30 Best XR Blogs and Websites in 2025 (Extended Reality)
XR Blogs
Here are 30 Best XR Blogs you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. XR Today
Blog https://www.xrtoday.com/tag/big-xr-news/ + Follow Blog
XR Today is your essential resource for extended reality industry news and insights. Our mission is to be the definitive guide for the business communications marketplace. To achieve that goal, we deliver content that's second to none. With XR Today, you'll have complete access to all the information you need about alternative realities, including special features, informative guides, video-first interviews, and even virtual events.MORE Email ****@uctoday.com
Twitter Followers 9.1K Frequency 7 posts/week Domain Authority 49 Read Now Get Email Contact Get Influential Bloggers ContactsGet access to 250k active Bloggers in 1500 niche categories.Get targeted media contact list in your niche at your fingertips so you can focus on running your campaign.Email us the type of bloggers you want to reach out for your marketing campaign at anuj@feedspot.com . We'll share blogger's data in an Excel or CSV format.Email us
2. EON Reality
Blog https://eonreality.com/company/news-and-events/ + Follow Blog
EON Reality is the world leader in Augmented and Virtual Reality academic and industry training solutions. We believe that knowledge is a human right and should be available, accessible, and affordable for every human on the planet. Knowledge is a human rightMORE Email ****@eonreality.com
Facebook Followers 64.2KTwitter Followers 6.2KInstagram Followers 1.9K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 56 Read Now Get Email Contact
3. XR Association Blog
Blog https://xra.org/blog/ + Follow Blog
XRA is leading the way for the responsible development and adoption of XR. The XR Association promotes the dynamic global growth of the XR industry, which includes virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, and future immersive technology. XRA provides a forum for industry networking and collaboration to assist in your XR product and services' development and success.MORE Facebook Followers 184Twitter Followers 5.5K Frequency 3 posts/week Domain Authority 38 Read Now Get Email Contact
4. Auganix.org
Blog https://www.auganix.org/category/news/virtual.. + Follow Blog
Auganix was established with an aim of being the go-to online provider of news articles, reporting, and analysis on the Augmented and Virtual Reality industry. Auganix provides industry reports and research material, as well as an ever-growing pool of knowledge and resources through our HUD portal. Get the latest Augmented Reality news, virtual reality news, and AR/VR industry business intelligence, reporting, and insight from Auganix.org.MORE Email ****@auganix.org
Facebook Followers 74 Frequency 3 posts/week Domain Authority 42 Read Now Get Email Contact
5. LEARN XR Blog
Blog https://blog.learnxr.io/ + Follow Blog
LearnXR is for anyone seeking to learn about extended reality technology, this platform focuses on all related to augmented reality and virtual reality technologies while utilizing the most up-to-date technologies available such as ARKIT, ARCore, Magic Leap, HoloLens, Oculus Devices, and others.MORE Email ****@learnxr.io
Twitter Followers 41.3K Frequency 3 posts/month Domain Authority 11 Read Now Get Email Contact
6. ArborXR Blog
Blog https://arborxr.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Welcome to ArborXR! A future where XR makes our lives richer. We're making it easy for companies to scale so that everyone can experience the power of XR. Our vision is to help people live more meaningful lives through the power of XR. To give them time to be more present. For purposeful work, deeper relationships, and a better world.MORE Email ****@arborxr.com
Facebook Followers 542Twitter Followers 340 Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 28 Read Now Get Email Contact
7. BrainXchange Blog
Blog https://www.brainxchange.com/enterprisewear-blog + Follow Blog
BrainXchange is a world-class conference organizer and digital content company in the emerging enterprise technology space, with a focus on AR/VR/MR (XR) and Metaverse technologies augmenting the workforce. Since 2015, BrainXchange has been helping companies connect to the people and partners they need to transform operations and empower today's workforce.MORE Email ****@brainxchange.com
Facebook Followers 279Twitter Followers 2.1KInstagram Followers 240 Frequency 2 posts/month Domain Authority 34 Read Now Get Email Contact
8. Kai XR Blog
Blog https://www.kaixr.com/blog + Follow Blog
Kai XR consists of a group of educators, dreamers, and technologists that decided to take an ambitious idea to fruition. Together, we are building the future of education to inspire the next generation of innovators. Our mission is to bridge the gap between technology and access while empowering students to build the future they want to see. In the blogs read about how educators, schools, and organizations are using 360 degree, AR, VR, and XR technology to empower students with skills for the future of work.MORE Email ****@kaixr.com
Twitter Followers 1.8KInstagram Followers 1.4K Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 29 Read Now Get Email Contact
9. Trigger XR
Blog https://www.triggerxr.com/press + Follow Blog
Trigger XR is the world's most experienced XR developer and agency. For over 14 years, we've been strategizing, building, and running XR solutions for the world's top brands, helping them to launch cutting-edge AR, VR, and immersive experiences while leading them into the metaverse. Our mission is to be the global leader for XR and the metaverse, helping the world's top brands reinvent their consumer experiences for the new 3D world.MORE Email ****@triggerxr.com
Facebook Followers 683Twitter Followers 1.5KInstagram Followers 555 Frequency 2 posts/month Domain Authority 38 Read Now Get Email Contact
10. XRHealth Blog
Blog https://www.xr.health/blog/ + Follow Blog
XRHealth is a virtual clinic that provides medical and therapeutic treatments via telehealth. Virtual reality (VR) therapy treatments are delivered via FDA-registered medical VR applications, guided by licensed therapists.MORE Email ****@xr.health
Facebook Followers 4.9K Frequency 2 posts/year Domain Authority 42 Read Now Get Email Contact
11. AR/VR Journey
Blog https://arvrjourney.com/tagged/virtual-reality + Follow Blog
AR/VR Journey is the best place to learn about AR & VR. They share the latest AR/VR news, info, tools, tutorials, ARkit, ARcore, and more. Learn all the trending latest, latest, up-to-date news on AR/VR on our page!MORE Facebook Followers 101 Frequency 1 post/month Domain Authority 43 Read Now Get Email Contact
12. XR Must
Blog https://xrmust.com/xrmagazine/ + Follow Blog
Welcome to XRMust, your online VR/AR/MR database providing a bunch of new XR experiences every day. XR Must is a leading educational resource for all things AR/VR and Wearables within the enterprise space.MORE Instagram Followers 1.8K Frequency 3 posts/week Domain Authority 30 Read Now Get Email Contact
13. Expand Reality Blog
Blog https://www.expandreality.io/blog + Follow Blog
Welcome to Expand Reality. Our mission is to help businesses like yours unlock the limitless potential of extended reality (XR) devices. Our transformative technology is empowering global firms to streamline processes, discover new cost savings, and collaborate remotely like never before. Join us on our exciting blog series where we dive deep into the Metaverse, explore cutting-edge technology, and make sense of our connected future.MORE Frequency 5 posts/week Domain Authority 13 Read Now
14. XReality Zone
Blog https://xreality.zone/en/tags/article/ + Follow Blog
XRealityZone is a community of creators focused on the XR field, and our goal is to make XR development easier! We hope to help aspiring creators who want to create and deepen their work in the XR world through in-depth articles and tutorials, simple but useful tools, and active but not noisy discussion groups.MORE Email ****@gmail.com
Frequency 2 posts/week Domain Authority 16 Read Now Get Email Contact
15. imaginXavr Blogs
Blog https://imaginxavr.com/blogs/ + Follow Blog
At imaginX, we don't just develop modern advancements like Augmented and Virtual reality, but we strive to make it easily usable across all Industry landscapes. Broadcasting services with cutting technology are not the solution but structuring them as a part of your everyday use and operations is the key to realizing the true return on investments. Our mission is to develop technology marvels in Augmented & Virtual Reality and make them easily usable across all industry landscapes.MORE Email ****@imaginxavr.com
Facebook Followers 62Twitter Followers 19 Frequency 1 post/quarter Domain Authority 10 Read Now Get Email Contact
16. XR Masters Blog
Blog https://xr-masters.com/news/ + Follow Blog
XR Masters was one of the first studios to develop HoloLens apps in 2016 and the company's main focus has been on XR technologies blended with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) since then. XR Masters is the creator of the MyGeoVerse platform, a spatial content management platform, which blends the real world with the digital one with the use of AR Cloud technology, enabling users not to only view and interact with augmented reality at its best but also create life-like, synchronous and interactive experiences.MORE Frequency 2 posts/month Domain Authority 15 Read Now Get Email Contact
17. Insightful3D Blog
Blog https://www.insightful3d.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
We are an expert team consisting of 3D modelers, illustrators, artists, software developers, photographers, and designers. We've created content for a wide range of clients, agency partners, and sectors in several industries both within and outside Nigeria. Read the blogs to find interesting tips and updates on the intersection of virtual reality, augmented reality, and your business.MORE Email ****@insightful3d.com
Facebook Followers 53Twitter Followers 37Instagram Followers 194 Frequency 3 posts/quarter Domain Authority 6 Read Now Get Email Contact
18. ARPost
Blog https://arpost.co/category/news/ + Follow Blog
ARPost is focused on providing you with the latest news, reviews, and opinions on XR technology - augmented reality, mixed reality, and virtual reality - and the metaverse. Explore the website and get to know about the latest Augmented reality and virtual reality news.MORE Facebook Followers 12.4KTwitter Followers 2.3KInstagram Followers 430 Domain Authority 48 Read Now Get Email Contact
19. Equal Entry » AR/VR/XR
Blog https://equalentry.com/category/ar-vr-xr/ + Follow Blog
Since 2012, Equal Entry has grown into a global company. While we are fluent in the most current international accessibility standards, our primary focus is on how people with disabilities actually use technology. We help our clients develop their products accordingly, and we believe this has been the main driver of our success. Get the latest trends and information on various applications of extended reality. From education to entertainment, AR/VR/XR blogs cover every industry that leverages XR technology.MORE Email ****@equalentry.com
Facebook Followers 219Twitter Followers 821 Frequency 1 post/quarter Domain Authority 38 Read Now Get Email Contact
20. XR Terra Blog
Blog https://www.xrterra.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
Founded in 2019 in response to the growing need for a structured, outcome-focused training program to educate aspiring XR professionals. We are a team of XR experts, edtech and worktech professionals, and passionate entrepreneurs that believe in creating impactful learning models for the digital world. XR Terra is on a mission to empower the next generation of XR talent through innovative programs and partnerships.MORE Email ****@xrterra.com
Facebook Followers 1.1KTwitter Followers 497Instagram Followers 771 Domain Authority 26 Read Now Get Email Contact
21. XR+
Blog https://xr.plus/news/ + Follow Blog
XR gathers a community of talents and experts in web xr as well as very advanced technologies. Our vision is built on the fact that human beings act much more on emotions than on objective reasons. To engage people, we need consequence adequate ways, and skills to create emotional experiences in which people have total control and keep their free will.MORE Email ****@xr.plus
Facebook Followers 411Twitter Followers 303 Domain Authority 29 Read Now Get Email Contact
22. Holopundits Blog
Blog https://www.holopundits.com/blog/ + Follow Blog
We enhance your experience through Extended Reality (XR) technologies We are a global leader in immersive technology solutions for education and enterprise markets. We enhance your experience through Extended Reality (XR) technologies including Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR).MORE Email ****@holopundits.com
Facebook Followers 388Twitter Followers 107Instagram Followers 80 Domain Authority 29 Read Now Get Email Contact
23. XR Guru Blog
Blog https://www.xrguru.com/blog + Follow Blog
XR Guru is a next-generation learning and training application designed to bring learning, content creation, and distribution together into one easy-to-use platform. We are a passionate team of educators, software developers, content creators, and designers focused on creating world-class XR content for the student community. XR Guru is our brainchild to unite students, teachers, schools, educational institutions, and content developers.MORE Email ****@holopundits.com
Facebook Followers 545Twitter Followers 107Instagram Followers 47 Domain Authority 15 Read Now Get Email Contact
Blog https://www.xrpedagogy.com/en/blog/ + Follow Blog
Our aim is to design a new pedagogy and solve real teaching problems by helping teachers, homeschoolers, and parents use XR technologies. We developed tutorials, courses, tools, and recommendations to ensure Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are used safely to empower your student's engagement. We also guide parents of homeschoolers in the use of XR.MORE Email ****@xrpedagogy.com
Facebook Followers 169Twitter Followers 190Instagram Followers 403 Frequency 2 posts/year Domain Authority 19 Read Now Get Email Contact
25. XR Labs
Blog https://xrlabs.co/insights/ + Follow Blog
We offer Augmented Reality development, Virtual Reality development, and Customer Experience Transformation services to enable your business to become a powerful identity in this digital era. XR Labs is on a mission to empower businesses to deliver digital experiences at scale. We are equipped to serve businesses belonging to niche industries and with specific business objectives.MORE Email ****@xrlabs.co
Facebook Followers 649Twitter Followers 46Instagram Followers 208 Domain Authority 15 Read Now Get Email Contact
26. Concannon XR Blog
Blog https://concannonxr.com/cxr-media-blog/ + Follow Blog
Concannon XR is dedicated to enabling businesses to create new experiences that delight, inform, and educate both customers and employees with XR technologies. We help companies in industries ranging from automotive to healthcare implement practical solutions with smart glasses, virtual reality, and augmented reality. Our focus is on designing, building, and deploying XR solutions that have an immediate ROI for skills training, remote assistance, and team collaboration.MORE Email ****@concannonxr.com
Facebook Followers 19Twitter Followers 10 Domain Authority 8 Read Now Get Email Contact
27. Sunrise XR
Blog https://www.sunrisexr.com/ + Follow Blog
At SunriseXR we create AR experiences that use QR codes to activate web-based AR. Your AR experience won't require an app download, customization across operating systems, or constant updates just to keep running. It's accessible to anyone, anywhere, on any device. From the very beginning, we built our XR platform to work anywhere on earth. We'll put our expertise to use to build an XR experience that performs equally well.MORE Email ****@sunrisexr.com
Frequency 3 posts/year Domain Authority 5 Read Now Get Email Contact
XR Bloggers
Blogger Name | Designation | Blog Link | |
Lana Shevchenko | Journalist | arvrjourney.com | |
Oren Chaimy | Author | arvrjourney.com | |
Victor Agulhon | Author | arvrjourney.com | |
Sam Sprigg | Contributor | auganix.org | |
Ashley Huffman | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Josh Chesler | Contributor | eonreality.com | |
Richie Chen | Contributor | eonreality.com | |
Howard Hall | Contributor | eonreality.com | |
Avi Sudelay | Contributor | eonreality.com | |
Oliver Sprigg | Contributor | auganix.org | |
Gavril Puskas | Contributor | auganix.org | |
Sinead Chloe | Contributor | auganix.org | |
Antonio Furioso | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Uzair Ali Awan | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Hermes | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Injy Sarhan | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Maria Murphy | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Shachar Oz | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Stefan Kojouharov | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Abdulmumin Solihu | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
A Smith | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Stephen Mciver | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Kumar Saurav | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Arborxr | Contributor | arborxr.com | |
Imaginxdm | Contributor | imaginxavr.com | |
Prabhuconsult | Contributor | imaginxavr.com | |
Pelé Gouda | Contributor | auganix.org | |
Wesley Campbell | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Shubham Gwalia | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Kyle Morrand | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Patrizia Castagno | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Pearl Pospiech | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Alexis Salinas Mark | Contributor | arvrjourney.com | |
Matthew Carrier | Contributor | concannonxr.com | |
Concannon Xr | Contributor | concannonxr.com |