerce Solutions, User Experience Design and more. Keep up with the experience of the WordPress Developers, which make for some awesome tips and tricks, and WordPress-based solutions.MORE Email ****@wisdmlabs.com
Facebook Followers 1.4KTwitter Followers 2.9K Domain Authority 37
75. Cleveroad Blog
Blog https://www.cleveroad.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
The Cleveroad blog is where you can learn about their workflow, values, pastimes and find practical advice on mobile & web development and design. Cleveroad Inc. is a full-cycle web and mobile application development company creating solutions for mobiles, desktops, wearables, and TVs.MORE Email ****@cleveroad.com
Facebook Followers 3.5KTwitter Followers 472Instagram Followers 2.4K Domain Authority 51
76. Website Learners
Blog https://websitelearners.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Learn about how to make and maintain WordPress and E-commerce websites in an easy way. At WebsiteLearners we help people who are trying to create their own website, with the help of our 'easy-to-follow' tutorial videos.MORE Email ****@websitelearners.com
Facebook Followers 6.1KTwitter Followers 664Instagram Followers 12.7K Domain Authority 19
77. A List Apart
Blog https://alistapart.com/ + Follow Blog
Articles on Design, Process, User Experience, Responsive Design, Career, Creativity, Content Strategy, Usability, Code, JavaScript and more. A List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices.MORE Email ****@idaaalen.no
Facebook Followers 36.5KTwitter Followers 133.6K Domain Authority 84
78. Code Convoy
Blog https://codeconvey.com/ + Follow Blog
Provides articles on HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Jquery, and many more creations to help out frontend developers and designers. Codeconvey is a web design & development blog that provides tutorials, inspiration, articles, and the latest web trends.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter Followers 53 Domain Authority 31
79. Acodez IT Solutions - Web Design & Web Development Blog
Blog https://acodez.in/blog/ + Follow Blog
Acodez is an international award-winning Web design & SEO agency based in India, with satisfied clients across 22 countries.
Email ****@acodez.in
Facebook Followers 6KTwitter Followers 818Instagram Followers 1.3K Since Aug 2013 Domain Authority 44
80. Simple Programmer
Blog https://simpleprogrammer.com/ + Follow Blog
Learn how to program, improve your career and develop your people skills. Let's make the complex simple and tackle the mental aspects of being a software developer together. Simple programmer is a web development blog that looks at things from a slightly different angle. It's an advice blog for full stack, front-end and back-end developers, as well as software engineers.MORE Email ****@simpleprogrammer.com
Facebook Followers 15KTwitter Followers 41.8KInstagram Followers 3.2K Since Dec 2008 Domain Authority 56
81. TechvBlogs
Blog https://techvblogs.com/ + Follow Blog
Articles on Laravel, Vue.js, Ubuntu, Node.js, MySQL, PHP, Linux and more. We are sharing Blogs that are related to Web and Mobile Applications issues and examples of Development.
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 163Twitter Followers 28 Since Jan 2021 Domain Authority 15
82. Web & Mobile App Development Blog, Technology News & Updates - JumpGrowth
Blog https://jumpgrowth.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Check out our mobile & web app Design and Development blog to get the latest tips and insights about mobile apps. JumpGrowth provides complete consulting and apps development services to Startups and highly Innovative teams across businesses.MORE Email ****@jumpgrowth.com
Facebook Followers 2.5KTwitter Followers 49Instagram Followers 99 Domain Authority 27
83. Skynet Technologies
Blog https://www.skynettechnologies.com/web-develo.. + Follow Blog
Skynet Technologies is an ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2013 certified full-service digital marketing agency and technology company providing quality solutions for the past 21 years. The headquarters is in Independence, Kentucky, and other locations - USA (Las Vegas NV, Gainesville FL), Australia (Melbourne VIC), and India (Jamnagar Gujarat). Skynet Technologies specializes in quick website accessibility, full website custom accessibility remediation, e-commerce development, digital marketing, custom web development, custom software, and mobile development.MORE Email ****@skynettechnologies.com
Facebook Followers 262Twitter Followers 769 Domain Authority 30
84. Esferasoft Solutions
Blog https://www.esferasoft.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
We design & develop conversion-focused websites including ecommerce stores & online portals. Get the latest insights and trending updates on Web development, Artificial Intelligence, App Development and On-demand Industry businesses.MORE Email ****@esferasoft.com
Facebook Followers 1.7K Domain Authority 22
85. Hiteshi
Blog https://www.hiteshi.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Hiteshi blog helps you to keep yourself up to date by the latest web technology trends and top web and mobile app development industry news. Hiteshi is a top web and mobile app development company building reliable solutions for businesses in the USA, Australia & India. We offer top-notch services, including enterprise solution, UI-UX, Big Data, iPhone (iOS) & Android app development services.MORE Email ****@hiteshi.com
Facebook Followers 2.7KTwitter Followers 507 Domain Authority 22
86. ITH Blog
Blog https://www.ithands.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
ITH develops a deep understanding of your business, skill sets, and working style to provide solutions to larger and complex business requirements. ITH is a company specializing in Web and mobile app development.MORE Email ****@ithands.com
Domain Authority 16
87. Hexwhale
Blog https://www.hexwhale.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Get the latest news, updates, and ideas from Hexwhale blogs on Digital Marketing, Web Development, and Web Design. Start reading our web design & development blogs.
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 1.4KTwitter Followers 99Instagram Followers 724 Domain Authority 18
88. Technocrats Horizons
Blog https://technocratshorizons.com/blogs/ + Follow Blog
Technocrats is the leading company for providing creative web designing, custom web development, graphic design, e-commerce solutions & mobile applications.
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 1.5K Domain Authority 26
89. Acemero
Blog https://blog.acemero.com/ + Follow Blog
Blog posts on product design, system designing, UI/UX designing, web designers, framework, PHP development, software development and more. Leading Web Application Development and Mobile Application Development Company In India.MORE Email ****@acemero.com
Facebook Followers 672Instagram Followers 1.1K Since Sep 2020 Domain Authority 10
90. VA Media Box
Blog https://vamediabox.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
A blog for digital marketing, website design, and development of updated trends also get the latest news on PCC or online ads. Learn web design and development new tricks for implementation. VA Media Box is a growing web design and development organization in India.MORE Email ****@vamediabox.com
Facebook Followers 2.9KTwitter Followers 391Instagram Followers 986 Domain Authority 15
Blog https://www.beaubus.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
A Web Development Blog. Mostly covering articles about PHP, JavaScript, CSS, Sass, SQL, Unix shell, Laravel, Vue, Tailwind, PhpStorm, Vim.
Email ****@beaubus.com
Twitter Followers 442 Domain Authority 8
92. Petre Popescu
Blog https://petrepopescu.tech/ + Follow Blog
Blog posts on Java, JavaScript, Security and System Design. A developer blog with medium and advanced tutorials and articles on Java, web development and programming tips.
Email ****@tuta.io
Since Jan 2021 Domain Authority 13
93. iCore Software Systems
Blog https://icoresoftwaresystems.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Stay up to date on mobile app creation updates, Web App Creation, technology news, digital marketing and much more. iCore Software Systems Private Limited is a software development company that provides web design and application development services, customized eCommerce solutions and mobile application development.MORE Email ****@icoresoftwaresystems.com
Facebook Followers 213Twitter Followers 57Instagram Followers 79 Domain Authority 11
94. Pontikis.net Blog
Blog https://www.pontikis.net/blog + Follow Blog
Blog posts on Angular, Digital Marketing, SEO, Linux Administration, Mobile Development, Python and more. Pontikis.net is a technology and how-to blog. Web labs is the space where open source projects are presented (demo, docs, tutorials). The purpose of the site is to review web technology, its business and culture and to provide breaking tech news.MORE Email ****@pontikis.net
Facebook Followers 2.9KTwitter Followers 566 Domain Authority 41
95. Position Absolute
Blog http://www.position-absolute.com/ + Follow Blog
Waves of front-end development and entrepreneurship articles
Twitter Followers 1.5K Domain Authority 40
96. Web Development Reading List
Blog https://wdrl.info/ + Follow Blog
A handcrafted, carefully selected list of web development related resources. Published usually every week.
Email ****@wdrl.info
Twitter Followers 1.1K Domain Authority 34
97. Cooding Dessign
Blog https://www.coodingdessign.com/ + Follow Blog
Covers topics on JavaScript, WordPress, blockchain, SEO, PHP and more. CoodingDessign is the biggest, most confided in online network for engineers to learn, share, and their programming information, and assemble their vocations.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Twitter Followers 1.1K Since Aug 2020 Domain Authority 17
98. JSdevs
Blog https://blog.jsdevs.dev/ + Follow Blog
Find the best JavaScript developers & engineers in React, Vue, Nuxt, Next, Angular, TypeScript and many other technologies.
Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 2.8KTwitter Followers 106 Domain Authority 15
99. Maven Ecommerce
Blog https://www.mavenecommerce.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Cover topics related to web development and eCommerce in general. Find fresh tips, guides, reviews and news. Maven is a eCommerce development company working as a globally distributed team of developers and designers.MORE Email ****@mavenecommerce.com
Facebook Followers 132Twitter Followers 6 Domain Authority 38
100. INDGLOBA - Web Designing And Development Company
Blog http://indglobalconsultingsolution.blogspot.com/ + Follow Blog
Ind Global have lot of work success and stars so long from the leading clients and it will expected always that our client will recommend our service to their friends and official friends. Indglobal is a best web development by covering a different aspects of designing issues.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Facebook Followers 51.4K Domain Authority 8
Web Development Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | Twitter Handle | Twitter Follower | LinkedIn Profile | |
Vitaly Friedman | Editor-in-chief & Co-founder | smashingmagazine.com/articles | https://www.linkedin.com/in/vitalyfriedman/ | |||
Noam Rosenthal | Writer | smashingmagazine.com/articles | @nomsternom | 961 | https://www.linkedin.com/in/noamrosenthal/ | |
Luis Ouriach | Writer | smashingmagazine.com/articles | @disco_lu | 26.7K | ||
Jarijn Nijkamp | Writer | smashingmagazine.com/articles | @jarijn | 148 | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jarijnnijkamp/ | |
Louis Lazaris | Writer | smashingmagazine.com/articles | @impressivewebs | 5.7K | ||
Eric Burel | Writer | smashingmagazine.com/articles | @ericbureltech | 115 | ||
Scott Himmer | Writer | smashingmagazine.com/articles | https://www.linkedin.com/in/scotthimmer/ | |||
Drew McLellan | Writer | smashingmagazine.com/articles | @drewm | 9.2K | ||
Joel Falconer | Managing Editor | sitepoint.com/blog | @joelfalconer | 2.6K | ||
Ralph Mason | Production Editor | sitepoint.com/blog | @pageaffairs | 253 | ||
Marlu00e8ne Bruhat | Author | tympanus.net/codrops | @marvin_x_ | 3.7K | ||
Mary Lou | Author | tympanus.net/codrops | @crnacura | 24.5K | ||
Yuriy Artyukh | Author | tympanus.net/codrops | @akella | 12K | ||
Erik Morse | Editorial Inquiries | dzone.com | ||||
Marc Schenker | Author | webdesignerdepot.com | ||||
Web Design Ledger | Editorial Inquiries | webdesignledger.com | ||||
Swizec Teller | Author | swizec.com/blog | @swizec | 13.7K | https://www.linkedin.com/in/swizec/ | |
Hongkiat | Editorial Inquiries | hongkiat.com/blog | ||||
Estefania Cassingena Navone | Author | freecodecamp.org/news | @estefaniacassn | 5.6K | ||
Grant Weatherston | Author | freecodecamp.org/news | @gweaths | 126 | ||
Kolade Chris | Author | freecodecamp.org/news | @ksound22 | 1.8K | ||
Oyedele Temitope | Author | freecodecamp.org/news | @t_koded | 60 | ||
Joel Olawanle | Author | freecodecamp.org/news | @olawanle_joel | 982 | ||
Soham De Roy | Author | freecodecamp.org/news | @_sohamderoy | 40 | ||
Paul Andrew | Editor | speckyboy.com | @speckyboy | 70.4K | ||
Eric Karkovack | Editor/ Writer | speckyboy.com | @karks88 | 2.3K | ||
Jake Rocheleau | Writer | speckyboy.com | @jakerocheleau | 2.9K | ||
Brenda Stokes Barron | Writer | speckyboy.com | @digitalinkwell | 2.2K | https://www.linkedin.com/in/digitalinkwell/ | |
Peter Ekene Eze | Author | blog.logrocket.com | @kenny_io | 7.1K | ||
Surbhi Sooni | Author | blog.logrocket.com | @ssinghsurbhi | 17 | ||
Isaac Okoro | Author | blog.logrocket.com | @homelessdev02 | 316 | ||
Iwalola Sobowale | Author | blog.logrocket.com | @iwalolasobowale | 327 | ||
Robert Drury | Author | blog.logrocket.com | @rjd203 | 372 | ||
Oduah Chigozie | Author | blog.logrocket.com | @ghoulkingr | 58 | ||
Chimezie Innocent | Author | blog.logrocket.com | @genio_alfa | |||
Daniel Schwarz | Author | blog.logrocket.com | @mrdanielschwarz | 1.1K | ||
Bart Krawczyk | Author | blog.logrocket.com | @bart_kraw | 352 | ||
Harry Roberts | Author | csswizardry.com | @csswizardry | 69.9K | https://www.linkedin.com/in/csswizardry/ | |
Jeff Atwood | Author | blog.codinghorror.com | @codinghorror | 287.2K | ||
David Walsh | Author | davidwalsh.name | @davidwalshblog | 84.4K | ||
Jason Watmore | Author | jasonwatmore.com | @jason_watmore | |||
Ida Aalen | Author | alistapart.com | @idaaa | 9.9K | ||
Senongo Akpem | Author | alistapart.com | @senongo | 2.6K | ||
Amin Al Hazwani | Author | alistapart.com | @aminalhazwani | 283 | ||
Chris Aldrich | Author | alistapart.com | @chrisaldrich | 2.7K | ||
John Allsopp | Author | alistapart.com | @johnallsopp | 12.1K | ||
John Sonmez | Author | simpleprogrammer.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsonmez/ | |||
Asfar | Founder & Author | jumpgrowth.com/blog | ||||
Christos Pontikis | Author | pontikis.net/blog | ||||
Addison Duvall | Author | speckyboy.com | https://www.linkedin.com/in/addisonduvall |
See Also
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